In Partnership booklet 2024 Social Impact Report Digital

1 In Partnership 2024 Social Impact Report




Educational Partnerships

Southwark Schools' Learning Partnership School Centered Initial Teacher Training Southwark Community Educational Charity


10-11 12-13 14-17

E-ACT City Heights Academy

At a Glance...

Dulwich Wood Primary School

18-19 20-23 24-29

Service Engagement Our Other Partnerships

Shared Facilities

25th Camberwell Scouts and Dulwich Explorers

30 31

Higher Education and Careers

Subsidised Events


Partnerships form an integral part of Dulwich College’s Strategic Development Plan. More details can be found in our Annual Report and Accounts.


Bursaries We are a school of access. Our aspiration is that one day Dulwich will be a “needs blind” school, and open to all those who can benefit, regardless of their ability to pay fees. Our philanthropic focus is on the provision of transformational places, meaning fee support of 75-100%. Today we provide nearly six times as many free places as we did ten years ago.

“There is a direct, tangible impact that receiving financial support in the form of a bursary has had on me. It's there in all my work as I help to shape places, towns and cities, and inspire people today" CJ Obi, alumnus , UCL graduate (Urban Planning, Design and Management) and founder of Urbanist Platform that inspires young people from underrepresented backgrounds to work in the built environment.

£4.8m was spent on bursaries and the support of bursary-holders last year

“I will always remember my incredible educational journey at Dulwich College, which provided me with opportunities as diverse as going on sport tours, being a school magazine editor and being a Young Leader at Scouts.” Dan

Impact The impact of a bursary is felt way beyond the life and experience of the individual recipient. That is why schools’ Bursary Funds are enthusiastically supported by parents and alumni who both recognise the benefits social diversity in the pupil body bring for the wider community. Our commitment to access is a key reason why parents choose Dulwich College. A diverse community enriches the educational experience for everyone and fosters empathy, and adaptability. It brings together individuals with different perspectives, backgrounds and life experiences, preparing them to flourish in an interconnected global community.

Bursaries in numbers Spending on bursaries has more than doubled since 2013:

214 boys are in receipt of bursaries

125 boys receive full bursaries (100%)

167 boys receive deep bursaries (75%+)

11 boys from Ukraine are in receipt of bursaries

We are committed to ensuring those on funded places have the same Dulwich experience as their peers; funding is available for lunches, coach travel, music lessons, uniforms, stationery, and trips.




Southwark Schools’ Learning Partnership Southwark Schools’ Learning Partnership (SSLP) is a long-standing collaboration between local schools, in which we, the College, play a significant part. In 2023-24 the scheme involved 18 schools: four independent schools and 14 schools from the maintained sector. Marcus Huntley, Principal of The Charter School Bermondsey (formally Compass School Southwark), is a Co-Director of the SSLP.

Aspiring Leaders The annual Aspiring Leaders series of events brings together staff from across the SSLP schools. The SSLP enables teachers to explore their passion for their specialist subjects, to exchange views about educational issues, to undertake professional development training, and to share good practice. Each year, the Aspiring Leaders series focuses on a different area of leadership. The series has included the topics of Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders, Pastoral Leaders, and Leadership and Neurodiversity. The series of events always concludes with a celebration and networking dinner to further develop the links and opportunities between staff. We jointly funded the professional development of SSLP Aspiring Pastoral Leaders. Over the four sessions, 76 attendees were from Dulwich College, 45 were from state schools and 37 were from other independent schools. Oxbridge Support We increased our Oxbridge support by offering five 10-week online preparation courses in English, Economics, History, Maths and Engineering, which were taken up by 66 pupils from state schools. We also conducted 40 additional mock Oxbridge interviews for pupils applying for other subjects and conducted 11 mock medicine interviews.

SSLP Student Council and Student Voice Annual Projects Each of the SSLP schools nominate two Year 10 students as SSLP Ambassadors to be part of the collaborative SSLP Student Council. The Council receive student leadership training at the start of the academic year to support them during their year in post. The Council meet once per term via Zoom. They take on responsibility for delivering, hosting and leading on the range of SSLP events and activities. Each year the Student Council decide on a theme for the Student Voice project. These projects have focused on themes such as mental health, sustainability, and neurodiversity. Working together on action projects across the year, the Student Voice projects are then launched as part of a celebration event with the SSLP schools and community. Every year the projects make a significant difference both in terms of the creation of practical resources, raising understanding and awareness, and encouraging student-led initiatives across the Southwark schools.

