King's Business - 1926-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1926

M M nN un a nu M a H M M N a H n M U U a a H n

O ur Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China


S i N u m H n i m m n m u i i i i i m m n i m i n H H i i n i m m n i i n i m i i i i n i i 1

The Hunan Bible Institute (the China Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles) Is organized along similar lines to the home Institute,— training native Chinese young men and women for Christian work, and at the same time carrying on an active evangelistic work among the unsaved. The work, (which is recognized by the different evangelical missions as one of. the best in China) has three departmental (1) A Bible Institute at Changsha (the capital city of Hunan Province). (2) Thirteen Evangelistic Banda with thirteen men in each band, devoting the mornings to Bible study, and the after­ noons to giving the Gospel in the native homes. (3) The Autumn Bible School and Conference at Nanyoh (one of China’s five sacred mountains). Hundreds of conversions have resulted from the work done among the thousands of pilgrims. OUT ON THE FIELD WITH BIOLA EVANGELISTIC BAND NO. 5 man' and hundreds of millions more would have heard, and how different their lives would have been! "But how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach except they be sent?” Oh, dear friends, are we doing all in our power to either go ,or send?

AN you Imagine yourself as never having heard of Ood or of Jesus Christ? Try to put yourself in that mental condition for a few moments: no knowledge whatever of a God, a Saviour, a soul, or of eternity,— all a blank! Then some young men come along and tell you of a Creator, -one only God who loves you so much that He is willing to be your Father; who gave

A Mr. Fan Tzu San, in deep contrition and with evident humility accepted the Gospel. He said: "I have spent thou­ sands of dollars in idolatrons practices, and all in vain. For a long time I have had a conviction in my heart that the worship of idols was useless, but I could not reason the mat­

ter out to my complete satis­ faction.- Today I understand the matter clearly for the first time. My sins have been many, but now I have determined to put my trust in the Lord Jesus for for­ giveness of sin and for sal­ vation!” At a place called Peh Chan a Mr. Rao, seventy-two years of age, said that thir­ teen years ago he had gone down to the river side and there, saw a fine large boat anchored. A young man in­ vited him to go on board. He did so and they had a long talk about the Gospel. Mr. Rao did not fully under­

His own Son to die on the cross and there pay the full penalty for all your sins that you might be forgiven, cleansed, helped to live a holy life, and to enjoy an eternal life of perfect hap­ piness and peace. Would you have any questions to ask these young men? How the questions would well up and pour out! Now that is just what happens when our evangelists enter a new dis­ trict and begin preaching the Word to those who have never before heard the won­ derful story. One day our Mr. Liu of Band No. 5 met a Mr. Feng.

“ If only 1had heard this Gos­ pel long ago, how different my life might have been!” — A seventy-four year old Chinese gentleman. What are you doing to spread the Gospel message?

stand what the young man was talking about, but his intense earnestness made an impression on him that he never forgot. The young man gave him a copy of Genesis, probably hoping to meet the old gentleman again and give him copies of the Gospels after his interest had been aroused. For these many years Mr. Rao had studied this one book. He had come to believe in God as the Creator of tlie world and as the Father of us all, but he knew nothing of Jesus or the way of salvation. However, his frtudy of Genesis and his earnest longing for a fuller knowledge had prepared his heart for this meeting with our evangelists. God had graciously kept him alive and had kept all his faculties alert, and now the Holy Spirit enabled the young men to make everything plain to him so that with great joy he put his trust in Jesus Christ. What a privilege those young men had to be the bearers to that old man of the message that cleared away all his doubts and gave him a sure hope of eternal life. And what a privilege two good friends in America had, one of them In California and one in Nebraska, of providing the support of these two evangelists and so making it possible for them to do that blessed work for the Master. What a clear demon-

He told him of God’s love and of free salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Mr. Feng said: "But how does Jesus save men, and how can we believe on ftim? What do you mean by these words?" After further conversation it was decided that a preaching service should be held at Mr. Feng’s house. A large number of people came; they lis­ tened most attentively, asked many questions, and were almost unanimous in their expressions of desire and of purpose to believe in the Gospel and in Jesus Christ. A Mr. Fang listened with special earnestness to the preachers. When they had finished speaking he said: “ A great opportunity has come to me today. Here I am over fifty years of age, and this is the first time I have ever heard this heavenly doctrine.” One of the city fathers, after listening to the Gospel said: "For seventy-four years I have lived on the earth as if in a dream. All has been vanity. If only I had heard this Gospel long ago how different my life might have been.’ ’ Oh that his lament might be heard with all its pathos by every child of God. “ If only I had heard long ago!” “ If only I had heard long ago!” Aye, dear friends, If only we had taken the message to them long ago, this old

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