King's Business - 1940-11

November, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Similarly, the Lord’s people, though humbled by the memory of their past failure, are Jto "recognize that when God forgives sin on the ground of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ, He forgets. —Selected. John 17 as “ Th e L o rd ’ s P rayer” The prayer of the Lord Jesus Christ on behalf of His own is above all an intercessory prayer. Let us consider: L The ground of the petitions: The finished work of Christ—including Ais substitutionary death for sin, regarded here as complete as far as His purpose is concerned (v. 4; cf. John 19:30). n . The gifts made by the Father to the Son. 1. Power over all flesh, to give eternal life to those the Father gives Him (v. 2). This company includes all who are the Fa­ ther’s (v. lOX 2. A work to accomplish (v. 4). 3. The glory shared by the Father and Son in eternity (v. 5). HI. The gifts made by the Son to the Father. ■ 1. Glorification of the Father on the earth through fulfilling His work.(v. 4). 2. Manifestation of the Father’s name through giving men His words (vs. 6, 8>. IV. The gifts from the Father given to believers in Christ. 1. “Keeping” through the Father’s name (vs. 11, 12). a. On the positive side,, the aim , is union, “ that they may be one, as we are.” ■ b. Negatively, the object is that they should be kept from the evil (v. 15; cf. R. V., “the evil one” ). 2. Christ’s joy fulfilled in them (v. 13). 3. The Father’s word (v. 14). 4. Sanctification (being made pro­ gressively holy) (vs. 17,19). 5. A commission to go into the world (v. 18). 6. The glory given the Son by the Father (v. 22). a. The effect: union of believers with one another and with the Father and the Son (vs. 22, 23). b. The ultimate aim: evidence to the world that the Father sent the Son because of His love (v. 23). 7. Admission with the Son to the Father’s presence, to behold the Son’s glory (v. 24), 8. The love wherewith the Father has loved the Son — indwelling them (v. 26). V. The result of the petitions: Chris­ tian unity, an evidence to the world of God’s love (vs. 21-23, 26),.

play of persistence. In the verses as­ signed for our consideration, we have given to us the secret of the buoyant energy of “Paul the aged, . . . a pris­ oner of Jesus Christ.” He determined to follow certain practices, and the study and development of them in our­ selves unquestionably will increase our zeal for Christ. The Speakers* Outline I. DETERMINED TO FORGET (v. 13). 1. Salvation from the guilt of sin enables the Christian to “forget” _ (John 5:24; Rom. 5:1; 8:1, R.V.; Psa. 103:12; Isa. 38:17). 2. Consciousness of cleansing from daily acts of sin (upon contrite confession) enables the Christian to “forget” (1 John 1:9; cf. v. 7; Prov. 28:13). H. DETERMINED TO REACH FORTH (v. 13). 1. This phase of Paul’s God-given program expresses his aspiration, his desire to go forward with Christ (Phil. 3:10). 2. The goal ahead is the supernat­ ural attainment of Christlike 'char­ acter (Rom. 8:29; cf. vs. 28, 30; 2 Cor. 3:18). III. DETERMINED TO PRESS ON (vs. 14-16). A • 1. In its practical outworking, Paul’s aspiration found expression in ac­ tion motivated by the will to “ press” onward with the ¡Lord Jesus Christ at the cost even of suffering (cf. Phil. 3:10; 2 Cor. 11:24-28; Acts 13 to 28). 2. This program was, carried forward in the power of the Lord (2 Cor. 2:14; 4:8-18). 3. The outcome was victory and as­ surance (Phil. 1:12-14; 2 Tim. 1:12; 4:6-8). , Illustrative Material D. L. Moody liked to use as an illus­ tration the story of the time his little son accidentally killed a hen in the yard. The child brought it to his father and expressed his genuine sorrow over what he had done. He asked forgiveness, and it was granted promptly. A few mo­ ments later he came again, exclaiming, “Oh, Father, I’m sorry I killed your hen; won’t you please forgive me?” His father assured him that every­ thing was all right, kissed him, and said, “Now just run along and play.” But it was not long before the boy came back again, still contrite and again dragging the body of the hen be­ hind him as he pleaded, “Father, won't you please forgive me?” With both love •and firmness, Mr. Moody summoned his son close to him and said, “ Son, I forgave you the first time. Take that old hen o.ut of here and forget it!” ............ '


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