BIFAlink June 2024


A rising star: BIFA’s fi rst apprentice earns distinction

Since the inception of the freight forwarding Trailblazer group, BIFA has been a big advocate of apprenticeships, encouraging members to provide career opportunities via this pathway. A couple of years ago, to practice what we preach, BIFA recruited its first ever apprentice to the newly formed communications team. Brooke Neilson (pictured) joined BIFA in September 2022 and was enrolled on the Public Relations and Communications apprenticeship standard. Fast forward 18 months and BIFA is proud to announce that Brooke has completed her apprenticeship and achieved a distinction. Carl Hobbis, member services director, explained more: “Brooke is an exceptional individual who has made an enormous impact at BIFA. “I could see her confidence growing as her line manager, Natalie Pitts, gradually gave her more responsibility. She was also building up nice relationships with the small

OBITUARY Roy Baker Vice President of BIFA All at BIFA were sad to hear of the passing of Roy Baker in April. Roy began his working life on the railways but joined the forwarding industry working for International Express until the demise of the company in the 1970s. Roy then formed his own successful company, International Forwarding, in the Midlands. Later in life Roy sold his shares to work colleagues but continued to work part time for International Forwarding all his life. He was a staunch supporter of the Institute of Freight Forwarders, becoming chair of the Midlands branch and eventually becoming national chair of BIFA from 1993 to 1995. Roy rejoined the BIFA board in 2005 and then served on the BIFA Council as a vice president until recently. In the 1990s, BIFA organised a competition to name the monthly magazine started by the association and it was Roy who came up with the title, BIFAlink . Tributes we have received all seem to reflect his calming influence when there were disagreements and his insightful guidance from past experiences. We will miss his wise counselling.

Natalie Pitts (l) presents Brooke Neilson with her certificate

team at BIFA and external suppliers while gaining respect as the quality of her work was evident. “Brooke has shown maturity beyond her years to everyday work; she is proactive, professional, engaging, has ideas and gets on with people of all ages and abilities. It is no surprise that she achieved the distinction.” Her coach, Junior Masandi, Seetec, commented: “Brooke’s dedication, hard work, and

commitment to mastering this complex field have been evident throughout. Her achievements are a testament to her talent and perseverance, and they fill me with immense pride.” Now is the time of year to start thinking about your future talent. If you need any support or guidance about apprenticeships, contact Carl Hobbis at

David Stroud elected UKACC Chairman 2024

BIFA is delighted that the United Kingdom Air Cargo Club has elected David Stroud (pictured) to be chair for 2024. David has been the BIFA Policy & Compliance Advisor – Air since 2019 and chairs the BIFA Air Cargo Policy Group. On his appointment, David commented: “I am very proud to have been elected as chair of this great organisation. Our intent is two-fold. To network with like-minded people in our industry and, secondly and most importantly, to raise money for a worthwhile cause whilst we are doing so. I have chosen Alzheimer’s Society as this year’s charity.

members and friends, re- living a moment or a short conversation over and again. “Dementia is progressive, meaning signs and symptoms may be relatively mild at first, but they get worse with time. It knows no boundaries. If you wish to learn more, please visit” Membership of UKACC is free and open to anyone associated with or working in the freight industry (road, air, sea). It is a social networking club that organises a number of events throughout the year. Visit: to find out more and join.

“I do not doubt that we all have someone we know who is living with some form of dementia – whether it be a family member, a friend, or an old work colleague. “My own mother is living with vascular dementia, so I have seen first-hand the effect it has on the supporting family

6 | June 2024

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