Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia



Samsung Galaxy S25 serija „Samsung“ je započeo godinu u velikom stilu, predstavljanjem no- vih „flagship“ telefona „Galaxy S25“ serije. Brend ističe da je najnovi- ja generacija ovih AI-pokretnih Android uređaja osmišljena da „funda- mentalno promeni način na koji korisnici komuniciraju sa svetom“. Kao i kod većine tehnoloških brendova u 2025, AI je ključni fokus, a „Ga- laxy S25“ serija nadograđuje najbolje funkcije iz prošlogodišnjih mo- dela. U središtu novih telefona nalazi se „Snapdragon 8 Elite Mobile Platform for Galaxy“, prilagođena verzija trenutno najmoćnijeg čipse- ta dostupnog za Android uređaje. Samsung Galaxy S25 series Samsung entered the year in great style, with the introduction of its new Galaxy S25 series of flagship telephones. The brand highlights that this latest generation of AI-powered Android devices is designed to “fundamentally shift the way users interact with the world”. As with the majority of tech brands in 2025, AI is a key focus with Samsung, and the Galaxy S25 series builds on the top features included in last year’s models. At the heart of these new phones is the Snapdragon 8 Elite Mobile Platform for Galaxy, a customised version of the most powerful chipset available for Android devices.

Leica M11 limited edition series Leica is commemorating the cente- nary of the launch of its original Lei- ca I model and paying tribute to its own heritage by presenting the lim- ited-edition Leica M11 100 YEARS OF LEICA model. This special com- memorative version of the legendary rangefinder camera comes in an ex- clusive glossy black finish and is avail- able in six different country-specif- ic versions, each limited to just 100 units. This camera stands out thanks to unique engravings and exclusive serial numbers that make it extreme- ly desirable among collectors and photography enthusiasts. This model combines Leica’s signature precision and superior craftsmanship, while celebrating the brand’s huge impact on the history of photography.

Leica M11 limitirana serija Obeležavajući vek od lansiranja modela „Leica I“, brend odaje počast svom nasleđu predstavljanjem li- mitirane edicije „Leica M11 100 YEARS OF LEICA“. Ova posebna jubilarna verzija legendarnog „range- finder“ foto-aparata dolazi u ekskluzivnom sjajnom crnom finišu i dostupna je u šest različitih verzija specifičnih za određene zemlje, pri čemu je svaka ograničena na samo 100 primeraka. Izdvaja se je- dinstvenim gravurama i ekskluzivnim serijskim brojevima, što je čini izuzetno poželjnom među kolek- cionarima i ljubiteljima fotografije. Ovaj model kombinuje prepoznatljivu „Leica“ preciznost i vrhunsku izradu, istovremeno slaveći ogroman uticaj brenda na istoriju fotografije.

CASETiFY x The Andy Warhol Foundation „CASETiFY“ i „The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts“ predstavili su potpuno novu kolekciju koja slavi neka od najpoznatijih Vorholovih dela. U ovoj saradnji njegova umetnost se transformiše u tehnološke dodatke, odajući po- čast stvaralaštvu, nasleđu i kulturnom uticaju. Vodeći proizvod kolekcije je „An- dy Warhol Banana Collectible Phone Case“, zaštitna maska nadahnuta le- gendarnim delom „Banana“. Kolekciju upotpunjuju „Andy Warhol Banana Peel Case“, interaktivna maska koja se može oljuštiti kako bi otkrila vibrantni ružiča- sti plod, i „Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Collectible Earbuds Case“, koji odaje počast njegovoj slavnoj seriji.

gedžeti / gadgets Budućnost u vašim rukama The future in your hands Od pametnih telefona do luksuznih slušalica. Ovo su najnoviji haj-tek trendovi / From smartphones to luxury headphones, here are the latest high-tech trends

Tekst / Words: Ivan Radojčić

Honor x Porsche Design Magic7 RSR „Honor“ i „Porsche Design“ predstavili su najnoviji proizvod nastao iz njihove kreativne saradnje – „Porsche Design Ho- nor Magic7 RSR smartphone“, ili jednostavno „Magic7 RSR“. To je „ultra-premium“ reinterpretacija „Honor“ – ovog novog „flagship“ modela „Magic7 Pro“ i predstavlja treću saradnju ova dva brenda, nakon prošlogodišnjeg „Magic V2 RSR“. Očekivano, veštačka inteligencija (AI) u središtu je novog modela, a „Honor“ ga opisuje kao „ogroman isko- rak u AI mobilnoj tehnologiji“. Honor x Porsche Design Magic7 RSR Companies Honor and Porsche Design have presented the latest product resulting from their creative collaboration: the PORSCHE DESIGN HONOR Magic7 RSR smartphone, or simply Magic7 RSR. The device is billed as an “ultra-pre- mium” reinterpretation of Honor’s newly announced flag- ship Magic7 Pro smartphone and represents the third col- laboration between the two brands, following last year’s Magic V2 RSR. As is to be expected, AI is at the heart of this new model, which Honor describes as a “huge leap forward in AI-enabled mobile technology”.

Bose Ultra Open Earbuds „Bose“ je predstavio četvorku novih boja u svojoj „clip-on“ liniji „Ultra Open Ear- buds“, donoseći svež i razigran kolorit kako bi oterao sive zimske tonove. Lan- sirani u februaru prošle godine, „Bose“-ove prve otvorene bubice postale su izuzetno popularne. Dizajnirane kao alternativa tradicionalnim „in-ear“ slušali- cama, ove bubice se kače na uši poput mini ličnih zvučnika, umesto da ulaze di- rektno u ušni kanal. Zahvaljujući tom dizajnu, savršene su za one koji žele prirod- ni „transparency mode“, omogućavajući korisnicima da istovremeno uživaju u muzici i budu svesni zvukova iz okruženja, jer ne blokiraju spoljašnju buku. Bose Ultra Open Earbuds Bose has presented a quartet of new colour options for its line of clip-on Ultra Open Earbuds, bringing fresh and playful hues to chase away winter’s grey tones. Bose’s first open earbuds were launched in February 2024 and proved extreme- ly popular. Designed as an alternative to traditional in-ear buds, these ones are clipped to the ears and function like mini personal speakers, rather than directly entering the ear canal. The design renders these ear buds perfect for those want- ing a natural “transparency mode”, enabling users to simultaneously enjoy mu- sic while remaining aware of sounds in their surroundings because these earbuds don’t block external noise.

CASETiFY x The Andy Warhol Foundation CASETiFY and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts have unveiled a completely new collection celebrating some of Warhol’s most famous works. This collaboration transforms Warhol’s art into tech accessories, thus paying homage to his creativity, legacy and influence on culture. The collection’s lead piece is the Andy Warhol Banana Collectible Phone Case, inspired by his leg- endary “Banana” works. Complementing the collection are the Andy Warhol Banana Peel Case, an interactive case that can be peeled away to reveal a vi- brant pink fruit, and the Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Collectible Earbuds Case, which pays homage to his celebrated series of artworks.

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