Biola Broadcaster - 1961-10

experienced soldiers. The common people have a false sense of secur­ ity. They care no longer for the truth, falling into blindness they give way to all manner of shame­ fu l sins. I fear that the axe is be­ ing laid to the root of a tree soon to be cut down. God in His infinite mercy, take us graciously away that we may not be present during such calamities.” —Martin Luther W ill it be true in America? The Bible rightly tells us, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” * * * "Your homein heaven will be built of materials you have sent on." * * * THERE ONCEW AS AN IRISHMAN who had a friend with the bad habit of hitting the Irishman on the leg each time he saw him. In talking with another friend he said that “he knew how he would break Pat of that habit. He would have a stick of dynamite in his pocket and when Pat hit him he would have his hand blown off.” There are many people who believe in rewarding evil for evil, little realizing that they are the greater losers. The Bible tells the Christian that when he is maligned, when things go the wrong way, when others speak evil of him, he is to do as Christ did. For when our Lord was reviled, He reviled not again but committed Himself to His heavenly Father. Perhaps in school, or in the office, there are some who will make fun of you or involve you in some way through their jealousy and petty ac­ tions. Just commit them to your heavenly Father and gain the vic­ tory! “Commit thyself unto the Lord.” 8

"Temptations may wrap on your door, but it is your own fault if you let them in." * * * A YOUNG LAD had been called to the witness stand. He was being questioned by a lawyer who wanted the jury to think that the boy had been told what to say. In the cross-examination the de­ fense was delivered a crushing blow. The attorney began, “We’d like to. know, sonny, hasn't someone told you how to testify?" The lad looked up sheepishly and said, “Why, yes, yes they have.” The attorney smiled triumphantly and prompted, “Then suppose you tell us what they said.” The boy responded brightly, “Well, my daddy told me that there would be a man who would try to get me all tangled up, but if I’d just be careful to tell the truth, I could say anything 1 wanted to.” The court- rom rocked with laughter. The little boy was right, for in perverting the truth we bring ca­ lamity upon our head as well as that of others. May God help us not to allow the sins of this earth to beset us. “He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house; he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.” (Psalm 101:7). * * * "The foolish man eao soon make up hismindbecausethere is so little of it to make up." * * * "W H EN GOD PUNISHES A PEOPLE or a nation for their sinfulness, He takes away godly teachers a n d preachers; it is left without honest rulers and counsellors, the land is barren, without brave, upright and

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