causing to fall from a hose and other methods. Now the raindrop that God makes is very peculiar. There is nothing like it in the world. It falls, perhaps two miles, and driven by a strong wind, strikes a piece of tissue paper and in stead of going through it, it flattens out on the paper until the paper is wet enough for it to go on through. But ess; it is like a bullet and has to strike something hard in order to flatten it out. On the other hand God’s raindrops flatten out the minute they hit a pansy or wheat leaf—they do not hurt things at all in their falling. God knew that it would take a special kind of drop of water to feed, and not injure in the feeding process, all of the growing things. It is just another beautiful mark of the living God in heaven who loves us. Again, Elijah commented that God makes the rain small. Well, if it came down in the size of watermelons or even oranges — what a damage to all that it would hit! But our Lord knew all of that. Then, the raindrop comes down pure. We know this because in the evapora tion process nothing but pure H 2 O, or moisture, is expelled. God sees to it that no matter where we live1 or chance to be, we can have pure water in His raindrops. We always think of the wind and the rain. One day, following an ad dress, a high school senior, quite blatant in his attitude, said to me, “But Dr. Wilson, I will not believe any thing that I cannot understand.” I said, “Well, brother, where does the wind come from and where does it go? You cannot see it — you cannot analyze it unless you are an expert. The Bible says the wind bloweth where it listeth, thou hearest the sound thereof and canst not tell whence it cometh or whither it goeth.” You know nothing of it except that it is a gentle breeze and that you have it to breathe. Sometimes, of course, it -gets up to 150 miles an hour but who makes 34
MARVELS (cont.) got in. They could not find her until they found the web which She had spun. The Lord says that He wants us to be like the spider. We must be pa tient and not let anything keep us out of heaven. Q. Dr. Wilson, in this, the concluding question, will you explain your com ment that man is the only animal that comes into the world without cloth ing? A. Now briefly we would state that everyone comes into the world naked, and there is a reason for that. We have to wear that which is supplied by another. The suit that I wear is made of the wool that was worn when the lamb came into the world. And the leather of my shoes was once the hide of a cow that, as a calf, was bom. My shirt was the gift from the fields of cotton. So our Lord is telling us, every time we put on a garment, that some one else or something had to provide that for us. Just so, Someone had to make the robe of righteousness for us and bestow it upon us as His gift. It cannot be bought for it is the garment of salvation. It is the only robe that no one can steal from you, and the only robe that will fit you from the cradle to the grave. And it is the only robe that will go with you into heaven. Q. Dr. Wilson, will you discuss with us peculiarities of raindrops and thund erstorms, and how they point to the fact of a great God creating this uni verse? A. There are some very wonderful things about rain. Do you recall that the Lord said to Job, “Has the rain a father?’’ — somebody who produces rain. A strange question, that! Job did not answer it, but I found the answer. I saw the work on camera of rain drops, which God has fashioned, fall ing; and then another series of pic tures of drops of water which man was
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