King's Business - 1940-11


November, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, is­ sued only for the glory of the King. It is the kind of periodical that will de­ light believers because of its consistent allegiance to the Word of God, and it will be read also by those who have not yet come to know Christ’s saving power.

Significance of the News One of the most popular features in T H E K IN G ’S,BUSINESS is the de­ partment prepared by the well-known news correspondent and militant Chris­ tian, Dan Gilbert. Having contacts throughout the nation through speaking appointments, and with headquarters both in Washington, D. C., and San Diego, Calif., he is able to evaluate na­ tional events \yi h u-usual accuracy. Especially for Leaders “ 1 had to lead Christian Endeavor the other night,” a young girl wrote. “ 1 didn’t know what to do. But 1 went to vour magazine, and it helped me!” In different language, this would h~ testimony of many eager young Chris­ tians, wno use tne is cites on v.nnstian Endeavor.” “ 1 want my Sundav-school teachers to teach T H E W O R D OF GOD , so I am arranging to supply them with of T H E K IN G ’S BUSINESS to use as quarterlies.” It would be im­ possible to estimate the number of Sun­ day-school and church leaders who have made this decision. T o make it easy to order the maga­ zine in quantity, die “ Bundle Plan” has been adopted. Why .not order a bundle for YOU R church today? (Special rates furnished upon request.) Remem­ ber: the International Lesson Commen­ tary and the Christian Endeavor Notes are printed in the magazine one month in advance. Leaders of young people as well as Christian parents will find throughout the magazine unlimited ma­ terial for their groups. For the Family Circle Daily Devotional Readings— a Scrip­ ture portion and a brief comment foi every day of the month— are provided for personal use. or for family worship. As an experiment, not long ago, this section of TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS was omitted, and the storm of protest was so loud and continuous that the de partment had to be promptly resumed. Junior-age boys and ¿iris, as well as their parents and teachers, enjoy the sec­ tion that is prepared particularly for them. Here are stories, puzzles, drills, etc., to satisfy inquiring minds and in­ still love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Evangelistic in Spirit By the grace of God, TH E K IN G ’S BUSINESS for 1941 w i l l be as soul-satisfying as in any previous year. A glance at the list of expected articles, at the Tight, will easily establish this point. For nearly three decades, this magazine has been the official organ of

W ill you not pray For this con­ stantly expanding ministry oF the printed p a g e ? W ill you not do all that you can, by securing new sub­ scriptions N O W , to extend the bounds of the magazine's influence, For Christ’s sake ?

IN "THE K ING 'S BUSINESS" IN COM ING MONTHS (M o st of these articles will appear in 1941)

THE FAITH OF THE BETHLEHEM SHEPHERDS Have Y O U that faith?.... ________ _____ By Charles G. Trumbull

PENNY AND THE CHRISTMAS BABY A delightful story for children... -----------By Helen Frazee-Bower

GETTING THE BEST OF JEALOUSY Can it be done?.... __________ .......By Clarence Edward Macartney

GLEANINGS FROM THE GOSPEL OF JOHN First in a group of messages ............................... By H. A . Ironside

WONDERFUL! A fresh approach to a fascinating theme....'. .......By A . W . Tozer

THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE LIFE OF THE BELIEVER A series of rich meditations _________—— ..............By Ruth Paxson

THE GOSPELS AND ARCHAEOLOGY Proofs that cannot be denied..... __ _________—By James L. Kelso

THE STRANGE GOD A serial story __...__........._____ ________By Grace Livingston Hill

SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ON CITY STREETS An anonymous article about a thrilling experiment.

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