In Partnership booklet 2024 Social Impact Report Digital

Southwark Schools’ Learning Partnership Southwark Schools’ Learning Partnership (SSLP) is a long-standing collaboration between local schools, in which we, the College, play a significant part. In 2023-24 the scheme involved 18 schools: four independent schools and 14 schools from the maintained sector. Marcus Huntley, Principal of The Charter School Bermondsey (formally Compass School Southwark), is a Co-Director of the SSLP.

Aspiring Leaders The annual Aspiring Leaders series of events brings together staff from across the SSLP schools. The SSLP enables teachers to explore their passion for their specialist subjects, to exchange views about educational issues, to undertake professional development training, and to share good practice. Each year, the Aspiring Leaders series focuses on a different area of leadership. The series has included the topics of Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders, Pastoral Leaders, and Leadership and Neurodiversity. The series of events always concludes with a celebration and networking dinner to further develop the links and opportunities between staff. We jointly funded the professional development of SSLP Aspiring Pastoral Leaders. Over the four sessions, 76 attendees were from Dulwich College, 45 were from state schools and 37 were from other independent schools. Oxbridge Support We increased our Oxbridge support by offering five 10-week online preparation courses in English, Economics, History, Maths and Engineering, which were taken up by 66 pupils from state schools. We also conducted 40 additional mock Oxbridge interviews for pupils applying for other subjects and conducted 11 mock medicine interviews.

SSLP Student Council and Student Voice Annual Projects Each of the SSLP schools nominate two Year 10 students as SSLP Ambassadors to be part of the collaborative SSLP Student Council. The Council receive student leadership training at the start of the academic year to support them during their year in post. The Council meet once per term via Zoom. They take on responsibility for delivering, hosting and leading on the range of SSLP events and activities. Each year the Student Council decide on a theme for the Student Voice project. These projects have focused on themes such as mental health, sustainability, and neurodiversity. Working together on action projects across the year, the Student Voice projects are then launched as part of a celebration event with the SSLP schools and community. Every year the projects make a significant difference both in terms of the creation of practical resources, raising understanding and awareness, and encouraging student-led initiatives across the Southwark schools.

Thinking About Lecture Series The Local Partnerships Coordinator, with support of the staff Champions and student ambassadors, continued to facilitate the lecture series Thinking About . Host schools welcome visitors from all SSLP schools, and themselves visit other schools as part of the series. With the help of their teachers, hosts design and lead a workshop exploring the themes of the talk that will follow. Each session concludes with a Q&A. Having been online during the pandemic, Thinking About lectures are now live and in-person. These included a Black History Month event with Baroness Floella Benjamin (a previous Governor of the College), and College alumnus Dr Adam Kay.

Young Economists Conference The SSLP flagship event was the Young

Economists Conference at the start of July 2023 when 81 state and 56 independent school pupils joined 77 Dulwich College pupils for a day of talks, workshops and competitions relating Economics to the theme of Sustainability.



Educational Partnerships

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