January 2024


O nce upon a time, I was a carefree little boy, running around my backyard and making explosion noises with my mouth, pretending I was the star in an action movie—much like millions of other kids often do. I spent three-fourths of my childhood laying on the floor, intently staring at whatever movie my mom had popped into the VHS player for me. Somewhere along my way, the lines began blurring between film and reality, and I started wondering why my life wasn’t playing out quite like those movies I obsessively watched. In the movies, a peppy, upbeat soundtrack accompanies the buzzing of an alarm going off early in the morning, followed by the main character springing out of bed with a gigantic plastered on smile. We are impressed with the image of full hair and makeup done, even though they have supposedly just rolled around all night attempting to get in their full eight hours. In real life, if you wake up early enough for work, it’s dark in your GOOD EVENING TXK COLUMN BY BAILEY GRAVITT



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