Biola Broadcaster - 1961-10

power both throws off and pulls back. When hurled into space it must hit something in order to stop. Now what stopped this earth when it got 95,000,- 000 miles away from the sun and how long did it hang there? When it went into motion it started in two directions: it started going around on its axis, and it also started moving around in its or­ bit. What made the earth do this and how long did it take to start? So then- teaching reveals an ignorance of the common laws of life, nothing both throws off and pulls back. Again, if this earth were thrown off the sun, would it not be of the same substance and of very great heat when thrown off? Naturally it would. Now we know only too well that the sun does not have in it the things which the earth has such as iron, gold, sil­ ver, tin, lead, zinc or any of the metals. We know the boiling point of all metals which are individual and far below the heat of the sun. They would not last a minute in the sun for its great heat would blow them all off in gasses. So we are waiting for some one of those holding to the evolutionary theory to explain the origin of metals. Q .W ill you discuss some of the inter­ esting things which you have found in nature wherein proof lies of a personal God who is directing the affairs of life? A. Well, for instance, if you walked into a room and 12 oranges were scat­ tered around on the floor, you would say that someone had accidentally drop­ ped them. But if you went into that room and found six rows of oranges with two oranges in each row, you would have to say that somebody did it in design. Now it is that way in na­ ture. Everything proves that somebody knew what He was doing and knew how to do it. When I stood at the foot of the Gen­ eral Curtis tree which was 31 feet in diameter and 264 feet'high, I said to the friends who were with me — how does the water get up to the top of that

tree? It does not go by the principle of osmosis, because you could drop a cotton string in a glass of water and the water will go up that string about an inch or two, that is all. But that tree is solid wood and the water gets up to the top leaf of that tree — and how? You just have to admit that some­ body knew how to do it and did! Now I think that that tree was one of the original plantings of God on this earth because scientists tell us that it is about 6,000 years old. As it has been about 6,000 years since Adam, doubtless it is one of the trees He (God) planted when He planted the Garden of Eden. It would be just like God to keep something alive all that time. You know full well that man could not do it. Then, again, there is a remarkable thing about a limb that grows straight out from a tree. I measured one in New Orleans. It was oak and stuck out about 75 feet — was 10 inches in diameter and was on a tree that was 42 inches in diameter. The oak was covered with heavy branches. Having been reared in the lumber industry I knew the weight of a cubic foot of oak and I figured that this limb weighed 4,000 pounds. There were four other lumbermen there and they, too, estimated the weight as 4,000 pounds. Now here was a tree supporting a limb weighing 4,000 pounds that was sticsking.out 75 feet, was only ten inch­ es in diameter with only 21 inches of anchorage in the tree. Think of it! That is a miracle and one that no human be­ ing produced. God knew that there would be oranges, nuts and fruits of all kinds and He made the limbs strong enough to hold up the fruit production- of the trees. How great is our God! * * * "When you flee temptation, be sure that you do not leave your for­ warding address." * * * "M an may be the head of the home but the woman is usually the heart."


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