Biola Broadcaster - 1961-10

to the proper source and we need not be overly concerned as to which mem­ ber of the Trinity we address our prayers. Q . Fresno, California. “Nathanael is not mentioned as one of the Twelve dis­ ciples in Matthew, Mark or Luke, but in John 1:45-50, when we have the in­ cident of Nathanael under the fig tree —is he one of the disciples, perhaps under a different name?” A. The authentic list of the Twelve Apostles is given in Matthew 10:2-4. They were disciples of our Lord, but — M

ever, if during the Great Tribulation the anti-Christ is to desecrate the Tem­ ple, doesn’t it seem logical that before Christ returns two things must happen namely, the land upon which the Tem­ ple will be built must belong to Israel instead of to the Arabs, and that the Temple must actually have been at least begun to be built? Isn’t this too short a time for Christ to return at any moment? Even 7 years seems to be a very short period for the redeeming of the land and the building of the Tem­ ple. However, I realize that things will happen with great speed at that time.” A. Yes, it is believed to be immient. I Cor. 15:52— . . in the twinkling of an eye . . . ” That certainly is immient — it means it is impending— at any moment. Then follows II Thess. 2:1-12 —the descrating of the Temple by anti- Christ. Now “the land must belong to Israel instead of the Arabs”?—We would say yes. And that “the temple must, at least, have begun to be built.” These two questions involve the time element and the second is somewhat answered in these days of pre-fabrication—build­ ing time is cut down fantastically. We must remember that when God begins to wind up His prophetic program, things are going to happen very, very rapidly. The proof of this statement is found in the 23rd chapter of Leviti­ cus. It will take 6% months to cover the first four feasts and then in two weeks the remaining three of the 7 feasts will be covered. That will show you something of the rapidity with which things will move at the end time. Q. Santa Cruz, California. “Should we pray to the Holy Spirit?” A. Normally, I would say that it is best to pray to the Father in the name of the Son and empowered and directed by the Holy Spirit. Remember that the prayers we pray, whether they be di­ rected to the Lord Jesus Christ; the Holy Spirit or to the Father, will get



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Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (right), president of Blola, looks over questions with Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, dean of the Talbot Theological Seminary. they also had a special status; they were endowed with apostolic authority in a special ministry with our Lord Jesus. In John 1:45-50 it is clear that Na­ thanael became a believer in the Mes- siahship of our Lord Jesus Christ and was no doubt a disciple of our Lord, but his apostleship is nowhere indi­ cated in the four Gospels or elsewhere in the New Testament. Nathanael is not a disciple under a different name. Q. Santa Barbara, California. “How, and in what city did the Twelve Apostles die?” A. “. . . James, the older brother of John . . . was the first of the Twelve to die; killed by Herod, 44 A.D. Tradi­ tions are that most of the Twelve died as martyrs.” (continued on next page) 13

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