What Then? When all the great plants of our cities Have turned out their last finished work; When our merchants have sold their last yard of silk. And dismissed the tired, weary clerk; When our banks have taken in their last dollar And declared their last dividend; When the Judge of the world says, "Close for the night," And asks for a balance— W H A T THEN? When the chorus has sung its last anthem And the preacher has said his last prayer; When the people have heard their last sermon And the sound has died out on the air; When the Bible lies closed on the altar And the pews are all empty of men, When we all stand facing the record And the Great Book is opened— W H A T TH EN ? When the bugle's last call sings in silence And the long marching columns stand still; When the Captain has given His last orders, And they've captured the last fort and hill, When the flag has been hauled from the masthead, And all the wounded checked in; When a world that rejected its Saviour, Is asked for a reason— W H A T THEN ? — Author Unknown * * * "When the church ceases to be in touch with another world, she is no longer a torch to this one." SAN DIEGO B A C K O N THE A IR M o n d a y th ro u g h F r id a y S f/ff .1 \ f XEMO , 860 kc
gas chambers of World War II. When history unfolds the facts she holds, Russia will no doubt be shown to have exterminated more Jews than did the murderer Hitler in his evil regime. Now while the Jews are returning in amazing numbers to Palestine there is still no breath in them—they are a political movement and not a religious group. But the promise is given that the breath will return; this is the time when Christ, the Messiah, returns in glory and He will rule over Israel, a redeemed nation. SYMBOL OF THE TWO STICKS is simi lar to the illustration of the dry bones. We shall not be able to study this but it shows that the tribes of Jacob will be reunited again. And as we have the privilege of seeing these things come to pass, we have the primary undertand- ing of the background of the greatest Communist and satanic push that shall befall the earth in the very near future. There has been nothing like it before for the reason that Communism hates any religion that reveres one true God. Ever since God gave the land of Pales tine to Abraham—Palistine and the na tion Israel have represented pure monotheism and this is the reason for the tremendous atack upon the country of Palestine by the Russian bear. Russia is anti-Semitic which is satanic and we must remember that our prayer to God is that Israel might be saved. In the light of Scripture we do not see one single thing that has yet to be fulfilled before the Lord calls His church home to Glory. The signs point unmistakably to the fact that Christ could come at any ■moment. This should be a cause for great joy and re joicing that we might look up for our redemption draweth nigh. Following the homegoing of the Church, those who remain on this earth—who have rejected Christ—will see in increasing intensity, the dangerous menace of Communism and Russia’s bold stroke to take the Land of Palestine. (continued on page 6)
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