Thinking About Lecture Series The Local Partnerships Coordinator, with support of the staff Champions and student ambassadors, continued to facilitate the lecture series Thinking About . Host schools welcome visitors from all SSLP schools, and themselves visit other schools as part of the series. With the help of their teachers, hosts design and lead a workshop exploring the themes of the talk that will follow. Each session concludes with a Q&A. Having been online during the pandemic, Thinking About lectures are now live and in-person. These included a Black History Month event with Baroness Floella Benjamin (a previous Governor of the College), and College alumnus Dr Adam Kay.

Young Economists Conference The SSLP flagship event was the Young

Economists Conference at the start of July 2023 when 81 state and 56 independent school pupils joined 77 Dulwich College pupils for a day of talks, workshops and competitions relating Economics to the theme of Sustainability.



Educational Partnerships

Careers Events and So You Want To Be Webinar Series This series provides Key Stage 3 students with opportunities to talk about careers involving engineering, science, energy, media, creative arts, and the civil service. The organisation of these webinars has been embraced by careers advisors from a range of SSLP schools, empowering their students to take a hosting role. In addition to this webinar series, there have been career events and fairs aimed at Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students, including the Courses and Careers Convention at Dulwich College. Along with over 30 universities from the UK and overseas, students had the opportunity to speak with companies, professionals and College alumni as they explored options for their future. A full seminar programme during the event covered everything from university admissions to interview skills, medical school applications to the benefits of studying languages. Trip to Canberra Grammar School Two students from the SSLP schools have the opportunity to embark on a residential trip to Canberra Grammar School, funded by the British Australia Society Educational Trust (BASET) as part of their Pioneer Award scheme. We, at Dulwich, facilitated an application process, shortlisted and interviewed pupils in preparation for their interview by BASET for final selection. Each year there are a record number of applicants for this wonderful opportunity.

El bienestar importa

Haz que se te oiga Las ideas pueden consumirte por dentro. Déjalas salir.

Listen to the answer You can never ask ‘Hey, how are you?’ too many times.

No estás solo.

Descargar la serie de seis gratis aquí

You are not alone.

Das Wohlbefinden ist wichtig!

Le bienêtre est important

Wellbeing Posters During his time as Wellbeing Prefect at the College, Charles Bird decided that he wanted to leave clear messaging with the students around ways to support their wellbeing. His solution was to create a series of six posters that could be displayed across the College campus. They include helpful, simple messages each with the tagline ‘you are not alone’. This initiative was taken further when it was decided to translate the posters in Spanish, French, German, Italian and Chinese through working with students from across the SSLP. With support from The Stephen Spender Trust, The Chartered Institute of Linguistics and ISMLA, the posters are available to be downloaded and displayed so that the importance of wellbeing in schools can be shared across the partnership of schools.

Music We hosted a creative music workshop with 40 students from five of the Charter Trust schools – Charles Dickens Primary School, The Belham, Lyndhurst Primary School, Dulwich Hamlet and Charter North Dulwich. As well as impromptu performances, students learned a piece from a new composition and then performed it together in the Great Hall. Dulwich College History Society hosted Edmund de Waal (author and artist) and welcomed 40 state school students to his talk that focused on the research process behind his bestselling book, The Hare with the Amber Eyes.

Der erste Schritt kann schwierig sein. Mach ihn aber!

La communication est essentielle Ne te tais pas. Fais entendre ta voix Parles-en

Du hast das Recht, Hilfe zu erhalten.

Du bist nicht allein.

Tu n’es pas seul.

Lade kostenlos alle 6 Poster hier herunter:

Télécharge gratuitement le lot de 6 posters ici:

Xīnlǐ jiànkāng hěn zhòngyào. 心理健康很重要。

Le bienêtre est important

求助吧! Qiúzhù ba! 你的一举一动会有不可预 料的影响。 Nǐ de yījǔyīdòng huì yǒu bù kě yùliào de yǐngxiǎng.

Sois gentil avec les gens On ne sait jamais ce que quelqu’un peut traverser

Contact and Nathalie Whittington, SSLP Co-ordinator

Lumina Mentoring We successfully piloted a scheme of high-impact tutoring sessions for looked-after children in partnership with Wandsworth Virtual School and under the aegis of Lumina Mentoring. The programme aims to improve educational progress, attainment and enrichment for young people, especially those facing significant disadvantage. Sessions were carried out by our staff in Mathematics, Science, and English.

