King's Business - 1940-11

November, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The Remarkable Jew B y L. S A L E -Ü A R R IS O N

Biola’ s World-Wide Prayer Circle Following the opening of the school year at the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles, Christina J. Braskamp, Secretary of Biola’s World-Wide Prayer Circle, asked that intercession of Prayer Circle members be centered particularly upon the students now in training for Chris­ tian service. The enrollment, the larg­ est in a number of years, includes 440 Day School students, 140 in the Eve­ ning School, and 1,000 in the Corre­ spondence School. Miss Braskamp also has suggested that praise be offered that such a Bible Institute exists to give the training that young people need in a day of spiritual decline and apostasy. Suggesting that members of the Prayer Circle send in their own prayer requests, she adds, “We count it a privilege to join you in prayer as you pass through the bright and dark days of our earthly sojourn.” New members may join the Prayer Circle by choosing a specific hour each week to pray for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and by notifying Miss Braskamp at 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Judith McDonald and Lavinia Garter were bosom friends according to all the traditions and proprieties of the Old South, yet at heart there w as no real affinity between them W hen both girls began to love the same man, their real dislike for one another found definite though veiled and courteously covered expression. Struggles o f love, the testimony of her lover’s cousin, and the suffering brought by the civil war, bring Judith to the acknowledg­ ment o f her need of a higher Power to di­ rect her steps. A s her desire to find com­ plete rest in Christ and H is will for her be­ comes the increasing and absorbing passion of her life, she finds not only ease from heartache, but receives in abundance the gifts of her Lord. This well-written, vivacious story is an exceptionally fine one to put into the hands of Christian young people who need to be led into the joys of complete surrender to Christ. 242 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price 21.00. f The Bible Treasury Book B y W IL L IA M E D W A R D S C AM ERON The author’s purpose in this book, accord­ ing to the introduction, is to “ induce people to read their Bibles.” H e has arranged over two thousand Bible questions, in thirty chapters under such titles a s : “Curious Ques­ tions,” "E a rly Facts About the Bible,” "C on­ cerning Israel’s High Priests and Judges.” “ Christ’s Parables,” etc; A chapter of answers, with Scripture réferences, follows each chapter of questions. The facts covered are unfam iliar to the average Bible reader. Sunday-school teachers and young people's leaders will welcome this book as a means to arouse interest in searching the Scrip­ tures. 195 pages. Pinebrook Book Club. Cloth. Price 21.00. Christmas Treasures By J. H A R O L D G W Y N N E From a pastor whose custom it Is to dwell upon the Christmas theme in his addresses throughout December, comes this helpful col­ lection of Christmas sermons and hymns. The book is in three sections, of five chap ters each. Here is an excellent source ol material for m essages and for personal medi- . tation. 160 pages. W m . B . Eerdmartk Pub. f Co. Cloth. Price 21.00. OUR LITERATURE TABLE Shining After Bain B y LO U ISE H AR R IS O N M cC R AW

Just from the Press H a l l o w i n g t h e h o m e H E L P F U L H IN T S FO R P A R E N T S “ B y 27orman B . Harrison “ After reading everything concerning religion for youth for 30 years, and. seven books on home religion in recent' weeks, I feel that your manu­ script answers more of the questions young mothers have been asking me thru the years than anything I have ever seen. In fact I think the answers are all there“—Young People’s Worker. Beautifnl C5ift Edition. «4 Pages. 25 Cents. T H E H A R R I S O N S E R V I C E Bloom'.n£«.un-Lake Sta. Minneapolis. Minn. S P E C I A L N O T I C E Just Off iitfs Press “ACTS OF THE APOSTLES VISUALIZED” For Teaching Boys and Girls By Irene B, Ranney 100-page book, 75 cut-outs including maps. Complete set $1.00; postage 6c. Thrilling Thanksgiving object lessons 1,5c. Order through your dealer ^or by mail from-— W. R. RANNEY 2746 Angus St. Los Angeles, Calif.

Beginning with a discussion of “W h at Are the Dispensations?” and concluding with "T h e Glorious Future” o f the Lord’s chosen people, this hook is a readable, intensely interesting study of Palestine and . the Je,ws, as set forth in the W ord of God. B y popular demand, the book has had to be reprinted again and again, and for each new edition the author has been careful to provide all the up-to-date ■information that could be pro­ cured regarding the subject. 223 pagés. Pickering & Ingiis. Cloth. Priee 21.00. Booklets for Saved and Unsaved Tw o pamphlets, adapted to readers who have varying needs, are being offered by Claude R . Bunzel. The one. entitled “The Burl,”* a lessor drawn from the redwoods, hs a salvation message with a story setting and uses much of the W ord itself in explain­ ing the plan of salvation. The other leaflet, “Revealing Christ Through D ailj Living,” is a serious statement of God's standard for the Christian’s life. W ith ample Scripture quotations, the theme is . developed to show the practical requirements for Christian living, and the source of power in the Lord Jesus Christ, Samples will be sent on receipt of six cents in stamps for mailing, by the Blessed Hope Publishing Co., P. O B ox 446, Pasadena, Calif Booklets by T. Marshall Morsey Five attractive Christmas booklets that carry a devotional. Christ-honoring message are offered for those who long for a helpful

dialogue on your phonograph New! Different! Educational! Presents the full Bible drama of the birth of Christ: the Journey to Bethlehem,— “No room at the inn,” the angelsand shepherds—“Good tidings,”—Herod —visit of the Wise Men—“Oh, come all ye faithful.” True to the Word. Sent on Trial Complete .set of “ Clear-tone” 12 inch double-faced phonograph records in attractive Christmas case, only, $2.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Returnable for full credit refund if not delighted. A t your favorite dealer*s or direct, ORDER TODAYl Makes Christmas true and real as never before. The perfect gift for family and friends. Other numbers available including Christmas carols . Free folder on request DONLEY RECORDINGS K • Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Illinois Gentlemen: Ontrial offer,money-backguarantee, please •end records as checked: .. ... -XlOO “ The Christmas Story” —2 double- faced 12-inch records, 4 recordings, $2.00 ......... X108 “ Wake, OWake“ —Bach, “ Psalm 124” — ! Boulanger, University o f Chicago Choir, $1.00 . . . . . . XlOO “ A MightyFortress*'—Luther,“ Beautiful Saviour '*— Concordia Seminary Choir, $1.00 ......... X10S “ Praise to the Lord’’—Christiansen, Fort Wayne ChoralS o ciety ......................... $1.00 n I enclose 1 - I 1 Send C.O.D. M«*”* --- ----------- Address ___:------- --------- , , — ----- Your ehurch and Amnnmi'nnfinn Your dealer's name and • - ------

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