King's Business - 1940-11

November, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


14. Wrong View of Sin “How many are mine iniquities and sins? make me to know my transgres­ sion and my sin” (Job 13:23). It is a fact that wrong views of sin lie at the root of almost all false teach­ ing. As long as a man is wrong about sin, he must be wrong about every­ thing else. It is only when a man knows what sin is in the sight of God, and takes his right place as a sinner before God, that he knows anything as he ought to know, or can understand the revelation of God. •—W. Fuller Gooch. Hidden in God “Thou shalt hide them In the secret of thy presence from the pride of man” (Psa. 31:20). What need we care for the world’s worst of rage, falsehood, calumny, and unkindness when we are thus hidden in God? Man cannot hurt the stars by flinging stones at them; the stars are hidden in God’s heavenly refuge. NO strife of tongues can hurt us if we are in God’s pavilion of love. —J. R. Miller, 16. Relying on Prayer “Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord” (Gen. 18:27). When we rely upon organization, we get what organization can do; when we rely upon education, we g e t, what education can do; when we rely upon eloquence, we get what eloquence can do; and so on. Nor do I undervalue any of these things In their proper place. But When we rely upon prayer we get what God can do. —A. C. Dixon. Devotional Reading “Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes” .(Deut. 11:18). \ A young woman asked to explain de­ votional reading of the Bible, answered, “Yesterday I received a letter from one to whom I have given my heart and devoted my life. X freely confess to you that I have read that letter five times, not because I did not understand it at the first reading, nor because I expected to commend myself to the author by frequent reading of his epis­ tle. I read it because I am devoted to the one who wrote it.” —Moody Monthly. 18. Behind His Back “Thou hast in love to my soul de­ livered it from the pit of corruption: for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back” (Isa. 38:17). When we cast our sins behind our back, and take no care to repent of them, God sets them before His face, and is ready to, reckon for them. But 15. 17.

tals on the other side. They may mean strength, they may mean no such thing. Let us put our dependence on the Lord God Almighty.—John McNeill. He Is Our Light “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8:12), It is the privBege of every Christian to walk in an unclouded sky. But do we walk thus in an unclouded sky ? No, most Christians are often in dark­ ness. If I were to ask a congregation if they were all walking in the light, I believe there is scarcely one . . . but would reply, “No, I am often in dark­ ness:” Why is that? It is because we are not following Christ, and keeping close to Him.—D. L. Moody. Our Protection “I will be an enemy unto thine ene­ mies, and an adversary unto thine ad­ versaries”’ (Ex. 23:22). He that hath Christ for his King and God, let him be assured that he hath the devil for his enemy, who will work him much sorrow and will plague him all the days of his life. But let this be our comfort and great glory, that we poor people have the Lord of life and death, clothed with our flesh and blood, sitting at the right hand of God the Father who defendeth and protecteth us.—Martin Luther. The Sinew of the Thigh “He touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him” (Gen. 32:25). We asked a physician: “What is the significance of God’s touching Jacob upon the sinew of his thigh?” He re­ plied: “The sinew of the thigh is the strongest in the human body.^A horse could scarcely tear away the limb, pull­ ing it straight. Only as he twisted it could he tear it apart.” God has to break us down at the strongest part of our self-life before He can have His own way of blessing with us.—James H. McConkey. 11. , 12. IS.

Book Missionaries Wanted to Sell Mrs. Charles E. Cowman’s g r e a t trio of devotional books: Streams In the Desert Consolation Springs in the Valley • $1.50 each postpaid Liberal Commission ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. PUBLISHERS 900 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles. Calif.

“OUR NEXT PRESIDENT . . . MAN OF DESTINY!” That isjth e title of a vital and important article which appears in the November issue of the “i „Find Christ Adequate” popular Bible magazine — T H E VO ICE . Other timely articles in tharissu e will be: "G O D L E S S " C U L T U R E — PE R ISH IN G N A T IO N S .” “B R A IN TR U ST S or the B IB L E .” “ S H I P S O F T A R S H IS H .” “P R E S E N T D A Y B E T R A Y A L with a K IS S .” “JU D GM E N T S of GOD L E T LOO SE .” Am ong the contributors a re : W in. R. Newell, Russell Taylor Smith, W . E . Pietsch, W m . McCarrell. Subscription price $1.00 a year. Send 25c for 3 months trial subscription/ Single copy 10c. THE VOICE, Dept. K 4000 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. GOSPEL TENTS CANVAS TABERNACLES METAL SEAT ENDS > SM IT H JUFG. CO., D A L T O N . GA. 40 Yearn In B a sin esi 2,000.000 JEWS gath ered in N ew York m ake it the largest Jew ish m ission field in the w orld. T h e N ew Y ork Jew ish E v a n ­ gelization Society. Inc., founded in 1908 by the sainted D R .„T H O M A S M. C H A LM E R S , is striv in g zealou s­ ly to reach them . Its m anifold m in ­ istry includes the care o f H ebrew * C hristian refu gees from Europe. T h is faith w ork is dependent upon you r cooperation by g ift and prayer. Su bscribe fo r our m onth ly “J E W ­ ISH M ISSIO N A R Y M A G A Z IN E ,” $1.00 per annum . Sam ple copy 10c. W rite REV. FREDERICK A. ASTON, Director N ew Y o rk Jew ish E van gelization Society 5(1 Second A v e. N ew Y o rk . N. Y-



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