你不是一个人。 Nǐ búshì yīgè rén.

Tu n’es pas seul.

请免费下载这六个海报: Qǐng miǎnfèi xiàzǎi zhè liù ge hǎibào.

Télécharge gratuitement le lot de 6 posters ici:



Educational Partnerships

SCITT: School Centred Initial Teacher Training We proudly participate in the national SCITT programme and have trained more than 130 Mathematics, Physics and Modern Foreign Languages teachers via the programme over the past five years. We provide 54 periods of teacher remission for the subject leads and mentors for the two SCITTs, equivalent to 1.35 of a full-time teacher, and fund a SCITT Administrator.

Modern Languages SCITT We, Dulwich, are the largest of eight regional hubs for the Modern Foreign Languages SCITT (NML), and mentored and trained 10 trainees who completed placements at both state and independent schools in the south London area. All 10 completed their training and secured teaching positions, with three in independent schools, and seven in state schools.

National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers (NASBTT) Mentor Training With the new ITT framework coming into effect in 2024, and increased training required for mentors, we have delivered a series of six NASBTT Mentor Training sessions designed to help existing and potential mentors reach the threshold of training required. Over the course of this academic year, in the region of 50 attendees will have benefitted from this free CPD, with attendees from 14 external schools, as well as our own College staff.

Partnership with Roehampton University We have developed a partnership with the University of Roehampton, London, which will expand its ITT provision, launching new courses for the 2024-25 academic year in Economics and Business, Chemistry, Biology and Computing. “So many experienced and talented people have supported me in getting this far. There’s a real desire to help career-changers make a successful transition into teaching.” Louisa Passmore, Dulwich College NMAPS Physics Trainee

Mathematics and Physics SCITT The largest of nine regional Hubs for the National Mathematics and Physics SCITT (NMAPS), we recruited, trained and arranged school placements in state and independent schools for 12 Maths and five Physics teachers in 2022-2023. All 17 trainee teachers completed training, and all but one secured teaching positions, six in independent schools and 10 in state schools.

Further training days are planned for 2024-25.

Contact Dr Cameron Pyke, Deputy Master External



Educational Partnerships

SCEC: Southwark Community Educational Charity Southwark Community Educational Charity (SCEC) is a registered charity that operates enrichment classes at Dulwich Foundation Schools for pupils at participating state primary schools in Southwark, Lambeth and Lewisham. Saturday School In 2022-23 we ran two of the SCEC schemes, using our facilities to deliver a Science and a Creative course. The participating schools are engaged because of their close proximity to us in south London and high pupil premium – 30% of pupils participating in the Science course and 50% of pupils on the Creative course were classified as high pupil premium. The schemes are open to children of all abilities and were selected by the participating schools.

Science Scheme The Michaelmas Science scheme, held at the College on nine Saturday mornings, introduced 54 Year 5 children from 11 local primary schools to practical laboratory science.

Creative Scheme The Spring Creative scheme ran for nine weeks on Saturday mornings at Dulwich College. In 2023 it was expanded to offer two groups; 21 children from nine primary schools took part and learned different art techniques, boosting their confidence ahead of the transition to secondary school.The Creative scheme also funds external practitioners from, for example, the De Morgan Foundation.

The scheme aims to stimulate pupils’ interest in science and boost their confidence before their move to secondary school. Classes are held in the Laboratory, our fully equipped science facility, and pupils are introduced to some basic concepts of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and to the principles of the scientific method. Nine pupil mentors from the College also attended the sessions to provide support and encouragement to the younger pupils.

When hosting a Saturday School scheme, we support SCEC by providing facilities, equipment, refreshments and fully trained members of staff to oversee the scheme on Saturday mornings. We further provide SCEC with gratis legal support, one day per week of administrative support and payroll services, and two trustees, our Deputy Master External and Head of Junior School, to sit on the board of the Charity and oversee its safeguarding and strategic direction.

Scan the QR code to hear from Saturday School students.

Contact Dr Cameron Pyke, Deputy Master External



Educational Partnerships

E-ACT City Heights Academy We have been an educational partner of the Academy since it opened in September 2013, supporting the Academy’s educational work and carrying on joint activities that benefit both schools through shared experience and good practice.

