BIQLA: in a lens-eye_____ Dr. Charles J. Woodbridge Ministers on Campus
Dr. Charles J. Woodbridge (center with Bible), member of the staff of Word of Life in New York City, was special “Spirit ual Emphasis Week” speaker for Biola College this year. As a high point in the week of meetings, more than 150 pastors and Christian leaders from the Southland gathered to hear him speak on the dangers of neo-orothodoxy and the “new" evangelicalism. Denominational leaders pictured with him above are: Dr. Charles Mayes, Brethren; Dr.
Lowell Wendt, IFCA; Dr. Woodbridge; Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola Presi dent; and Dr. George Vouga, Con servative Baptist.
Have you ever tried to take a family picture and get everyone in just right position so that no heads are missing? Each year Dr. Sutherland, megaphone in hand, lines up the growing student body of Biola so that the large finished pic ture as shown above may be taken. The same photographer has been taking pictures of the student body for several decades.
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