King's Business - 1940-11

November, 194(

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


beneficial, .just in proportion to his' obedience to its laws. The Word of God is an indescribably mightier force than is electricity. It is “living, and active, and Sharper than any two-edged sword” (Heb. 4:12, R. V.). For those who adjust their lives to this living Word, there is always re­ sultant power and light and comfort. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, in stressing this point, used to tell of a poor woman who was confronted: by a .modern agnos­ tic who asked: "What are you read­ ing ?’’ “I am reading the Word of God.” "The Word of God! Who told you that?” “He told me so Himself.” "Told you so ? Why, how can you prove that?” ■ , Looking skyward, the woman asked: “Can .you prove to me that there is a Sun up in the sky?” “Why of course; the best proof is that it warms me, and I can see its light.” “That’s it!” was her joyous reply.' “The best proof that this Book is the • Word of God is that it warms and lights my soul.” Let the group cite instances when the Word of God has brought special strength to their own lives. The Speakers’ Outline .I. WHY USE THE WORD OF GOD (Heb. 4:12) ? 1. Because it stands the tests of all * the ages (Psa. 119:89; Isa. 40:8; I Matt. 5:18; 24:35; 1 Pet. 1:25). 2. Because of its many uses to meet innumerable needs. a. It is an unfailing light (Psa. 119:130; 2 Pet. 1:19). Let a student of "astronomy read a brief paper on “light,” and ask the group to suggest spiritual applications. b. It is a weapon (Eph. 6:17). Draw spiritual contrasts and comparisons from the imple­ ments of modern warfare. c. It is a probing instrument (Heb. 4:12). A member of the group interested in surgery could lead a profitable consideration of this verse. d. It is a cleansing agent (John 15:3; 17:17; Eph. 5:26). e. It is a. source of delight (Psa. 119:72;, Jer. 15:16). (Add other characterizations of The Word of God). II. WHEN USE THE WORD OF GOD (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) ? Speak of the portions of these verses 'that show the Bible is needed: 1. For inspiration. 2. For guidance. 3. For spiritual development. Illustrative Material 1. .Even small portions of the Word of God, when read or heard, have car­

ried profound conviction. When a skep­ tic, Burt Olney, argued his disbelief in the infallibility of the Bible, the young minister to whom he was speaking an­ swered all his charges with the quiet repetition of the verse, Jilt is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the «judgment” (Heb. 9:27). That night the skeptic could not sleep, and the next day he yielded to God.* / 2. John Wanamaker, the merchant prince, was eleven years old when he purchased a Bible, In later years, he said of this purchase, “I have of course made large purchases of property in my time, involving millions of dollars. But it was hs a boy in the country that I made my greatest purchase. In the lit­ tle mission Sunday-school I bought a small red leather Bible for two dollars and seventy-five cents, which I paid for in small installments. . . . IL-was the greatest investment I ever made.” —Sunday School Times.

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*See Moody Monthly Aug. 1940, p. 678.

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