Mathematics Each week, Year 13 College mathematicians delivered extension tasks to high achieving Year 9 students at City Heights.

We have provided an experienced Maths teacher to the Academy on a weekly basis throughout 2022-23.

“It’s a nice experience for the students on both sides. It’s just fun really. I enjoy it.” Year 13 Dulwich College pupil and Maths mentor

A joint bid from the College and the Academy secured five years’ funding from the Worshipful Company of Actuaries for Mathematics enrichment at the Academy, money that has been spent on one-to-one tutoring, resources and supporting children with SEND.

Scan the QR code to meet the City Heights community.

“The positive impact you've had on their academic performance and, more importantly, their confidence in their mathematical abilities, is nothing short of transformative. I am thrilled to inform you that as a result of your efforts, all the students are now performing above target in math.”

The Worshipful Company of Actuaries for Mathematics enrichment has also funded a series of Year 9 Saturday Royal Institute Maths Masterclasses (interactive workshops exploring mathematics beyond the curriculum). These sessions bring together 60 students from City Heights and other local schools, led by our Dulwich teachers and by guest speakers with support from the Academy’s staff.

City Heights Academy E-ACT

Scan the QR code to see our maths initiatives.

Alecia Watson, Head of Mathematics, City Heights



Educational Partnerships

Modern Foreign Languages There is a strong Portuguese community in the local area and a quarter of City Heights pupils speak the language fluently. In order to capitalise on this skillset, students from both schools were brought together to complete a Language Leaders Award.

Science Our Science teachers delivered 12 practical sessions to two classes of 15 Year 8 pupils in the Lower School laboratory.

“A refreshing opportunity to create practical-focused lessons centred around inquiry and exploration without the constraints of the curriculum.”

Year 13 scientists assisted with these Year 8 practical lessons as well as revision sessions for Year 11.

Alice Millward, Biology teacher, Dulwich College.

“When I started, my voice was sometimes very loud, or very low. Now I know how to project my voice when I’m teaching the class,”

The relationships formed and the experiences gained through these interactions have been as enriching for our teachers as they were for our pupils.

City Heights pupil, Language Leaders Award

Sport Aligned timetables enabled Year 7 students from the Academy to join weekly games sessions at Dulwich College and participate in rugby, hockey, athletics sessions plus swimming lessons. Academy staff supported our Dulwich staff in the delivery of these lessons, and the mutual sharing of good practice has been a significant benefit.

49 City Heights students join the College for swimming, football, rugby, hockey, athletics or Language Leader training every week

“I used to not know how to swim. Now I do know how to swim. And I’m really proud of myself! ” Year 7 City Heights pupil

Scan the QR code to hear from pupils who took part in the Language Leaders Award.

Contact: Jenny Stanley, Assistant Head External

Scan the QR code to find out more.

“I like this because I’m not being taught by a teacher, but by students my age.” Dulwich College pupil, Language Leaders Award



Educational Partnerships

54 Y ear 5 pupils from 11 local primary schools attended the Michaelmas Science Scheme held at the College on nine Saturday mornings

240 pupils from four local primary schools took part in eight Art & DT College workshops in the 2023 summer term 81 state and 56 independent school pupils joined 77 College pupils for a Young Economists Conference in July 2023

£4.8m was spent on bursaries and the support of bursary-holders last year Over 200 Dulwich pupils are on means-tested bursaries 49 City Heights students join the College for swimming, football, rugby, hockey, athletics or Language Leader training every week

At a Glance...

“We can truly work together to enrich the experiences of pupils across our schools, not just academically, but socially too.”

Mr Marvin Charles, Head teacher, E-ACT City Heights Academy


34 Year 13 students from

60 Year 9 students attended six Saturday Royal Institute Maths Masterclasses at the College

Over 400 hours are volunteered each year by College staff in the capacity of trustees or board members for other schools

£30,000 was raised by College pupils for over 17 charities last year

Kingsdale School completed their Radioactivity Practical experiments at the College for their Physics A level

130 teachers have been trained at the College via SCITT over the past 5 years

1,325 pupils from 35 primary schools visited the James Caird last year 820 College pupils volunteered across 37 locations during Service Day 2023

27 staff plus Year 5 and 6 pupils from Dulwich Wood Primary School enjoy violin and cello sessions with our Head of Strings

120 Year 4 and 5 pupils from Dulwich Wood enjoyed a Super Ghost visit by author Greg James and Chris Smith

21 children from 9 primary schools took part in the Spring Creative Scheme held at the College on Saturday mornings

£100,194 was the total discount provided last year to charitable, local or community-based organisations hiring our facilities at a reduced rate

300 students and their parents attended the first SSLP Apprenticeships Fair held in 2023

“Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful Book Week with us, we really enjoyed it and appreciate your great author choices and your brilliant organisation! You and your staff at the College always make us feel so welcome, we feel so lucky that you partner with us as it really enriches our curriculum offer.”

