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Knights of the road ride for Dylan White

Roll out! The Knights of the Inferno Firefighters Motorcycle Club rallied Saturday morning for Dylan’s Journey, a day-long ride around Prescott-Russell and rural Ottawa to help raise funds for a local youth stricken with a serious brain injury, and also raise public awareness for support of Acquired Brain Injury research. —photo Gregg Chamberlain


DylanWhite is a Clarence-Rockland area youth who suffered severe injury to his head and body after a 70-foot fall from the roof of a grain bin in June 2015. He is undergoing treatment for all of his injuries, including those affecting his brain, but the cost for both the surgeries and therapy, plus renovating the family home tomake it better accessible for him, is proving expensive for the family. The KIFFMC rally, around the Prescott- Russell and rural Ottawa area over the April 29 weekend, had two goals. First was to raise money to help Dylan White and his fam- ily, and second is to raise public awareness about the need for more support for Ac- quired Brain Injury research (ABI). “This is just incredible,” said JohnWhite, Dylan’s father, during a thank-you speech. “When it (ABI) affects the very young, the young need some extra help. The brain can rewire itself in amazing ways. It just needs a bit of help. God bless you all.” Cormack later described the final re- sults of the rally as “very successful” and confirmed that the club will make a special presentation to DylanWhite’s family onMay 13 in Embrun.

A posse of modern-day knights rode out Saturdaymorning fromEmbrun, to help a Prescott-Russell youth and his family and to also help promote awareness about the need formore research on treating injuries to the brain. Dozens upon dozens of riders, mounted on Harleys, Hondas, Yamahas, Kawasakis, and every other make andmodel of motor- cycle, rolled out of the Notre-Dame Street parking lot area near the Embrun clubhouse of the Knights of Inferno Firefighters Motor- cycle Club (KIFFMC). More than 200 riders answered the call for a regional road rally in support of Dylan White. “Every year we try helping fundraise for something different,” said Dave “Repo” Cor- mack, president of the club’s Ontario Capital Central Chapter.This one is my wife’s baby, after she met with Dylan’s mother.” “She came into where I work,” said So- nia “Vixen” Morin. We got to talking about Dylan, and I’m thinking that I’d like to help out as much as I can.”

La Société historique du canton de Cumberland est heureuse de vous présenter sa nouvelle publication « Regards sur le canton de Cumberland : – Avorum Honori – En l’honneur de nos aïeux ». Lancé en octobre 2016, ce livre rend hommage à l’histoire des 200 ans de l’ancien canton, grâce aux récits et aux photographies provenant de plusieurs collaborateurs de la région. Le livre est disponible en français et en anglais (sous le titre Glimpses of Cumberland ) au prix de 30 $ taxes incluses aux points de vente suivants :

Maintenir l’histoire et lepatrimoine du canton deCumberland

Boulangerie Black Walnut 979, rue Cameron, Cumberland

Magasin J.T. Bradley 1220, chemin Colonial, Navan

Épicerie Péladeau 5877, chemin Buckland, Vars

Vous pouvez aussi vous procurer le livre par la poste au prix de 38 $ (incluant les taxes, les frais de postes et manutention) , en communiquant avec : La Société historique du canton de Cumberland, a/s Gilles Chartrand, 1157, rue Laurier, Rockland (Ontario) K4K 1J5 Courriel : Tél.: 613-446-5086 ou 613-446-7319

DylanWhite lui-même voyage avec son compagnon pour la journée, Bertrand Labonté, du K nights of the Inferno Firefighters Motorcycle Club . Tous deux, de concert avec plus de 200 autres motocyclistes, ont parcouru Prescott-Russell et les régions rurales d’Ottawa, le 29 avril dernier, pour amasser de fonds et sensibiliser le public face à la recherche sur les lésions cérébrales acquises. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

Sur demande, avec l’achat de Regards sur Cumberland , la Société peut ajouter « Dômes de Navan » pour 10 $ (prix rég. 20 $), une brochure bilingue détaillant l’histoire des dômes qui se trouvent sur le terrain de la Foire de Navan depuis 1984. Les deux publications sont aussi des cadeaux idéals pour les amis et les membres de la famille !

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