Vision 2024 05 22

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Lacombe said the organization needs $67,000 for the pathway project, and if the provincial funding is secured, she is hoping all the accessibility improvements will be completed by March of next year. “We’ve been attempting to get this project in motion for quite some time. It’s so impor- tant for all the accessibility work we’ve been doing inside the garden, that we also prioritize easy and safe access to the garden,” said Lacombe in a letter addressed to Clarence- Rockland city officials. “To that end, we’ve

minutes in the oven yields a soft yet chewy pizza crust with a crisp, raised cornicione edge and the “leoparding” spots of light char that characterize a Neapolitan-style pizza. Otherwise, “Scratch Kitchen” menu is straightforward and accessible with starters and shareables, sandwiches and burgers, mains, assorted sides and desserts. From a selection of nine handhelds, bur- gers freshly ground from brisket can be served slightly pink, and he riffs playfully on the Big Mac with the McHammond: two patties with Cheddar cheese, shredded iceberg lettuce, pickles, a “Mac” sauce and a sesame-seed bun. Pastrami for a Reuben is brine-aged in- house for two weeks, smoked for seven hours and cooked sous vide and is complemented been discussing with the administration on how to collaborate to achieve this goal.” Clarence-Rockland City Council approved a motion which was moved by Coun. Carl Gri- mard at this month’s council meeting asking the City’s administration team to provide a letter of support to the Rockland Community Garden as they submit a funding request to the provincial government. The new season of the Rockland Commu- nity Garden kicks off this weekend. It is located in the southeast section of

Patricia Charron Park, closest to Patricia Street. Its address is 2637 Raymond Street. Community gardens allow opportunities for people to create relationships with each other and discuss the food they eat. The Rockland Community Garden provides opportunities for residents to participate in voluntary fresh produce exchanges, access fresh produce donations, and engage in edu- cational workshops and projects.

Representatives of the Rockland Community Garden are applying for provincial grant money as they look to make the garden’s entrances more accessible. Sarah Lacombe, president of the Rockland Community Garden, made a presentation to Clarence-Rockland City Council earlier this month, detailing the organization’s plans to make the area easier to navigate for visitors. “We just want to eliminate the barriers that are there for certain people,” said Lacombe. The local organization is seeking grant support through the Government of Ontario’s Inclusive Community Grant, which will help as it seeks to fix the Patricia Street roadside entrance to make it safe and accessible for parking. The Rockland Community Garden is also looking to create a path connecting Patricia Street to the main garden entrance, and want to make a path from the secondary garden entrance up to the Raymond Street parking lot. The deadline to apply for the government grant is May 22, and if they are successful, they will be eligible for $60,000 in grant money. The City of Clarence-Rockland has already provided funding money in support of the project, which was granted last fall.



by mustard made with Broken Stick beer. There are four mains, including short rib gnocchi, a 10-oz. ribeye and fish and chips; truffled Parm fries are an option. Whether you’ve just finished a round of 18 or not, Berolo and his kitchen crew of six are motivated to serve dishes in a unique craft brewery taproom drawing on as many local ingredients as possible. “We work hard to source products from the community around us and support them,” he says. “I love the sense of community here.” Food writer Andrew Coppolino lives in Rockland. He is the author of “Farm to Table” and co-author of “Cooking with Shakespeare.” Follow him on Instagram @ andrewcoppolino.

about seven minute before being proofed in a low-temperature oven for 20 minutes. “The dough is folded over on itself five times that builds tension and envelops air. It ferments for 90 minutes and then undergoes a bulk ferment in the fridge for about two days,” Berolo says. Drawing on the fine, soft wheat of “double- zero” flour made in Quebec which has higher protein and lower gluten than all purpose flour, Berolo mixes the dough at 65% hydration. “It’s a fresher flour, and it’s great to use a Quebec product and support local. It’s also less expensive than double-0 flour shipped from Italy,” Berolo says. Hand-stretched and topped, just a few

Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell United Counties of Prescott and Russell



Herb-O-Dem Inc, the United Counties of Prescott and Russell and participating Municipalities intend to control weeds along guard rails and posts along the following rural roadsides. This pesticide use is for the promotion of public health or safety under the public works exception to the cosmetic pesticide ban in order to control and protect against the plants that could affect public works structures. The list of roads to be sprayed within the United Counties of Prescott and Russell is as follows: Prescott and Russell County Roads No: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29 and 31. Nation Municipality Roads: Rainville, Du Theatre, Baker, Calypso, Des Pins, Main, Indian Creek, Route 100, Route 500 East, Route 650, Burelle, Route 600, Longtin, Guerin, St-Paul South, Route 800 East, Caledonia Springs, Concession 6 West, Concession 6 East, Bradley Side Rd, Caledonia, Concession 7, Skye, Mainville, Concession 21, Concession 21 at Ste-Rose, Concession 20, Concession 19, Concession 17, Villeneuve Side Rd, Concession 16, Concession 15 West, Concession 15 East, Scotch and North Dixon. City of Clarence-Rockland Roads: Labonté, Vinette, Lacasse, Baseline, Poupart, De la Baie, Lemay, Corner of Lemay & Fontaine, Corner of Laurier & Poupart, Chamberland, Laurier & Simoneau, Corner of Gilles & Alman, Caron, Montée des Outaouais, Tucker, David, Pago, Wilson, Old Highway 17, Rollin, Corner of Lalonde & Boudreau, Corner of Boudreau & Russell, Corner of Boileau & Russell, Schnupp, Lalonde Bridge, Du Lac Bridge, Corner of Du Lac & Maisonneuve, Pilon Bridge, Pilon, Henrie, Du Lac, Duquette, Landry, Corner of Nolan & Du Golf, Drouin, Indian Creek, St-Félix, Bouvier, Lacroix, Guidon, Gagné, Corner of Butler & Lacroix, Butler, Legault, Lavigne, Ettyville, Rochelandaise, Baseline rd ,and St-Pascal rd. Township of Russell Roads: McDonald, St-André, St-Jacques, St-Pierre, St-Joseph, Route 400, Route 200, Route 300, St-Thomas and Wade. Township of Alfred and Plantagenet Roads: Concession 5, Concession 4, Concession 2, Concession 1, Concession 7, Concession 9, Carriere Road and Principale Street. Township of Hawkesbury: du Chenail, McGill, Main, Giroux project, Spence, Tupper, West, Cultural Centre le Chenail and Town structures. The following pesticides registered under the Pest Control Products Act (Canada) will be used: ARSENAL Powerline Herbicide (PCP #30203), which contains the active ingredient: Imazapyr (present as the isopropylamine salt), ClearView Herbicide (PCP #29752), which contains the active ingredients: Metsulfuron – methyl and Aminopyralid (present as potassium salt), Nufarm ESTAPROP XT Liquid Herbicide (PCP #29660), which contains the active ingredients: Dichlorprop and 2,4-D (both present as 2-ethylhexyl ester). From May 27 th , 2024, to June 14 th , 2024, depending on the weather. For more information: Contact Herb-O-Dem Inc. at 613-632-3876 or Nicolas Simard, Civil Engineering Technologist, 1-613-675-4661, or visit collect calls accepted. For residents that do not desire weed spraying to occur in front of their property where guard rails and posts are present : Contact Herb-O-Dem Inc. at 613-632-3876 and/or your local Municipality for municipal roads and sidewalks and/or Nicolas Simard for County Roads at 1-613-675-4661. Residents also have the possibility to erect a “No Spray” sign in front of their property.