“The partnership between the state and the independent schools is a big part of the programme and I think it’s been very beneficial for both the students and to the school.”

Helen Jary, Deputy Head, Dulwich Wood Primary School

Clare Hirst, Subject Leader Modern Foreign Languages, Bonus Pastor

Dulwich Wood Primary School


The College provided a lifeguard free of charge and paid for a swimming coach.

We have a close relationship with Dulwich Wood Primary School and in 2022-23...

pupils from Dulwich Wood Primary School enjoy weekly access to the College pool and athletics track

As part of our annual Service Day, 180 children from Years 4, 5 and 6 from Dulwich Wood joined us for a day of fun, hands-on practical Science Since September 2023 the Dulwich Wood running club has used the College track on Wednesday mornings, with former international athlete and College teacher Trevor Okoroafor delivering several athletics masterclasses. “Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful Book Week with us, we really enjoyed it and appreciate your great author choices and your brilliant organisation! You and your staff at the College always make us feel so welcome, we feel so lucky that you partner with us as it really enriches our curriculum offer.”

60 Year 4 Dulwich Wood pupils joined us at the College to listen to authors Jenny Pearson ( Operation Nativity ), Richard Pickard ( The Peculiar Case of the Tentacle Boy ), Tony Bradman ( Viking Boy ) and Charlie Brooks ( Sammy and the Extra-Hot Chilli Powder ). One of our music teachers led Dulwich Wood’s Music Assemblies and Choir rehearsals every Wednesday morning and lunchtimes. The choir had a particular success in performing at a number of concerts during the year, including at the O2 as part of the Young Voices concert.

60 Year 5 Dulwich Wood pupils joined Junior School pupils for a performance by rap poet ADISA.

Our Head of Strings led three weekly violin sessions for 27 staff and pupils in Year 5 and 6, with cellos added to the strings group in September 2023.

Helen Jary, Deputy Head, Dulwich Wood Primary School

60 Year 4 Dulwich Wood pupils joined us for a day of thought- provoking questions, challenging activities, and collaborative opportunities as part of the 2024 Junior School Symposium.

Our Chaplain delivered assemblies to pupils at Dulwich Wood.

120 Year 4 and 5 pupils from Dulwich Wood enjoyed a Super Ghost visit by authors Greg James and Chris Smith

The Friends of DUCKS and Dulwich College Junior School organised collections of second-hand toys and books for Dulwich Wood’s Christmas and Summer Fairs.

Our Art Department delivered two ‘Journeys and Connections’ themed workshops to 60 Year 4 pupils.

Contact: Jenny Stanley, Assistant Head External

60 Year 6 pupils from Dulwich Wood enjoyed author visits to the College by Margaret Bateson Hill (First Flight) , Stewart Foster (Can you Feel the Noise?) and Tony Bradman ( Blackout ).

Our Assistant Head External serves as the Science and Design & Technology Link Governor.


19 Educational Partnerships

Service Engagement At Dulwich, we are committed to embedding a message of service to others at the heart of our holistic education. As part of our partnership outreach, pupils have a number of different opportunities to further their own interests whilst reaching out to our communities. Community Action Pupils in Year 10 to Year 13 choose to engage with our weekly and voluntary lunchtime or after school Community Action programme, giving an hour of their free time to participate in placements of an educational, environmental or social nature.

School Service Day 2023 School Service Day 2023 took place on Friday 30 June. 820 pupils from Years 7 to 10 and Year 12 volunteered across 37 external placement locations, including 17 primary schools, several food banks, care homes, youth centres, and environmental projects.

37 community projects

800+ Students

“Thank you so much for sending a team from Dulwich College to us on Friday. It was very enriching and helpful in equal measure! The whole team were amazing and just got stuck in straight away, perfect! We look forward to further collaboration next year.” Helen Poyton, Headteacher, Dulwich Village Infants' School Partnerships

Over 200 pupils were involved in the programme last year, involving 13 external locations and 26 separate visits each week.



