King's Business - 1940-11

November, 1940

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


God teaches us that any one we can help is our neighbor. LESSON STORY: The Lord Jesus told a story to explain this. He said that a man on a journey

what about the fourth term in the pas­ sage? Does'the word “heart” suggest a fourth element in human nature ? Not at all. “Heart” in Scripture is perhaps the broadest psychological term used of man. It indicates the whole man. Thus to believe with the “heart” means, not merely to believe with the affections as opposed to the intellect, hut to be­ lieve with both affections and the mind, that is, with the whole of man’s three­ fold nature. Looking at the passage from this viewpoint, therefore, we see that the command, to love God involves first of all the whole man, that is, the “heart.” Then the command goes on to name the three distinct elements of the whole man, that is, “soul,” “body,” and “spirit.” Paraphrasing the passage, it might he read something like this: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole being, and with every one of its three elements, thy soul, thy strength, and thy mind.” 3. “This do, and thou shalt live” (v. 28). Of course our Lord knew per­ fectly well, as He knew in the case of the rich young ruler, that no man had ever loved God with his whole being, and his neighbor as himself. But some­ times, when men are so foolish as to suppose that they can do this, it is well to put them to the test of their own foolish claims. This is what our Lord did, to destroy the lawyer’s self-right­ eousness. There is in the state of Pennsylvania, along the Allegheny River, in Arm­ strong .County, a miniature mountain fernery located in a sort of canyon-like gulch that reaches up some miles from the river. It is known as the Nicholson Run, and the road is known as the Nich­ olson Run Road. This creek and road constitute one of the most perfect il­ lustrations of love that might be ob­ served—eleven times, in a short mile or two, the creek crosses the road and the road crosses the creek. If you walk in either way only a little time, you will cross the other way and find yourself in the midst of it. Follow the road a little way, and you have crossed the run; and should you then turn and fol­ low the creek, in a very little space you will be in the midst of the road. And if xVe could only learn the lesson of God’s holy Book, we would know that on the road of lova to God, we must soon and often cross the road of love to man. —The Bottles of Heaven. Golden Text Illustration L uke 10:27

B I B L E S FROM 40c TO ^ _ _____ TEN DOLLARS W© carry in stock or can obtain ior you any Religious or Temperance book published. Also headquarters for Church and Sunday School supplies. Largest stock in the West. Write, call or phone Mutual 3820. RELIGIOUS BOOK* SHOP 3S3 S. Spring St. Los Angeles MAKE MORE MONEY THIS CHRISTMAS Show our “ Good WiH“ Line to friends and neigh­ bors. Beautiful box assortments, 21 folders (with or without Scripture Texts) and free 1941 calen­ dar, for only $1.00. You make 50% for yourself or church society. Our Bible-verse Special—50 folders with name and choice of Scripture text— sells for only $1.20. Popular everywhere. Liberal commission. Full line of other gifts and novelty, items. Good profit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for returnable samples & free display folder today; C. W . BOYER, 2101 Windsor Rd.. Dept. D -ll, Dayton, Ohio LANTERN SLIDES TO ORDER Special Introductory Offer on 2” x2” elides until Christmas, from your films or photos. 30c each plain. 60c colored. Other sizes equally low. Backed by Over 3« Years’ Experience C. WHITFIELD SIM S «17« Myosotis St. Cl,. «6129, Los Aniteles. Cal. THE CHURCH AT WORK by Clarence H. Benson Based upon successful experience, T H E CHUR CH AT W O R K is a book that is help­ ful, and direct fco the point'. All phases of, church work are covered systematically and sensibly. This book Is a comprehensive guide for pas­ tors and students in organizing and building, up a church, and increasing its efficiency by applying the tried and true methods of mod­ ern business to the work of the church. Designed as a textbook, with supplemen­ tary questions added for each chapter. 164 pages, attractive cloth cover, $1.25. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE A SS’N 810 S . W ells St. Chicago, III.

in n from Jerusalem to 5 -Division Jericho was robbed a n d wounded by thieves who left him half dead by the roadside. A priest came that way, whose duty it was to help those in trouble. Perhaps he was like others who want their good deeds to be seen of men. No one could see and praise him, so he went by with­ out helping the wounded man. A Levite who worked in the temple came and looked at the hurt man and then only passed by. If you were hurt, how would you like just to be looked at by some one who did not care? A citizen of Samaria was traveling that same road. He was sorry for the sick man, tenderly bound up his wounds, took him to a hotel, paid the hotel keep­ er to take care of him, and said that if more money was needed, he would pay when next he came that way. Which of these three men, the priest, the Levite, or the Samaritan, was neigh­ bor to the man that fell among thieves? The Samaritans were hated by the Jews, and the wounded man was a Jew. The good Samaritan undoubtedly had heard the Lord Jesus say, “Do good to them that hate you.” He tells us to be like the good Samaritan; but we cannot love others as we love ourselves unless we have God’s love in our hearts. He will give us His love if we ask' Him; then we will be kind, even to those who are “mad” at us.

Zowejt Prices. Sena for illustratedCatalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO. Room 356 1701"1703 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.R» FREE Until Dec , 5th

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Object Lesson “ U ” M ade N ew

OBJECTS: A large wide capital "U,” a piece of currency, a collection plate, and a silk handkerchief. (The “U” should be made of stiff paper. Paint one side black and the other red with poster paints. The “U” is II inches wide and 8% inches high. The side and bottom bars are 1 inch wide, and the corners at the base are square rather than curved. Lay the “U” with the red side down, and fold the right side in 1 inch from the outside, which will be just inside the upright bar. Fold in again

CHRISTMAS GREETINGS in attractive gift box and receive 'FREE 2 different packets of Scrip­ ture Text C h r i s t m a s tags and gummed metallic seals. A Real Bargainl You will be pleased. W e also offer less costly but excellent Scripture Text Christmas Greetings in plain shipping carton (no free seals). i5 Folders— 50c. 6 Folders— 25c. Satisfaction— or your money back. CHRISTIAN SERVICE PRESS Select Christian Literature and Tracts 40 Assorted Tracts— 25c P. O. Box 174K Moline, 111.

Who Is My Neighbor? L uke 10

MEMORY VERSE: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matt. 22:39). APPROACH: We think the. person living* next door is our neighbor, but


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