In Partnership booklet 2024 Social Impact Report Digital

Service Engagement At Dulwich, we are committed to embedding a message of service to others at the heart of our holistic education. As part of our partnership outreach, pupils have a number of different opportunities to further their own interests whilst reaching out to our communities. Community Action Pupils in Year 10 to Year 13 choose to engage with our weekly and voluntary lunchtime or after school Community Action programme, giving an hour of their free time to participate in placements of an educational, environmental or social nature.

School Service Day 2023 School Service Day 2023 took place on Friday 30 June. 820 pupils from Years 7 to 10 and Year 12 volunteered across 37 external placement locations, including 17 primary schools, several food banks, care homes, youth centres, and environmental projects.

37 community projects

800+ Students

“Thank you so much for sending a team from Dulwich College to us on Friday. It was very enriching and helpful in equal measure! The whole team were amazing and just got stuck in straight away, perfect! We look forward to further collaboration next year.” Helen Poyton, Headteacher, Dulwich Village Infants' School Partnerships

Over 200 pupils were involved in the programme last year, involving 13 external locations and 26 separate visits each week.



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