In addition to our support of TUSP, we have enjoyed building relationships with a number of local foodbanks, collecting food and clothing as well as volunteering directly:

Pupils raised more than £30,000 for over 17 charities last year.

• DUCKS and the Boarding Houses: Southwark Foodbank • Junior School: Brixton Foodbank

• Lower School: Paxton Green Foodbank • Middle School: Spring Community Hub • Upper School: Lewisham Foodbank

“Please pass on my sincere thanks to all the boys who volunteered. They really got involved and were not shy about engaging with customers and getting stuck in. It made a huge impact on the amount of donations. Across the three days we pulled in approx 4.5 metric tonnes of food. This will help us feed 100s of families

over the coming months.” James Mowbray, Southwark Foodbank

Impact 500 Introduced in 2023, Impact 500 is a service initiative at the College that allows senior school pupils to invest their time and energy furthering support for a charity or social issue of their choice. Some of the charities supported have included: Wings of Hope; care homes supporting disabled residents such as Athol House; Fundación Internacional María Luisa de Moreno; Orangutan Project; Myanmar war orphans; Chase Shining Star; Loneliness in the elderly (focusing on the Dulwich Almshouse).

Charities and Donations This year the Lower, Middle and Upper Schools are supporting one charity across the academic year. The Uganda School Project (TUSP), founded by alumni Harry Bucknell OA (2000-05) and Sean Richardson (2002-07), has the aim of ensuring every child in rural Uganda has access to a quality primary school education. We have set a 2023-24 target of raising £50,000, which will enable a school to be built in Namisindwa, Eastern Uganda.

Impact 500 emphasises a philanthropic ethos from a young age, enabling a younger generation of boys to identify and pursue causes they are passionate about.

Contact: Reverend Tim Buckler, Chaplain




Our Other Partnerships

Classics As part of St Thomas the Apostle College’s Liberal Studies Programme, Year 12 pupils were given the option of attending ‘An Introduction to the Classical World’ led by our Classics department. 15 pupils participated. Eastside Young Leaders’ Academy 15 Year 5 and 6 pupils from Eastside Young Leaders’ Academy enjoyed a full day of enrichment activities at the College led by our staff.

We have a range of important partnerships that support raising aspirations across both the independent and maintained sectors.

Archives We hold a unique archive of precious books, papers and artefacts including items relating to Shackleton’s Endurance Expedition. Our Archives team facilitated 134 research visits, responded to 400 enquiries and delivered a number of free talks and online presentations, including three tours for Open House 2023, with an average of 35 people on each tour - 105 in total.

Science Our Chemistry Department welcomed Kingsdale School’s Year 12 chemists to two Monday afternoon sessions to complete two organic Core Practical Experiments for their Chemistry A level. Thirty-four Year 13 students from Kingsdale School completed their core Radioactivity Practical Experiments at the College for their Physics A level. Twenty-five Year 9 and 10 students from Bonus Pastor Catholic College regularly attended enrichment sessions at Dulwich College. The Head of Chemistry at Burntwood School visited us for lesson observations and discussions around feedback. Our Head of Chemistry also facilitated a visit from Central Boys’ Foundation School to explore how the departments could work more closely together.

In 2023 we loaned our copy of Shakespeare’s First Folio and Waterman’s Petition and Manuscript of The Telltale to the National Maritime Museum as part of the nationwide Folio 400 celebrations.

1,325 pupils from 35 primary schools visited the James Caird last year

Library 48 state pupils and 47 independent pupils joined 24 of our Dulwich pupils for the annual CWISL (Children’s Writers and Illustrators for Stories and Literacy) quiz. Teams of pupils from Year 5 to Year 8 participated and won book prizes.

One of our Physics teachers chaired a meeting of the Association for Science Education (London Region) on Teaching Sustainability at Primary and Secondary level and 39 other teachers took part. Another of our teachers also delivered online CPD including Planet Possibility and Energy for Physics Partners, reaching 13 non-specialist teachers. He also delivered workshops for the Kent Regional Physics Day and the ASE South East Summer Convention.

