King's Business - 1940-11

November, 1940

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


when we set them before our face, in true repentance, as David did when his sin,-’ was ever before him, God casts them behind: His back. —Matthew Henry. 19. Bight Contacts “As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me” . (John 15:4). Separation without- contact With tne power will only mean a self-centered life. Contact with the need without the power to meet it will only produce a self-effort, which ends in failure. Con­ tact with Christ constantly and con­ tinuously through the Holy Spirit is the secret of a true Christian expe­ rience and effective service . . . Our ex­ perience of Christ’s love and power must be fresh, This freshness can be maintained only through secret prayer, close fellowship, and Bible study. —W. Mallis. 20. The Preciousness of Christ “Unto you, therefore, which believe, he is the preciousness” (1 Pet. 2:7, lit. trans.). Just as the life of Christ becomes ours when we believe in Him, so does His preciousness. The principle in both is the same. The life may be viewed as our capacity to enjoy; and the precious­ ness as our title to possess our in­ heritance on high. His honors, titles, dignities, privileges, possessions, glo­ ries are ours—all ours in Him. —Andrew Millar. 21. A Purchased Possession “What! know ye not that . . . ye are not your own; Ye are bought with a price” (1 Cor. 6:19, 20). We are members! of the family ot God, sons of God, heirs of God, and partakers of the divine nature; we are members of the royal family of heaven, living on this earth as sons of God. Therefore God expects His blood-bought, redeemed ones to live according to their new status, both toward Himself as Father, and toward the world around them. God expects every one of us to adjust ourselves to our new conditions. —E. L. Langston. When Day Breaks “The night is far spent, the day is at hand” (Rom. 13:12). Unanswered still, the destined hour- none knowing, When day shall break, and all the shad­ ows fle e :' But through all lands the great appeal is glowing, With ever widening, glad expectancy; And hearts that watch ‘ and wait for Him are hearing, Beyond the chimes of earth that change so fast, 22.

The golden bells that herald His ap­ pearing, When prayer to silence dies — an­ swered at last.—Edwin Botham.

5000 W O R K E R S WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books, Scripture calendars, beautiful new mot* toes, Scripture Greeting Cards. Good commission. .Send for free catalog and price list. .GEORGE W. NOBLE, Publisher Dept. 7-C Monon Bldg. Chicago, 111.

23. Vision of the Goal “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14). There was always something shining through the gloom and confusion of the Apostle’s life. The goal inspired every step he took. He drew reserves from the distance and they gave buoy­ ancy to his feet. He practiced walking

Your church, school or ladies' society can make money with our parish paper plan. Stimu­ lates all church activities. Fills empty pews. Sajnples and par­ ticulars free, NATIONAL RELIGIOUS PRESS Grand Rapids, Mich.

Your friends are certain to appreciate your Christmas Greeting if it is a “ Sunshine Line” card. These cards are rapidly growing in favor because they express the true spirit of Christmas. The 1940 assortments are superb beauty and variety. Beautiful new art creations you will be proud to send to friends of discriminating taste. Selected Scripture texts and appropriate sentiments make the “Sunshine Line” the leader. In the No. 40 De Luxe Box Assortment there are 22 Scripture-text folders in great variety of design and effects. Envelopes are included and also a handy folder for keeping record of friends* names and ~~ * $i.9a vah m m m due for only.. $1.00 addresses. This The No. 30 Box assortment contains 12 outstanding Scrip­ ture-text folders with envelopes and sells for only 50 cento. A s k You r Publishing House for “ SUNSHINE LINE” CHRIST HONORING CHRISTMAS CARDS



David answered his own question: "BY TAKING HEED THERETO ACCORDING TO THY WORD-. . .Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.*' (Psa. 119:9,11) DAVID was RIGHT! That WORD, our BIBLE, needs to be implanted in the hearts pf, our young men, our young women, our boys, and our girls, TODAY. The ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES of Sunday School Lessons comprises such Bible lessons for TODAY! Called into existence by the need for more Bible in the Bible Schools of America. Directed by Clarence H. Benson, Editor-in-chief, with a staff of ten writers, specialists in their respective departments. HEADLINES and HIGHLIGHTS ★ All-Bible ★ Graded by Departments ★ A soul-win­ ning series ★ Will hold your adolescents ★ Adopted by 15 new Sunday Schools every week ★ Beginner—Pri­ mary—-Junior—-Intermediate—-Senior INVESTIGATE NOW! January, a good time to .change, over to ALL-BIBLE. FREE! Complete compendium containing themes and scripture references of 780 lessons (14 years) from Beginner through Senior Dep't. Send 10c toward postage. ’ For current manuals, regular prices: teacher's 25c, pupil's 10c. • OUR NEW CATALOG — Sunday School supplies and materials. Write for a copy— FREE. THE CHURCH SCHOOL PROMOTER Monthly Sunday School magazine—provide« luoid, practical METHOOS. Packed with ideas and suggestions. Single sub­ scriptions. $1.00 per year in U.S.A. Five or more at one time, 80e per year. Sample copy, 10c.

THE SCRIPTURE PRESS, Inc. 800 No. Clark St., Chicago, III., Dept. KB-11

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