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Saturn takođe ulazi u ravnodnevicu svakog proleć a i jeseni, ali se to dešava svakih 15 Zemaljskih godina – sledeć a ć e biti 6. maja ove godine Saturn gets in on the equinox action too every spring and autumn, but it occurs around every 15 Earth years - the next one will take place on 6 th May this year

Stonehenge (England) Every year on the summer sol- stice, thousands of people travel to England, to visit Stonehenge, a place where, around 3000 B.C., humans arranged massive stones in a circle. The huge monument marks the re- lationship between the Sun and the seasons. On the dawning of the sum- mer solstice, the Sun rises directly above this mysterious prehistoric monument Machu Picchu (Peru) Machu Picchu is the transcend- ent City of the Incas. This archae-

tirely! This makes the stone a pre- cise indicator of the date of the two equinoxes. Chichen Itza (Mexico) The site today known as Chichén Itzá is where the Mayans built a huge pyramid around the year 1000AD, where the play of Sunlight on the structure signals the arrival of the seasons. For ex- ample, the light pattern resembles a snake on the spring equinox – a day the Mayans called “the return of the Sun serpent”. The Great Sphinx (Egypt) The famous pyramids and Sphinx of Ancient Egypt also have their time in the Sun, so to speak, with a peculiar phenomenon oc- curring on the spring and autumn equinoxes. If you stand directly in front of the Sphinx (facing it) at sunset on the date of either equi- nox, as the Sun nears the horizon, you’ll observe it settle directly on- to the Sphinx’s right shoulder. At this angle, the Sun also sits behind the Sphinx at the southern corner of the Pyramid of Khafre.

ological site is perched atop a sa- cred mountain overlooking the Urubamba Valley in Peru, where the giant Intihuatana Stone, mean- ing “place to tie up the sun” stands. Amazingly, the stone is perfectly positioned so that each corner sits at the four cardinal points of the compass and at an angle of about 13 degrees northward. The stone usually casts a shifting shadow over the course of the day, like any other struc- ture. However, precisely at noon on the spring or autumn equinox, the Sun’s shadow disappears en-

Solsticije su ekstremne tačke kada se Zemljina osa naginje ka Suncu ili od njega – kada su dani i noć i najduži ili najkrać i The solstices mark the extreme points as Earth’s axis tilts towards or away from the sun – when days and nights are at their longest or shortest

96 | Proleće » Spring

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