854 members of the public came on a James Caird tour

Contact: Jenny Stanley, Assistant Head External



Educational Partnerships

Sport The Dulwich Wood UKS2 hockey team came first in this year’s Southwark Games competition, with 10 players in the team participating in the Phoenix project.

local pupils now play in the Dulwich U10 football tournament 300

We have focused on providing more sporting opportunities for local pupils, including our U10 Football tournament, with over 300 pupils now attending. Several other tournaments are taking place in partnership with Girls United and Palace for Life (Crystal Palace FC Foundation). Pupils from Oasis Academy have made several visits to the College to enjoy joint training sessions with Year 8 students on the rugby pitch. We also provided CPD for Oasis Academy staff. Basketball tournaments for U16 and U14 age groups were hosted by us at the College. They involved Kingsdale School, Sacred Heart, Harris Academy (East Dulwich), Ark All Saints, Trinity Academy and Charter School North Dulwich. Following the success of the previous year, we continued to support the Tulse Hill and Dulwich Phoenix Hockey Club project. Numbers have doubled and there are now 50 pupils from local primary schools taking part every week.

We held a successful Primary School Cricket Experience that included cricket coaching and games for pupils, and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers. Plans to host this event again are already in place.


27 Educational Partnerships

Art and DT

We have been delighted to support opportunities for the Snow Leopards , a project aimed at providing cricketing opportunities for young players from different backgrounds – a high proportion being Afghanistan refugees.

During the 2023 summer term our teachers delivered eight Art and Design and Technology workshops at Dulwich Wood Primary School, Fenstanton Primary School, Holy Trinity CofE Primary School and Streatham Wells Primary School. A total of 240 pupils took part in these sessions.

We sponsor the Indoor Simmons Cup (athletics), providing opportunities for 13 London secondary schools at the Lee Valley Indoor Athletics Centre. Diversity in the Business of Sport (DiBS): Huss Fahmy, former head of football operations at Arsenal Football Club, joined us at the College for an afternoon session looking at ways to develop the DiBS programme that looks to support those from all backgrounds who have an interest in pursuing careers in the sports industry. Guests included representatives from the College, City Heights students, the St Mathew’s Project and Crystal Palace FC.

Contact: Mary-Jo Doherty, Director of Art

Pupils built rockets and learned how to make them move, while Art sessions focused on journeys and identities using mixed media to create abstract maps. All materials were supplied by us and additional materials were left to support further learning.

St Matthew’s Project Coach Education: We invited a group of young aspiring football coaches for a development session led by FA tutor Peter Augustine.

Modern Foreign Languages We hosted a twilight session with MFL staff from St Joseph's College and Dulwich, focusing on ‘Improving Teaching and Learning and/or Marking/Assessment’, and looking at developing departmental strategies for marking and assessment. 29 MFL Leaders from 21 schools had a meeting at the College, enjoying a Linguistics at University talk from Professor Bert Vaux beforehand, a tour of Dulwich's rare language manuscripts afterwards and a talk from Dr Bettina Hohen, Clinical Psychologist.

We offered one hour a week of free tuition to pupils at the Charter Schools of East and North Dulwich studying GCSE German.

Contact: Robert Baylis, Head of Modern Languages

Governance The voluntary school governance and trustee work undertaken by our staff, including senior leaders, enriches educational outcomes through shared learning and skills in different environments.

Nine members of College staff act as trustees or board members for other schools such as the Judith Kerr Primary School, E-ACT City Heights Academy, Dulwich Wood Primary School, Raglan Primary School in Bromley, and Alexandra Infant School, Bromley, with staff volunteering a total of over 400 hours each year.

Over 400 hours are volunteered each year by our staff

Contact: Nick Brown, Assistant Head, Pastoral and Co-Curricular Director of Sports Partnerships

Contact: Dr Cameron Pyke, Deputy Master External



Educational Partnerships

25th Camberwell Scouts and Dulwich Explorers We provide facilities and staff for the 25th Camberwell Scouts and Dulwich Explorers, comprising 22 cubs (Years 4 and 5), 49 scouts (one troop for Years 6, 7, 8 and 9) and 53 explorers (Years 10 to 13). All are a mix of boys and girls from the College and the local community.

Higher Education and Careers

The SSLP Careers Hub shares opportunities and events, such as work experience, lectures, and competitions.

