Activa: Getting To The CORE Of Back & Neck Pain


Poor posture is something we normally do not think of as a contributor toneckandbackpain.However, inoureraofconstantly being on smart phones, tablets, and computers, we often put our necks and backs in positions of prolonged stress. Over time, this contributes to increased stress to our vertebrae, disk and muscles supporting the spine. Text neck is the term used to describe the neck pain and damage sustained from looking down at your cell phone, tablet, or other wireless devices too frequently and for too long. Of course, this posture of bending your neck to look down does not occur only when texting. For years, we’ve all looked down to read. The problem with texting is that it adds one more activity that causes us to look down—and people tend to do it for much longer periods. It is especially concerning because young, growing children could possibly cause permanent damage to their cervical spines that could lead to lifelong neck pain. We often see patients who have suffered from back and neck pain for years who could have been treated very easily when the pain started with simple postural corrections and stretches. If you have been suffering from back or neck pain, come see one of our therapists for an assessment of what is contributing to your pain.


Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

Strengthens Core

PLANK While lying face down, lift your body up on your elbows and toes. Try and maintain a straight spine. Do not allow your hips or pelvis on either side to drop. Hold for as long as you can work up to holding it for a minute a day.

INGREDIENTS • 2 vegan whole wheat wraps • 1/2 cup diced red peppers • 1/2 cup diced yellow pepper • 1/2 cup diced red cabbage

• 2 large carrots, peeled • 6 - 8 tbsp. no-oil, low-salt hummus • 2 tbsp. raw sunflower seeds (or your choice of raw seeds)

DIRECTIONS Heat wraps for 10 to 20 seconds in the microwave. Spread each wrap with 3 to 4 tbsp of no- oil hummus (depending on the diameter of your wrap). Divide veggies and sprinkle on top of the hummus on each wrap. Make sure to stop your veggies about 2 inches down from the edge of the tortillas (this will help the wraps seal up better). Starting on the opposite end, roll upwards tightly and press down to seal. Eat as whole wraps or cut into 1 1/2 to 2 inch pieces to make sushi-like rolls.

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