Reflektor / Spotlight
The beauty is in the combination of aviation and working with people
Ana Spremo zemaljsko opsluživanje / ground handling Ponosna sam na tradiciju i istoriju Er Srbije I’m proud of Air Serbia’s tradition and history
It was a little over 20 years ago that I took my first steps in the aviation industry, which had always attracted me because of its dyna- mism, and the very fact that our co- untry has one of the longest aviati- on traditions in Europe and that the Serbian aviation industry is among the 15 oldest in the world. That im- pressive statistic intrigued me back in my student days, which was also when I applied for the hiring drive, way back in 2004. I acquired the experience and knowledge I have today over the years, by working in various orga- nisational units – both operatio- nal units, where I gained my first knowledge, had direct contact wi- th passengers and developed my organisational and communication skills, and also in units where I parti- cipated and developed through im- portant corporate projects, gaining experience in strategic planning, systematic and analytical approa- ches – all with the aim of achieving corporate goals and the develop- ment of the company. The aviati- on industry is innovative in and of itself, and it dictates the standar- ds to which we, as individuals, must adhere if we are to remain consi- stent with the renown that Air Ser- bia has built. The dynamic surroundings in which I work are a fusion of my pre- vious operational, commercial and strategic experience. On the one
hand, I’m responsible for securing all types of ground handling contra- cts with service providers who are responsible for providing an adequ- ate service to passengers, bagga- ge and aircraft. On the other hand, together with my team, I conduct controls on the level of service. You can conclude from the aforemen- tioned that my job is very exciting and that every new day brings new challenges. sk entrusted to me very confiden- tly and believe that I justified the opportunities I’ve received at the company through my commitment and the results achieved. The company has provided me with knowledge and training with which I’ve managed to overcome obstac- les and achieve the company go- als required. I’m proud to be part of the Air Serbia and rejoice in its dai- ly successes. Women can do anything Women have exceptional emo- tional intelligence, are accustomed to showing emotions and aren’t as- hamed of them, while they empat- hise with situations and people. A woman is allowed to be both brave and fragile. I nonetheless choose to be brave, strong and ambitious; to learn from my failures and take ri- sks, but to have a clear plan. I rejoice in successes I have approached each ta-
Fulfilled expectations I didn’t expect to be in this spe- cific job today, but I knew that I wo- uld continue developing my career within the scope of the aviation in- dustry, and in one of the positions that represent a significant part of the passenger experience. I’ve tried to approach every job profes- sionally, responsibly and decisively, always aware that performing it su- ccessfully depends on my constant willingness to learn every day. Every job brings certain challenges with it, and it is through them that we de- velop, acquire new skills and grow professionally. Considering that I’ve been part of the national airline for nine years, it’s clear that Air Serbia has fulfilled my expectations. Air Serbia’s women are exceptional With their work, the ladies of our company provide an incalcu- lable contribution to development and progress. I’m proud to empha- sise the fact that, at Air Serbia to- day, we have female colleagues working in the positions of air- craft leader (captain) and first offi- cer, and that this number is increa- sing constantly. I want all of us to be persistent and tenacious in pursui- ng our ideas, and in the years ahe- ad to continue this exciting journey, which is certainly what working at Air Serbia is.
Alongside the dynamism of aviation, the beauty of our work is also reflected in working with pe- ople. It was those two factors, to the greatest extent, that influenced my decision to continue my profe- ssional development in the aviati- on industry. Every day brings new challenges, and solving and over- coming them successfully gives me both personal and professio- nal satisfaction. Corporate sales is a segment within the commer- cial department that defines and formalises cooperation with com- panies on the territory of the Re- public of Serbia and abroad. There is a wide spectrum of entities wi- th which we communicate on a da- ily basis before cooperation is esta- blished, ranging from domestic and foreign companies, via state and academic institutions, diplomatic and consular missions, to sporting associations. The essence of working in cor- porate sales is successfully conclu- ding negotiation processes to the mutual satisfaction of both parties, which we achieve through an indi- vidual approach to each client. We listen constantly to needs and de- fine the terms of cooperation, stri- ving always and continuously to en- sure the best possible experience of travelling with Air Serbia, which we are particularly dedicated to as a company.
kog iskustva. S jedne strane, nadlež- na sam za obezbeđivanje svih vrsta ugovora za zemaljsko opsluživanje sa pružaocima usluga koji su zadu- ženi da obezbede adekvatnu opslu- gu putnika, prtljaga i vazduhoplova. S druge strane, sa svojim timom vr- šim kontrolu nivoa pružene usluge. Iz navedenog možete zaključiti da je moj posao veoma uzbudljiv i da svaki novi dan donosi nove izazove. Radujem se uspesima Vrlo samouvereno sam pristu- pala svakom zadatku koji mi je po- veren i smatram da sam, svojim za- laganjem i ostvarenim rezultatima, opravdala poverenje koje mi je pru- žano u kompaniji. Kompanija mi je obezbedila adekvatna znanja i obu- ke kojima sam uspevala da preva- ziđem prepreke i ostvarim zahte- vane kompanijske ciljeve. Ponosna sam što sam deo kompanije Er Srbi- je i radujem se njenim svakodnevnim uspesima. Žene mogu sve Žene su izrazito emocionalno in- teligentne, navikle na emocije i ne stide ih se, saosećaju sa situacijama i ljudima. Ženi je dozvoljeno i da bude hrabra i da bude krhka. Ja ipak biram da budem hrabra, jaka i ambiciozna, da iz svojih neuspeha učim, da riziku- jem, ali da imam jasan plan.
Pre nešto više od 20 godina zakoračila sam u avio-industriju, ko- ja me je oduvek privlačila zbog svo- je dinamičnosti, a i same činjenice da naša zemlja ima jednu od najdu- žih tradicija u Evropi i da avio-indu- strija Srbije spada među 15 najstarijih na svetu. Taj impresivni podatak me je zaintrigirao još u studenskim dani- ma, kada sam se i sama prijavila na konkurs 2004. godine. Današnje iskustvo i znanje sam godinama sticala radeći u različi- tim organizacionim celinama, kako u operativnim, gde sam stekla svo- ja prva znanja, imala direktan kontakt sa putnicima, razvijala organizacio- ne i komunikativne veštine, tako i u celinama gde sam učestvovala i ra- sla kroz bitne korporatvne projekte, stekla iskustvo u strateškom planira- nju, sistematičkom i analitičkom pri- stupu, a sve u cilju realizacije korpo- rativnih ciljeva i razvoja kompanije. Avio-industrija je inovativna sama po sebi i diktira standarde kojima mora- mo da se prilagođavamo i mi poje- dinci kako bismo ostali dosledni re- nomeu koji je Er Srbija izgradila. Dinamično okruženje u kojem radim spoj je mog prethodnog ope- rativnog, komercijalnog i strateš-
Svim koleginicama želim da ka svojim ciljevima hrabro i dostojanstveno koračaju, baš kao naša Er Srbija I wish for all my colleagues to stride towards their goals with courage and dignity, just like our own Air Serbia
Svim koleginicama želim da i dalje budu uspešne u svojim poslovima i da neprekidno ostvaruju snove I wish for all my colleagues to continue to be successful in their jobs and to realise their dreams continuously
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