The first SSLP Apprenticeships Fair, organised by the Careers department at Dulwich College, James Allen’s Girls’ School (JAGS) and Charter School North Dulwich , was held at Charter School North in October 2023. Alongside 20 stands, students had the opportunity to hear from current apprentices as well as from companies that offer apprenticeships to find out more about the application process and what they are looking for in candidates. Over 300 students and their parents attended.

The 25th Camberwell Scouts and Dulwich Explorers is 95 years old this year.

Each troop meets weekly during term times, using our Trevor Bailey Sports Centre as the Headquarters.

Two of our teachers volunteer as leaders, and the school minibuses are available for trips. Overall about a half of participants attend schools other than Dulwich. Other south London troops also use our facilities for inter-troop competitions on the track and field, and in the pool. It is hoped to open a second Scout Troop with additional College staff in time for the start of the Michaelmas term in September 2024. The Explorers from Dulwich College have provided a service team to look after the Scout site in Broadstone Warren, Kent since the 1950s.

Almost 200 Year 11 and 12 students from E-ACT City Heights Academy, Kingsdale School, Charter School North Dulwich and East, Elmgreen School and St Thomas the Apostle College (STAC) attended our annual Courses and Careers Convention. There were seminar sessions during the event on University and Medical School applications, interviews skills and studying at Oxford, along with a chance for students to speak to 70 exhibitors including UK and overseas universities, companies and professionals.

Students from the Charter Schools, Elmgreen School, JAGS and STAC took advantage of our networking opportunities to meet with 20-30 professionals and parents in 1:1, small group and networking scenarios. There have been networking opportunities for STEM, Finance, and the Creative Industries. Networking training is provided to all attendees in advance of the sessions.

students and their parents attended the first SSLP Apprenticeships Fair held in 2023 300

Case Study: Creative Industries Networking Our Careers Department has run a number of sector- specific networking events for Sixth Form pupils. The Creative Industries Networking event gave pupils from Charter School North Dulwich, STAC, Elmgreen School, JAGS and from the College an opportunity to network with 30 professionals who work within the Creative Industries.




Shared Facilities

Subsidised Events

St Thomas the Apostle College took a group of pupils to our Outdoor Centre in Wales; Arco Academy used the athletics track for their sports day and Kingsdale School used our pitches to fulfil their National Cup fixture. The MCC Foundation Hub used our facilities on Sunday and Wednesday evenings to provide cricketing opportunities for local children. Our swimming pool was used on a regular basis by local schools; Year 7 pupils from E-ACT City Heights Academy had lessons led by a swimming instructor employed by us; Dulwich Wood Primary School used the pool for two hours a week and Dulwich Village Infants’ School had weekly swimming lessons during the summer term. • ACEN Intergroup Dialogue Session • Christmas Lunch for the residents of KETRA Senior Citizens • Christmas event for Kings College Hospital Cardiology Department • Concordia Choir Rehearsals • Naval Records Society Council Meeting • NCCGB Auditions • Quizzes for Kingfishers KCH Kids and Dulwich Park Runners • RFU Coaching Award and ERCA Courses • Steel Pan Trust School-O-Rama festival • Swimming and Lifeguard Training with Pulse Training & Development • TCDT Ceramics, Gilding and Leather Workshops

As an active member of the local community, we permit the use of our facilities by charitable, local or community-based organisations at reduced rates .

Last year a total discount of £100,194 was provided across a range of organisations, including the Afro-Caribbean Cricket Association, the Creative Dimension Trust, the Dulwich Club, and SongEasel.

“With many thanks to all the team for all your support.” Concordia Choir

Crisis borrowed two minibuses for Christmas activities, and we hosted a Christmas lunch for the Dulwich Almshouse residents. We also donated 24 chairs to the children’s Sunday School at Trinity Baptist Church.

The 25th Camberwell Scouts group hosted the Southwark District Swimming Gala using our swimming pool; the London Basketball play-offs and final were held on our courts; and we hosted round one of the English Schools Cross Country Championships for 16 London Schools. "We have run free lessons this week for the local community and the teachers have taught over 30 children to swim over the four days, with many of them never having had the opportunity to learn how to swim." Pulse Training & Development

Contact: Julia Metzner, Head of Events



Shared Facilities

“We can truly work together to enrich the experiences of pupils across our schools, not just academically, but socially too.” Mr Marvin Charles, Head teacher, E-ACT City Heights Academy

DULWICH COLLEGE Dulwich Common, London, SE21 7LD Registered Charity No 1150064

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