King's Business - 1940-11

November, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


DOUBLE STANDARD? • There can be no question but that sentiment in the United States has strongly solidified against any compro­ mise with Nazism. The recognition has spread that there IS no basis for this nation to enter into any relationship whatsoever with totalitarianism as rep­ resented by Hitlerism. Now it is plain to observers that to­ talitarianism as represented by Stalin­ ism is an evil equal with that system as developed by Hitler. Why then is a dis­ tinction made? ‘ Why is Russia coddled and “appeased,” while Nazi Germany is judged by a different standard of val­ ues? These questions can be asked much more easily than they can be answered. The fact is that the American mind has been trained to apply a “double stan­ dard” to Sovietism and Nazism. Ever since the establishment of the Soviet system, powerful voices in educational, political, and literary circles have car­ ried on a pro-communist propaganda. The brutalities of Sovietism have been smoothed over, excused, and extenuated. A spirit of "friendliness for the Soviet experiment” has been fostered. The Soviet-Nazi alliance did much to disillusion the pro-Soviet publicists. The Russian invasion of Finland did even more. But the effects of the disillusion­ ment soon wore off. While there was an intense outcry of indignation against Soviet aggression against Finland, the more recent Soviet encroachments have gone almost unnoticed. After the crushing of Finland, the Soviet agents and representatives in the nation’s capital were given the “cold shoulder”—for a time. But, once again, they are back in the confidence of lead­ ing politfcians. They have “sold” many political authorities on the idea that Russia will soon turn on Hitler, and that, therefore, the democracies might as well begin to recognize the “debt of gratitude” that they will, sooner or lat­ er, owe to Russia. The Word of God willi stand a thou­ sand. readings; and he who has gone over it most frequently is the surest of finding new wonders there. —J. Hamilton.

Dr. R. E. Neighbour The well-known Bible teacher and author, R. E. Neighbour, is expecting to be on the Pacific Coast during the coming winter and early spring, ar­ riving in this locality in November. Churches that -would like to have him for one-day or two-day Bible confer­ ences are invited to communicate with him in care of THE KING’S BUS­ INESS, Box 718,. 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Neighbour, who travels with her husband, shows motion pictures of the extended missionary tours which they have made in recent years. The message of these servants of the Lord is true to the Word of God. and encouraging and stimulating to be­ lievers. They have a generous plan for helping communities in which they minister, by means of the distribution of helpful books on Bible study. Pas­ tors and Christian workers are invited to communicate with Dr. Neighbour. Trotsky was the original “trigger man” of the Red revolution. It was he who directed the mass executions of Christians during the early phases of the Bolshevik uprising. He was the unrelenting organizer of the infamous Cheka which arbitrarily executed at least fiffy thousand innocent citizens. Trotsky was the full partner of Lenin, and shjifed equally with him in the suc­ cessful management of the Soviet revo­ lution. But at the time of Lenin’s death, Stalin was able to wrest control of the Communist party machinery. Stalin’s fear of Trotsky’s hold upon tl*$ Communist masses drove him to wage relentless war on the “remnants” of the old Trotsky-Lenin regime. The “pld- time Bolsheviks” were, in most cases, shot under one pretense or another. Trotsky was able to escape, after the controlled government 'press had brand­ ed him a traitor in the eyes of the people. A man without a country, Trotsky went from nation to nation in Europe. Finally, he had worn out his welcome all around—for he never abandoned his goal of world revolution and continued his undercover plotting, wherever he might be. His constant hope was to bring about the overthrow of Stalin’s rule and then, through a “Trotsky in­ ternational,” carry out the revolution­ ary program in every country on earth. Finally, he fled to Mexico, where he lived until that morning when a .pre­ tended ifriend called upon him and at­ tacked him with a pickax. All h's life, Trotsky had been mditantly anti-God, both in theory and in practice. “ So­ cialism,” he wrote, “must mean the de­ struction of all religion.” SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NEWS [ Continued from Page 405]

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