King's Business - 1940-11


November, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

. DECEMBER 15, 1940 THE LORD’S PRAYER: A BIBLE GEM M a t t h e w 6:9-15 The Leader’s Opening Remarks

(Since the Sunday-school -lesson for today deals with “The Lord’s Prayer,” and considerable material on the sub­ ject is found elsewhere irt this issue, only a brief outline on the subject of prayer in general is offered here.) The Speakers’ Outline I. MEN WHO P R E V A I L E D IN PRAYER. 1. Abraham-r-for w i c k e d Sodom (Gen. 18:23-33). 2. Jacob—at Peniel (Gen. 32:34-30). 3. Hezekiah—when he received a dis­ tressing letter (2 Ki. 19:14-20). 4. Ezra—for the captive Jews (Dan. 9:3-23). 5. Paul—for the Ephesians (Eph. 3:14-21). H. HOW TO PRAY. 1. With contrition (2 Chron. 7:14). 2. In faith (Mk. 11:24).' 3. In right relation to Christ (John 15:7). HI. WHY SOME PRAYERS WERE NOT ANSWERED. 1. Because of disobedience (Deut. 1:42-45). 2. Because of secret sin (Psa. 66:18). 3. Because of Indifference (Prov. 1:28-31). 4. Because of self-indulgence (Jas. 4:3). Thoughts on Prayer The people who pray in secret are ready to pray in public. Pray hardest when it is hardest to pray. The quickest way to get on your feet is to get on your knees. —The Cream Book. His mother’s faithful prayers led to the conversion of R. A. Torrey, and changed him from an agnostic to a world evangelist. Give other incidents of the part that prayer had in the sal­ vation of souls. An extremely profitable treatment of the “Lord’s Prayer” may be found in The Prayer Perfect by Harry Rim- mer, Revell Co. Price $1.25. . DECEMBER 22, 1940 CHRISTMAS THEN AND NOW L uke 2 :1-19 The Leader’s Opening Remarks Not many years ago, at Christmas time in a city in Pennsylvania, motor­ ists complained about the number and the brilliance of the neon and- other lights used in outdoor decorations, be­ cause these bright lights sometimes made drivers unaware of the important “stop” lights at the street

SAVE . . Boys and Girls! 14 Soul-winning Chalk talks, coin 25c “ Beautiful Hymns“ for Jrs........10c Folding Blackboard & Easel $6.00 , (3x4| ft. Carry Anywhere) Have been highly commended for Christian workers. Order from k REV. FRANK A. MILKER, Supt. Children’s Evangelistic Union 125 S. Ave. 60, Los Angeles, Calif. Please mention King’s Busfness

Amos R. Wells hap- written a little booklet called “The House of the Lord’s Prayer.” * In it he describes (1) the entrance: “Qur Father which art in heaven” '; (2) the fireplace: “Hallowed be thy name” ; (3) the windows: “Thy kingdom come” ; (4) the living room: “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” ; (5) the dining room: “ Give us this day our daily bread” ; (6) the bed room: “Forgive us our debts, as we for­ give our debtors” ; (7) the kitchen: “Lead us not into temptation” ; (8) the library: “For thine is the kingdom, and the powef, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” , Strictly speaking, the portion as­ signed for our lesson today is not “The Lord’s Prayer,” hut the prayer which the Lord Jesus Christ taught His dis­ ciples, at their request. The Lord’s prayer is that matchless record of His intercession, given in John 17. By studying the prayer habits of the Saviour, we will be helped greatly in realizing the importance and value of prayer (cf. Mk. 1:35; 6:46, 47; Lk. 6:12; 22:41, 42, etc.).

SONGS IN THE DESERT 50 New Gospel Songs and Choruses Leatherette Cover 50c Postpaid Clarence E. Ranck SI7 No. Harvard Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif.

BY-PATHS IN THE BIBLE C0UNTBY By - Prof. Chas. A. S. Dwight, Ph.D. Tills book is different! Departing from the usual procedure, Professor Dwight takes the reader through the'^ftcriptures— stopping at the seldom discussea passages, much as the nature lover takes to the by-paths and deep woodlands to find the rarities of Gl-od’s crea­ tion. Here are choice, one-minute messages that will be welcomed by all who love, study or* teach God’s W ord. 126 pages, cloth, $1.00. B IB L E IN S T IT U T E COLPORTAG E A S S’S 31« S . W ells St. Chicago, III. William M. Smith, instructor in Homiletics in Union Bible Seminary, •has prepared a course of twenty lessons in Hotniletics which will- help you. 15 methods of outlining áre used. 1 . Word 6. Contrast 11. Key-Word . 2. Phrase 7. Analytical 12. Character 3. Verse ; 8. Synthetic 13. Biographical 4. Chapter 9. Pictorial 14. Expository 5. Topical 10. Narrative 15. Cause and Effect These 20 Lessons Sent with the Gospel Minister, 8-page weekly, edited by Mr. Smith, 26 issues, $1. UNION BIBLE SEMINARY, Dept. 615, Westfield Ind. Fifteen Methods

* W estm inster Press, Philadelphia, Pa, Price 30 cents.


Sample Outline

Text: Thou wilt shew me the path of life. Ps. 16-11. Subject: The Journey of Life. Method: The Pictorial Outline Method. 1. The Guide— “ Thou” — Jesus a. Qualification— wise; kind, .etc. b. Experience — been over the road ' b. Have not had ex­ perience 3. The R oad— "paM i" a. One of many b. Is a narrow road 4. The Destination, “ life” a. C o n t r a s t with .death b. A d e l i g h t f u l anticipation I S Y OU R H E A R T OP EN FOR THE R U S S I A N S ? There is not a single nation in the whole world so neglected and forgotten by most of {he American Christians as the Russians. Thousands of Russian believers are passing through economic hardships because of their faith. Mil­ lions of that great nation are sitting in spiritual darkness, and only a small number of American Christians are realizing their responsibility. Russian be­ lievers are suffering greatly for the necessities of life. .. , The Russian Christian Relief Society, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, administers relief to believers and carries on Missionary Work among millions of Russians living in spiritual darkness in Europe, Asia, United States, and Canada. We ask your prayerful cooperation for this great work of the Lord. ; RUSSIAN CHRISTIAN RELIEF SOCIETY 490 Eighth Avenue, Room 506 K Rev. Peter Pleshko, General Director New York, N. Y. 2. The Traveler— “ me” a. M u s t t a k e the journey

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