King's Business - 1940-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November, T940

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idols of pleasures or riches, he is in earnest and will get of God all that he asks and all that he needs. —The Bottles of Heaven.

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When We Pray L uke 11

MEMORY VERSE: “ The Lord will hear when I call unto him” (Psa. 4:3). APPROACH: A man who came to see President Lincoln waited long in the reception room, but the President’s little son said, “I will take you to my father.” So they came together to the P r e s i d e n t of the United States. " “Father,” said the C ■ r - . - l f f l f President’s s o n , “ this is' my fHend; | p l e a s e give him L r w h a t e v e r he B S R wants.” For love of ^ his son, the Presi- CLf- jS | g § dent received the R ' V n H man and granted 5 - D i v i s i o n hisLrEesqsoNSTORY : God, the heavenly Father, accepts us because of His beloved Son. The Lord Jesus said, “No maii cometh unto the Father, but by me.” We ask the Father in Jesus’ name to grant our requests. What does it mean to ask in Jesus’ name? Your father gave his name to your mother, when she became his own; so when we belong to the dear Lord Jesus Christ, He gives us His name, and we are called “Christ-ians.” Only by belonging to the Lord ‘Jesus Christ can we become children of God and have the right to call Him “our Father.” Our great and holy heavenly Father wants us to tell Him all about our joys or troubles, but we must come near Him, with cleanv hearts. Would you speak to a king or president if you had a dirty face? We cannot make our own hearts clean, the way we wash our faces, but the dear Lord Jesus gave His precious blood to blot out all the sins that make our hearts so dirty. After we are cleansed, if we fall and call to the Lord Jesus, He will pick us up, making us clean again and fit to come to “our Father” in prayerl He want! to giye us everything good, but we are often like little babies, crying for things that would hurt us, so the blessed Holy Spirit teaches us what to ask “our Father” and to thank Him first for His goodness to us-

Object Lesson A P a t t e r n a n d a P r a y e r OBJECTS: A dress pattern and a piece of dress material. LESSON: If your mother intended to make a dress of this material, she would not get far without a pattern, would she ? People need patterns for many things in life besides dresses. We especially need a pattern for prayer. One day asi the Lord Jesus Christ finished praying, one of the disciples asked Him to leach them to pray. ■In Matthew 6:9 He said, “ After this man­ ner therefore pray ye.” The “Lord’s Prayer” is more than a prayer—it is a pattern for prayer. When making a garment, one must consult the pattern very carefully in order to know what is to be done first. If wc are to pray, we must know some­ thing about the pattern for prayer. The Lord Jesus said, first of all, “ Our1Father,” showing us that prayer is on the basis of relationship. God becomes our Father when we accept Christ as Saviour. The one who is our earthly father gives us many, things because we are related to him. In giving this pattern fgr prayer, Christ told who should be first. He said that we should pray first for three things which had to do with God: that His name should be hallowed, His king­ dom should come, and His will should be done. Having followed the first part of this pattern, let us examine the rest. We may now pray' for food, forgiveness, and guidance. After a garment has been made, is the garment or the pattern worn? That seems a foolish question to ask, but we must remember that some people think they have prayed all they need to when they have repeated the Lord’s Prayer. We must remember that prayer is on the basis of relationship to God as Father, that God must have first place, and that our needs must come last.

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Luke 2:8 Ami there were In the same country shepherds abiding: in the field, keep­ ing watch over their flock by night. 9 And) lo. the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them ; and they were sore afraid. 10 And the angel said unto them, Rear

not: for, behold, 1 bring you good tiding^ of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11 For unto you Is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in sw ad­ dling clothes lying in a monger.


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