Y10 Bulletin 28.02.25

Welcome to this week's bulletin with all the latest news for Year 10.

28 FEBRUARY 2025 Y9 Myth & Voice Workshop - 4 March Y12 Fashion Visit to V&A Museum - 4 March Y10 Stem Fair & Stem Talk with Imperial College - 5 March Y12 MFL Scoop Competition - Thursday 6 March WEEKLY BULLETIN HOLIDAYS & NATIONAL DAYS ENJOY - ACHIEVE - EMPOWER KEY SCHOOL DATES It has been lovely welcoming students back after the half term break. I hope that you all enjoyed the holiday. Our skiers had a wonderful time in Austria, enjoying fabulous conditions and fantastic hospitality. Now as we settle into the new half-term, it is lovely to feel spring is on its way. HEADTEACHER’S MESSAGE


~ Ms Tongue, Headteacher Tonight we are holding our annual Friends of Waldegrave Quiz Night, tickets will be available to buy on the door from 6.30 for a 7pm start. I am very much looking forward to seeing you there for a really fun event. We have held a number of events for parents and carers this week. On Tuesday Mr Bannister led an information evening for Year 12 students and families about applying for Oxbridge, on Wednesday we held our Year 7 Parents Consultation Meetings and last night we hosted an Exam Stress Workshop, led by the Mental Health Support Team. I do hope these evenings have been informative; I am sure they will have been the catalysts for many conversations at home. This weekend marks the start of Ramadan. We hope that this is a joyous and peaceful time for all who are observing the holy month. We wrote to you yesterday to explain how we will be supporting students who will be fasting, please do get in touch if you have any queries. Our Year 11 and Year 13 students began their final set of mock exams this week, alongside Year 11 Music students who completed their solo assessed performances. We have been impressed with the students’ conscientious and mature attitude to learning. I would like to remind Year 9 parents and carers that students’ GCSE option choices should be submitted by next Wednesday 5 March.

Women’s History Month National Careers Week 3-8 March

Shrove Tuesday - Tuesday 4 March World Book Day - Thursday 6 March

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send us your achievement stories and photos to share by email to

info@waldegravesch.org STAY CONNECTED WITH US:


This week is Eating Disorder Awareness Week and right now, at least 1.25 million people in the UK are living with an eating disorder. Eating problems can have many signs. The Charlie Waller Trust’s ABCDE framework can help with spotting signs of an eating problem. Absence: A child with an eating problem may not show up for food-related activities. Body: They may worry obsessively about the shape of their body. Control: They may be compulsively in control, or out of control, of food. Diet: They might radically change their diet. Exercise: They may exercise excessively or obsessively.

A little help goes a long way... click below to see how you can support our school CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT

For more information and advice sign up to their free online workshops.

Richmond Borough is also running some upcoming parent workshops about online safety, including AI & deepfakes, online spaces and internet addiction. Spaces are still available on the webinar scheduled for 10am on 21st March, which you can book here and the in person session at Kingston Guildhall at 10am on 7th March, which can be booked here.


It has been great to welcome back our students for a brand new half-term. I hope that Year 10 had a restful and restorative break and that those students who went on the ski trip over the February break enjoyed themselves - especially those learning to ski for the very first time! In tutor time this week on a Tuesday we have now moved on to ‘Life Skills’ where students learn about topics such as managing finances, taxes and what the government spends taxes on in the UK. Hopefully they have found this informative and useful! Congratulations to 10ERU for winning the tutor time quiz last half-term and well done to 10PGU for coming top of the epraise leaderboard. Great work to everyone who tried hard in the quiz and those who earned epraise points! A reminder that our uniform policy allows students to wear only one stud in each ear. Necklaces can be worn but should not be seen. Any jewellery that is seen will be confiscated if it is not in line with our school policy. This then gets returned to the student at each holiday break. Fake eyelashes and painted nails are also not permitted. Please can you take time this weekend to ensure your child/ren are aware of these rules and remove any polishes, eyelashes or additional jewellery. Thank you in advance for your support and enjoy your weekend.



‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins

In a dystopian future, the capital holds annual games where one boy and one girl (aged 12-18) from each of the 12 districts is chosen to fight to the death in an arena. The games are televised and shown across the country as a reminder to the labourers in the district that they are powerless against the capital. When Katniss’ sister has her name called during the annual reaping, Katniss volunteers to take her place as a daring act of sacrifice. The contrast between the glamour of the capital and the harsh conditions of the districts is an eye opening com- mentary on the dangers of political corruption and capitalism.

- Isla S, Year 11

Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to KS4@waldegravesch.org Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 10 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS

FRIDAY MATHS PUZZLE Our learning focus for tutor time on Fridays this term is mathematics, with the maths department setting some thought provoking brain teasers each week for pupils to grapple with. Many maths puzzles enhance logical reasoning. When playing maths puzzles, children need to follow a set of specific rules or steps, to come up with the correct answer. This process helps children to organise their thoughts. Please have a go at this week’s problem, talk to your child about how they approached it and what the solutions were. We hope you enjoy these at home as much as the students have enjoyed them with their form!





25.02.25 28.02.25

Y7/8 Netball vs Orleans Park


Y8 Netball Tournament A&B - LEH

4th place

Our Year 7 and Year 8 Netball teams both had matches against Orleans Park School on Tuesday. This was a tough first match for our Year 7s as they enter the Cup League. Coming straight back from half term and with no training prior to dust off the cob webs, it took the team until the 3rd quarter to fully gel and put in a massive defensive effort. They showed strong team work, reflective ability and adaptability between positions. POM - Lily K-J. Our Year 8 Team also showed great teamwork and resilience but were defeated on this occasion. Captain Daisy G was very proud of the team and Bella F was awarded player of the match. Today our Year 8 Netball A & B Teams gave a fantastic effort in a tournament against LEH. While our A team got knocked out in the pool stages, the B team went through to the semi finals but were knocked out by hosts LEH who went on to win the torunament. Our B team finished in 4th place


Great efforts this week from all our players and some fantastic netball played!

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