King's Business - 1940-11

November, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The Agony of Israel In War Torn Lands A Report of the Appalling Sufferings of Jews and Jewish Christians 1 H A V E recently returned from ; Europe after five years o f labor in England in the London headquarters of the International Hebrew Christian Alliance., I have been laboring amongst the Refugees— the Jewish and Hebrew Christian victims of R azi terror.

It has been my lot to travel in Germany, and in former Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary, Ru­ mania and Roland. I have seen something of un- . paralleled sufferings which have overwhelmed Jews and Jewish Christians. I have listened to the harrowing tales of Jewish mothers whose husbands had been murdered, and ¿vhose sons had suffered indescribable tortures in Nazi con­ centration camps. I have seen something of the appalling poverty and distress of Jews and non- Aryan Christians in Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna,

homes and forced to live in damp cellars infested by rats'and vermin; living in terror of the Ges­ tapo "by day and by night; afraid to venture out into the streets in the open daylight; thrown in concentration camps and there tortured by sadis­ tic cruelty.., Work of Rescue The International Hebrew Christian Alliance, x with headquarters in London, Eng., is one of the major Refugee organizations, recognized by the British Government and laboring in the interests

and other cities of greater Ger­ many. I hav'e met and tried to help the Refugees in Paris, Prague, Budapest, Warsaw, Am­ sterdam, Antwerp, London, and other European cities where these unhappy p e o p l e have found a temporary refuge after being banished from their native countries. The Agony of Israel How can one describe the ap­ palling condition of the Jews and Jewish Christians: — their means of livelihood taken frbm them, their children jeered at, bullied and frequently tortured; in many cases their possessions confiscated; evicted from their

of the Jewish Christian victims of the Nazi persecutions. During the past seven years the Alliance, under God, has saved thousands of these 'People who otherwise might have s t a r v e d , despaired or committed suicide. We have given food and shelter to the starving ¿and persecuted in Germany, and to the Refugees who fled from the Nazi terror to Austria, France,_ Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Great Britain, and other countries. In England we maintain five hostels or homes for refugees to whom we give food and shelter until we are able to make arrangements for their ultimate settlement in over-seas coun­ tries. Some of these refugees we have settled in Great Britain, U. S. A., Aus­ tralia, Africa, Palestine, and in South American countries like Uruguay, Ar­ gentine, Brazil and Bolivia.

The Rev. Jacob Peltz


refugees. Our work of mercy mpst go on and be extended in view of the increasing devastation and hunger. >SO S From Europe The cries for help from Jews and Hebrew Christians in dis­ tress in other countries are also heart-rending. Our repre­ sentative in Switzerland, free to labor on behalf of refugees in various countries of Europe, begs us to send him money to give food to the starving, shelter to the homeless and medical care to the wounded and dying. Never in all their history have the Jews suffered bn such an appalling scale as today. Never have Christians in America, living as we are in peace and security, had such an opportunity to help per­ secuted Israel in devastated Europe. The need is very great. Please help us in the name of Christ to show mercy to His afflicted brethren. M r. Peltz is available to address congregations or missionary societies on “ 'File International Situation in the Light of Prophecy,” “ The Triumphs of the-Gospel Am ongst the Jews of Europe,” “ W h a t I Saw in F azi Germany,” etc.

When the war broke out Great Britain had nearly 100,000 Jewish and Hebrew Christian refugees, all of them, victims of Nazi persecution. The refugee organizations cared for these refugees and with the aid of the British Government found places of settlement for the homeless people in- over­ seas countries.. As an American citizen living in England for five years and laboring on behalf of the refugees I have seen something of the sacrifices Christians in Britain made to support our refugee work and that of other organizations. But now, in their agony and suffering, no longer able to support the refugees, the British refugee-workers cry to us to help them. In spite of the terrific bombardment, we thank God that our various homes for the refugees in London and other parts of Great Britain have not been devastated. Even more grateful are we that our refugee workers, missionaries and ministers ,are still able to go on with their Christ-like minis­ try, in spite of fatigue and weariness from the loss of sleep. Their courageous spirit, their unfailing faith in God is an inspiration to us all. But now they cry to us in America to help them feed and house the homeless Jewish Christian

PLEASE SEND your gift at once. Make checks or money orders payable to the International Hebrew Christian Alliance and address gift to t he Rev. Jacob Peltz, 2852 Eastwood Avenue, Chicago, III. THE INTERNAT IONAL HEBREW CHR IST IAN ALL IANCE The Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B.,B.D., General Secy., 2852 Eastwood Ave., Chicago,



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