King's Business - 1940-11

November, 1940

T H E K I N Ö ’ S B U S I N E S S


Thanksgiving Acrostic November brings us Thanksgiving Day and reminds us again that we should be more thankful to God our heavenly Father, whose greatest Gift is the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour. “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift,” the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 9:15. . Let us look at the word “Thanks­ giving” to see whether we can find a list of things that tell u? of the Lord Jesus, the “unspeakable gift” : T Thoughts. God’s thought of us (Psa. 40:17). H Himself. Jesus Himself (Lk. 24: 15). A All things which God causes to ^ work together for our good (Rom. 8:28). N Name. His name which is like a strong tower (Prov. 18:10). K Knowledge of sins forgiven (Eph. 1:7). S Salvation (Tit. 2:11). We are saved and enjoy this great salvation by accepting the Lord Jesus as Saviour (Acts 16:31). G Grace. God’s kindness toward us, which we do not deserve (Eph. (2:8, 9). ( Intercession. Christ Jesus, our great High Priest, ever lives to pray for us (Heb. 7:25). Y Vine, reminding us of our union with the Lord Jesus, who said, “I am the vine, ye are the branches” (John 15:5). I Invitation of Him who said, “Come untci me” (Matt. 11:28). Nearness. Those who accept the Lord Jesus as Saviour are made 'nigh (Eph. 2:13). G God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ,. who said, “I and my Father are one” (John 10:30). New K. Y. B. C. Members The following have read through the G os­ pel according to John and are now members of the Know Tour Bible C lub: B L A N C H E S T E R , O H IO : M ary Esther S h a ffer; Hugh W haley, and Harold W o lf (M rs. D ana Austin, leader). B U F F A L O , M IN N .: Ethel Ludeman. O R ANG E , N . J .: Mrs. G. E . Michalson, O R D W A Y , C O L O .: Jean Stewart (Mrs: M artha Runnells, leader). W H IT E W A T E R ,’ K A N S .: Mildred Claas- sen ; Elsie D ieck; Linda D y c k ; Ruth Entz 1 Hildegard and M artha E p p ; Mildred H arder; Marie R egier; Pauline Thierstein ; Dorothy, Esther, and Selma Thiessen, and Evelyn W iebe (Catharina Claassen, leader). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become a member of the Know Tour Bible Club, read through the Gospel ac­ cording to John, Susing either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will he sent upon request. W hen the Gospel has been read, and a statement to tills effect, signed by parent or Snnday-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior Klngts Busl. ness, a K . T . B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directs: Gospels, postpaid, five cents each— in quantity, three cents; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior K ing’s Busi­ ness, 558 S. Hope S t- I n , a n— U , r « i o 4

Miss Ann continued slowly, "You know she was so .very anxious that every one should be -saved. She told the children at school about the Lord Jesus and taught them her choruses; ’those quick little feet of hers that' won the races on the school grounds ran many an errand for the ‘ Lord. One day while playing in the yard at home, Arlene came running in to her Aunt Edna and said, ‘I want to win some boy or girl for Jesus.’ “Her aunt replied, ‘Well, I guess you will have to wait until some children come here.’ “But Arlene pleaded, ‘No, I want to go now; I know where'there are some children, Aunt Edna.’ “Later a young mother told this aunt that Arlene had come to her door and had asked, ‘Would you like your little girl to know about God?’ The lady said she would, and Arlene said, ‘Well, let her come and follow me.’ ” Miss Ann paused and added, “I won­ der what she would say to us today.” Emmet spoke positively, “I think she would say, ‘I can’t run errands for Jesus any more down on the earth— you go ’stead of me and tell other girls and 'boys about Him.’ ” „ Nancy looked up at Miss Ann with her slow, shy smile, "I wish I loved Jesus as much*as Arlene did, Miss Ann.” Miss Ann nodded, “J. wish we all did, Nancy. Let’s ask the_. Lord to fill our hearts with love for Him ,and for oth­ ers and to teach ua to pray and be­ lieve. Even after Arlene went to heaven, some of her prayers for those she specially loved were answered. She always prayed very earnestly for those she loved .who did not know Christ, and then she would add, ‘And the ones I do not know, Lord, who do not know Thee, let them ‘come to Thee and be washed in Thy .precious blood.’ ” And you who read this little story, who know a dying Saviour’s love but have never received Him into your heart as your 6wn dear Saviour and Lord, this is little Arlene’s prayer for you to receive Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.-that we might live forever with Him.

and would answer her prayers. Her be­ loved grandmother was ill, and Arlene said, ‘I am praying for you, Grandma, so tomorrow you will be better.’ And because she believed with all her heart that the Lord hears and answers prayer, of course she had many, many answers for which she could thank Him. "Arlene was learning to talk to the Lord Jesus-about all the little problems that came up in her life. On her last day in school, one of hei rubbers was taken by some one else. The teacher told her to take the one left in its place. She said, ‘Oh, no, I shall not need it.’ On the way home she prayed about it; then she said, ‘I am not worried; I prayed the Lord Jesus, and it will be there tomorrow.’ And she went skip­ ping, laughing, singing—HOME! “She did not see a car coming; the driver did pot see the happy, carefree child, and the lovely year of thanksgiv­ ing on earth ended in a great Thanks­ giving Day in heaven.” “O-h—did she die?” Marie asked the question out loud that the eyes of the other girls and boys were asking. Miss Ann’s smile was quick and sunny. "Yes and no,” she answered. “Her body was only the house Arlene lived in. And it is true that those who loved her laid that precious little house under fhe grass and flowers like a seed lying in the California sunshine. You know the beautiful resurrection •lilies that grow out here? We really thought ours were dead this year, and then sud­ denly they were tall and blooming. So Arlene’s body lies waiting for that mo­ ment when it will be raised far more beautiful than we ever knew it, and Ar­ lene herself is alive, more wonderfully alive than ever on this earth. "You see, while she was living here on earth, there was one thing that trou­ bled her sometimes. Though she loved the Lord so well, once in a while she was naughty. But as soon as she saw' she was doing wrong, she would stop and say, ‘Oh, my, I must ask Jesus to forgive me, so the devil won’t think 1 belong to*him!’ She did not want to do anything that would displease the Lord. She will never need to fear doing that now. How wonderful it must be for her to be with the One she loves so dearly! “I believe the Lord Jesus was dearer and nearer than any earthly friend— though she loved her family very much. But what a joyous surprise it must have been to talk on earth witji her best Friend about a lost rubber, and then so suddenly to be seeing Him face to face in all the beauty of heaven, never to leave Him! “And .now that Arlene is so happy with the Saviour and Lover of little children, what do you think she would say to us if she could visit us today?” asked Miss Ann. The children glanced upward almost as though they expected to see the shining loveliness of little Arlene, and

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