BIFAlink June 2024

BIFA Awards

From shopping to shipping...

A shift from retail to Customs clearance has enabled

writing guides to internal procedures.

He has also helped to organise social events for Avocet staff. “I saw this as an opportunity to foster better relationships, boost morale and enhance team cohesion,” he said. Jacob is just as committed to client relationships. He has handled challenges outside his remit, such as the rejection of goods on arrival in Germany. In this instance, his responsiveness and alternative transport solution minimised delays, and avoided additional costs and documentation. He clearly finds the challenges and problem-solving opportunities that the industry presents stimulating. “I enjoy being tested by difficult things, even if it is a nightmare for a while; I enjoy the learning aspect of it,” he said. Progression It is a far cry from where Jacob was before the pandemic. “I was working in retail and wanted to move on,” he said. “In the middle of COVID-19, I saw an apprenticeship advert. It sounded interesting so I applied. “I thought I would do the apprenticeship at Avocet and then look at going elsewhere, but I like the people here. They have taught me a lot, and there is a principle of training you up and progressing you through the company. It is nice to have that support and assurance.” Keeping him motivated is the desire to keep clients happy. “In this industry mistakes usually equate to loss of revenue,” he said. “I find it easy to step back from things and think of all the things that could go wrong, and do everything in my power to make sure they do not.” Perhaps that tenacity comes from the rugby pitch. Before the pandemic, Jacob played for Stockport RUFC as well as playing with Cheshire at county level, and hopes to take up the sport again. In the meantime, he has plenty to keep him busy at Avocet.

I n November 2022, Jacob Swift was the first employee to move from Avocet Clearance’s newly created account manager department to live operations. He is “still learning something new at least every week. My idea is to learn as much as I can,” he said. Ultimately, Jacob would like to move into Customs consultancy and training, and is well on the way to developing the necessary skills for such a career. He explained: “I have trained up new employees to ensure they integrate smoothly into our cooperative culture and workflow and led training sessions for other colleagues on how to complete certain types of declarations for specific clients. Line manager “I am now taking over from the previous two supervisors as a line manager for all new apprentices and those already on the programme. I suppose I am a role model for them; someone who has done the apprenticeship already and can help them with any questions.” Other responsibilities that Jacob has taken on include updating internal documentation – for instance, creating and maintaining clients’ SOPs and Jacob Swift to use his problem-solving and people skills to the full, and resulted in him receiving Special Recognition in the BIFA Apprentice of the Year Award category

Jacob played rugby at club and county level before the pandemic and hopes to return to the sport “ I enjoy being tested by dif fi cult things – Jacob Swift

Apprentice of the Year Award

Menzies LLP provides financial and accounting expertise, combined with strategic commercial thinking. We understand your business via our in-depth sector knowledge and use a consultancy-led approach to challenge your objectives and guide your business growth. Each of our clients experiences our Brighter Thinking approach, the difference we make to our clients. With our in depth transport and logistics sector experience we promise to add real value across key areas of our clients’ businesses – to go further than just balancing the books.

22 | June 2024

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