In Partnership booklet 2024 Social Impact Report Digital

In addition to our support of TUSP, we have enjoyed building relationships with a number of local foodbanks, collecting food and clothing as well as volunteering directly:

Pupils raised more than £30,000 for over 17 charities last year.

• DUCKS and the Boarding Houses: Southwark Foodbank • Junior School: Brixton Foodbank

• Lower School: Paxton Green Foodbank • Middle School: Spring Community Hub • Upper School: Lewisham Foodbank

“Please pass on my sincere thanks to all the boys who volunteered. They really got involved and were not shy about engaging with customers and getting stuck in. It made a huge impact on the amount of donations. Across the three days we pulled in approx 4.5 metric tonnes of food. This will help us feed 100s of families

over the coming months.” James Mowbray, Southwark Foodbank

Impact 500 Introduced in 2023, Impact 500 is a service initiative at the College that allows senior school pupils to invest their time and energy furthering support for a charity or social issue of their choice. Some of the charities supported have included: Wings of Hope; care homes supporting disabled residents such as Athol House; Fundación Internacional María Luisa de Moreno; Orangutan Project; Myanmar war orphans; Chase Shining Star; Loneliness in the elderly (focusing on the Dulwich Almshouse).

Charities and Donations This year the Lower, Middle and Upper Schools are supporting one charity across the academic year. The Uganda School Project (TUSP), founded by alumni Harry Bucknell OA (2000-05) and Sean Richardson (2002-07), has the aim of ensuring every child in rural Uganda has access to a quality primary school education. We have set a 2023-24 target of raising £50,000, which will enable a school to be built in Namisindwa, Eastern Uganda.

Impact 500 emphasises a philanthropic ethos from a young age, enabling a younger generation of boys to identify and pursue causes they are passionate about.

Contact: Reverend Tim Buckler, Chaplain




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