Lawson & Partners - Senior Surveyor : Associate Partner Pr…

Lawson & Partners, based in London, was founded in 1990 as a firm of Chartered Surveyors specialising in Property Asset Management.

Lawson & Partners is a privately-owned firm of Chartered Surveyors, regulated by the RICS. The Partnership is equally owned by Chris McVitty, Bruce Clark and John Brown.

With over 30 years of experience and expertise of the UK property market, they are committed to having a clear understanding of the needs of their clients and any matters that might affect their property interests and investments. The size of the firm allows them to provide a best in class personal service to their clients and the leaseholders/ tenants of their client’s property assets.

Lawson & Partners believe in providing a high quality bespoke professional service whilst maintaining a personable approach. All clients have a Partner of the firm as their named contact who ensures a best in class service delivery is provided.


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