In Partnership booklet 2024 Social Impact Report Digital

E-ACT City Heights Academy We have been an educational partner of the Academy since it opened in September 2013, supporting the Academy’s educational work and carrying on joint activities that benefit both schools through shared experience and good practice.

Mathematics Each week, Year 13 College mathematicians delivered extension tasks to high achieving Year 9 students at City Heights.

We have provided an experienced Maths teacher to the Academy on a weekly basis throughout 2022-23.

“It’s a nice experience for the students on both sides. It’s just fun really. I enjoy it.” Year 13 Dulwich College pupil and Maths mentor

A joint bid from the College and the Academy secured five years’ funding from the Worshipful Company of Actuaries for Mathematics enrichment at the Academy, money that has been spent on one-to-one tutoring, resources and supporting children with SEND.

Scan the QR code to meet the City Heights community.

“The positive impact you've had on their academic performance and, more importantly, their confidence in their mathematical abilities, is nothing short of transformative. I am thrilled to inform you that as a result of your efforts, all the students are now performing above target in math.”

The Worshipful Company of Actuaries for Mathematics enrichment has also funded a series of Year 9 Saturday Royal Institute Maths Masterclasses (interactive workshops exploring mathematics beyond the curriculum). These sessions bring together 60 students from City Heights and other local schools, led by our Dulwich teachers and by guest speakers with support from the Academy’s staff.

City Heights Academy E-ACT

Scan the QR code to see our maths initiatives.

Alecia Watson, Head of Mathematics, City Heights



Educational Partnerships

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