Moda / Fashion
Houndstooth pattern classic making a comeback Timeless, yet unpredictable
If fashion is a universal language, patterns represent its punctuation marks. While some motifs fizzle out and disappear, others re-emerge with freshness and new relevance
Lady Gaga
Blake Lively
T he case of the hound- stooth pattern — a fabric motif that has a rich history – recently experienced a comeback in contemporary fashion. This mi- cro-motif that has a specifically chic character and strikes a balance be- tween classical sophistication and youthful energy, with its small, al- ternating squares, is originally root- ed in Scottish tradition. However, the houndstooth pattern had be- come a favourite among European designers by the mid-20 th century, who added a touch of continental charm. It today adorns everything from perfectly tailored suits to ac- cessories, radiating a refined look. During the golden age of Hol- lywood, the houndstooth pattern found its place among both the stars of the silver screen and the Europe- an aristocracy. It was the pattern of choice for those wanting to balance elegance with an element of visual intrigue—timeless, yet never pre- dictable. Luxury fashion houses and emerging designers alike have redis-
covered the appeal of this pattern over the past few seasons, including it in designs for oversized blazers, struc- tured miniskirts and even accesso- ries like boots and handbags. When applied to details, houndstooth plays with perception – as a motif that in- vites closer inspection. The beauty of the houndstooth pattern lies in its adaptability. It can be styled to suit modern minimal- ism—think a structured hound- stooth blazer over a monochrome outfit—or paired with bolder tex- tures to create a more extravagant look. Houndstooth is the perfect in- troduction for those who are wary of prints, as it proves that the small- est details can sometimes make the greatest impression. With fashion continuing to fluc- tuate between nostalgia and inno- vation, the houndstooth pattern re- mains a testament to the enduring power of classic motifs. Its refined yet lively character guarantees that, while trends may come and go, this micro-motif will always find its way back to the forefront of fashion.
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