Herb-O-Dem Inc., les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell et les municipalités participantes désirent faire la vaporisation des mauvaises herbes sur les poteaux et les glissières de sécurité aux bords des chemins de comté. Cette utilisation de pesticides sert à promouvoir la santé ou la sécurité publique dans le cadre de l’exception des travaux publics à l’interdiction des pesticides cosmétiques afin de contrôler et de protéger les structures des travaux publics contre les plantes susceptibles de les affecter. Voici la liste des chemins à être vaporisés dans les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell : Chemins des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29 et 31. Chemins municipaux dans la municipalité de La Nation: Rainville, Du Theatre, Baker, Calypso, Des Pins, Main, Indian Creek, Route 100, Route 500 Est, Route 650, Burelle, Route 600, Longtin, Guerin, St-Paul Sud, Route 800 Est, Caledonia Springs, Concession 6 Ouest, Concession 6 Est, Bradley Side Rd, Caledonia, Concession 7, Skye, Mainville, Concession 21, Concession 21 à Ste-Rose, Concession 20, Concession 19, Concession 17, Villeneuve Side Rd, Concession 16, Concession 15 Ouest, Concession 15 Est, Scotch et North Dixon. Chemins municipaux dans la Cité de Clarence-Rockland : Labonté, Vinette, Lacasse, Baseline, Poupart, De la Baie, Lemay, Coin Lemay & Fontaine, Coin Laurier & Poupart, Chamberland, Laurier & Simoneau, Coin Gilles & Alman, Caron, Montée des Outaouais, Tucker, David, Pago, Wilson, Old Highway 17, Rollin, Coin Lalonde & Boudreau, Coin Boudreau & Russell, Coin Boileau & Russell, Schnupp, Lalonde Bridge, Du Lac Bridge, Coin Du Lac & Maisonneuve, Pilon Bridge, Pilon, Henrie, Du Lac, Duquette, Landry, Coin Nolan & Du Golf, Drouin, Indian Creek, St-Félix, Bouvier, Lacroix, Guidon, Gagné, Coin Butler & Lacroix, Butler, Legault, Lavigne, Ettyville, Rochelandaise et St-Pascal. Chemins municipaux dans la municipalité de Russell : McDonald, St-André, St-Jacques, St-Pierre, St-Joseph, Route 400, Route 200, Route 300, St-Thomas et Wade. Chemins municipaux dans le canton d’Alfred et Plantagenet : Concession 5, Concession 4, Concession 2, Concession 1, Concession 7, Concession 9, Chemin Carrière et Rue Principale. Chemins municipaux dans la municipalité de Hawkesbury : du Chenail, McGill, Main, Giroux Project, Spence, Tupper, West, Centre culturel le Chenail et Structures de la ville. Les pesticides suivants enregistrés en vertu de la Loi sur les produits antiparasitaires (Canada) seront utilisés: ARSENAL Powerline Herbicide (PCP #30203), qui contient les ingrédients actifs: Imazapyr (présent comme sel d’isopropylamine), ClearView Herbicide (PCP #29752), qui contient les ingrédients actifs: Metsulfuron – methyl et Aminopyralid (présent comme sel potassium), Nufarm ESTAPROP XT Liquid Herbicide (PCP # 29660), qui contient les ingrédients actifs: Dichlorprop et 2,4-D (présent comme 2-ethylhexyl ester). Du 27 mai 2024 au 14 juin 2024 dépendant des conditions météorologiques. Pour de plus amples informations : Herb-O-Dem Inc. at 613-632-3876 ou Nicolas Simard, Technologue en Génie Civil, 1-613-675-4661, ou visitez Les appels collectifs seront acceptés. Pour les résidents qui ne désirent pas la vaporisation de mauvaise herbes pour glissières adjacents à leur propriété : Contactez Herb-O-Dem Inc. at 613-632-3876 et/ou votre municipalité locale pour les routes municipales ou trottoirs et/ou Nicolas Simard pour les chemins de comté à 1-613-675-4661. Les résidents ont également la possibilité d’ériger une enseigne mentionnant « Ne pas vaporiser » devant leur propriété.

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