Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

Reflektor Spotlight

UN ć e od 10. do 21. marta okupiti države članice i nevladine organizacije iz celog sveta kako bi razgovarali o aktuelnim izazovima i dostignuć ima na polju rodne ravnopravnosti

The UN will bring together member states and NGOs from around the world, from 10 th to 21 st March, to discuss the current challenges and achievements of gender equality

Živim svoj san svaki dan I live my dream every day Marta Ožegović kopilotkinja first officer

on with loved ones. The sky is my ele- ment and flying is freedom. It's a fee- ling that’s incomparable to anything else. Being a pilot is a combination of passion, discipline and teamwork, and that motivates me every day to do my best. Although flying has many nice moments, we also face challenges. Considering the nature of flying, we- ather conditions often require quick thinking and decision-making under pressure. Likewise, shift work, long- haul flights and frequent travel can be physically demanding. Still, every challenge motivates me to be better and to always learn. In dad’s footsteps I was fascinated by aeropla- nes already as a little girl, and I knew when watching my father the pilot that I also wanted to fly. Of course, the road to that goal wasn’t easy. This profession demands a lot of dedica- tion, study and sacrifice, but I didn’t quit. My love of flying, desire to reali- se myself in this profession, as well as the support I’ve had over the years, helped me to overcome all obstac- les. Air Serbia fulfilled all my expecta- tions – I fly an Airbus A320 aircraft, in my homeland, and thus represent my country around the world throu- gh a job that I love. Being a woman is wonderful We are characterised by our strength, courage and ability to hand- le challenges, which is why it’s fan- tastic to be a woman. We have the opportunity to be an inspiration – not only within our profession, but also further afield, providing support and empowering one another. I’m pro- ud of the women who entered avia- tion, such as Amelia Earhart, who la- id the foundations for the many of us who’ve followed her. Female pi- lots the world over are today continu- ing to write stories of success, coura- ge and innovation, from our female colleagues in other airlines to the lady astronauts and engineers who are shaping the future of aviation.

Međunarodni dan žena / International Women's Day

Moćne žene Er Srbije The mighty women of Air Serbia

Posao pilota za mene je pra- vo ostvarenje sna . Odrasla sam uz oca pilota, pa je letenje bi- lo prirodan deo mog života odma- lena. Taj san je postao moj cilj, a da- nas imam privilegiju da ga živim svaki dan. Za mene je najlepši deo ovog posla osećaj slobode i visine, kao i odgovornost koju nosim. Svaki let je novo iskustvo, sa različitim uslovima i izazovima, i to me inspiriše da stal- no učim i razvijam se. Prelepi pogledi sa visine, osećaj kontrole i sigurnosti, kao i mogućnost da budem deo ti- ma koji povezuje ljude i kulture širom sveta za mene su neprocenjivi. Svakog dana, kada krećem na posao, inspiraciju pronalazim u sve- sti da moj rad ima veliku vrednost – doprinosim nečijem putovanju, bilo da je to poslovni put, odmor, bilo po- novni susret sa voljenima. Nebo je moj element, a letenje je sloboda, to je osećaj koji je neuporediv ni sa čim. Posao pilota je kombinacija strasti, discipline i timskog rada, a to je ono što me svaki dan motiviše da dajem najbolje od sebe. Iako letenje ima mnogo lepih trenutaka, suočavamo se i sa iza- zovima. S obzirom na prirodu lete- nja, meteo-uslovi često zahtevaju brzo razmišljanje i donošenje odlu- ka pod pritiskom. Takođe, rad u sme- nama, dugotrajni letovi i česta puto- vanja mogu biti fizički zahtevni. Ipak, sve me to motiviše da budem bolja i da uvek učim. Tatinim stopama Još kao mala devojčica bila sam opčinjena avionima, a gledajući svog oca pilota, znala sam da želim i ja da letim. Naravno, put do toga nije bio lak. Ova profesija zahteva mno- go posvećenosti, učenja i odricanja, ali nisam se predavala. Ljubav prema letenju, želja da se ostvarim u ovoj

profesiji, kao i podrška koju sam imala tokom godina pomogle su mi da pre- vaziđem sve prepreke. Er Srbija je is- punila sva moja očekivanja – letim na avionu tipa „erbas A320“, u svojoj do- movini, i time kroz posao koji volim predstavljam svoju zemlju u svetu. Divno je biti žena Odlikuje nas snaga, hrabrost i sposobnost da se nosimo sa izazovi- ma i zato je fantastično biti žena. Ima- mo priliku da budemo inspiracija, ne samo unutar svoje profesije već i šire, pružajući podršku i osnažujući jedna drugu. Ponosna sam na žene koje su ušle u avijaciju, kao što je to bila Ame- lija Erhart. Danas pilotkinje širom sve- ta nastavljaju da pišu priče o uspehu, hrabrosti i inovaciji, od naših kolegini- ca u avio-kompanijama do astronaut- kinja i inženjerki koje oblikuju buduć- nost avijacije. The job of a pilot is a genuine dream come true for me . I grew up beside a pilot father, so flying was a natural part of my life from early chi- ldhood. That dream became my goal, and today I have the privilege of living it every day. The most beautiful part of this job for me is the feeling of freedom and al- titude, but also the responsibility that I bear. Every flight is a new experience, with differing conditions and challen- ges, and that’s something that inspires me to learn and develop myself con- stantly. The stunningly beautiful views from altitude, the feeling of control and security, as well as the opportunity to be part of a team that contributes to connecting people and cultures worl- dwide, are priceless to me. Every day, when I head to work, I find inspiration in the awareness that my work has great value - I contribute to someone’s journey, whether that’s a business trip, a holiday or a reuni-

Koleginicama u našoj kompaniji želim da se osećaju snažno i sposobno da osvoje sve visine kojima teže I wish for my female colleagues in our company to feel strong and capable of conquering all the heights to which they aspire

The world celebrates International Women's Day once again this 8 th March, this year under the theme “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment”. The UN is also calling for action in achieving equal rights and opportu- nities for all, and a future in which no one is left behind. In this spirit, Air Serbia is proud to present some of the fantastic la- dies who make the Serbian airline one of the best in the wor- ld - in every sense.

Ovog 8. marta svet slavi Međunarodni dan žena pod sloganom „Za sve žene i devojke: Prava. Jed- nakost. Osnaživanje.“, a Ujedinjene nacije pozivaju na akciju koja stvara jednaka prava i moguć nosti za sve, kao i buduć nost u kojoj niko nije skrajnut. U tom duhu Er Srbija sa ponosom predstavlja neke od svojih fantastič- nih dama koje čine srpsku avio-kompaniju jednom od najboljih u svetu – u svakom pogledu.

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