November 1926
Practical M ethod s of Personal W o rk FOR DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH T. C . H O R TO N
The following little story will help to show the objector the folly of his position, and perhaps make him ask himself, whether, after all, the people whom he has been calling "hypocrites are worse than he himself: Dr. John Elliott, while holding meetings in Columbus, Ohio, was out for a walk one afternoon when a man drove up and invited him to ride. The man was a member of the congrega tion but had not been out to any of the meetings. On being questioned as
unsaved for not accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, such as “ Not Now,” “ Cannot Believe,” etc., as well as those who are pinning their faith to the theories of "science, falsely so- called,” including the doctrine of evo lution. In addition to these will be found those who are "stumbling over hypocrites.” The word "hypocrite” means an actor. Bear this in mind in dealing with a man who is hindered by Chris tians who are not truly representing Commonwealth of Kentucky House of Representatives W . M. BOLING Representative }2nd District, Meade County
A HEARTY RESPONSE It would wonderfully encourage our Defenders If they could see the mul titude o f replies which have come to our appeal In the September and October issues to rally In defense of our homes, our children and our coun try against the bold, base, brutal aim of the “ A.A.A.A.” which is, as frankly stated In their announcement, to “ abolish belief In God!” We are also In receipt of a letter from the President of this “ Abomin able Association” in which he says that he has seen our statement concerning them, that we have correctly stated their position, and that he is g l a d to know who their "principal opponents” will be, i.e., “ THE K I N O ' S BUSI NESS.” We Joyfully accept t h i s title and this challenge, and „ are sure that we can count on every DEFENDER OF THE FAITH to resist, to the death, if need be, the hosts of Satan arrayed against us. The article which appeared in the September number will soon be ready for distribu tion, in leaflet form. Let every Defender resolve to give it the w i d e s t possible publicity. These destructive deniers of God and His Word are com trlbuting of their means to carry on their work! Shall we who are enlisted under the blood-stained banner of the Cross of Jesus Christ, do less? And, remember, The King’s Business itself is a perfect storehouse of ammunition for this purpose. Supply yourself with sample copies (they will be cheerfully sent on request), attractive advertising mat ter, subscription blanks, etc., and be prepared to introduce it to y o u r friends. . Remember, too, that Christmas is coming next month, and the SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER on page 695, will help you solve the Christmas gift problem. Request for Prayer A brother in Canada, who was being Messed in home missionary work but was— as he expresses it— “ sidetracked by Satan” over disputed -doctrines, un til he had to leave the work and take up secular occupation, has now come back to the light and returned to the Lord’s work. Pray that he may “ for get the things which are behind” and be greatly used in winning souls. LESSON TWENTY-EIGHT We have already noted some of the commonest of the excuses made by the
to the reason, he said, “ They ' are a lot of hypocrites over t h e r e.” Said Dr. Elliott, "Give me the names of one or two of the most conspicuous h y p o c r i t e s.” The man thought a while and then said, "I never tried to do that before; in fact, I cannot men tion any that I feel sure is a conscious, deliberate hypo crite.” The next evening he told Dr. Elliott that after he left him on the way home, every step he took s a i d , “ Hypocrite, hypocrite,” fol lowing him up the steps to his own door, up the stairs to his bed chamber, and by the time he got there he concluded that he himself was the big gest hypocrite of them all.
The King’s Business Los Angeles, California Gentlemen:
Just a word in appreciation of the September number of The King’s Business. Your magazine is the supreme one of its kind, for many reasons: First, it appeals to the intelligence and is sustained by the truth; Second, the general mechanical appearance is first class. Your corps^of ‘contributors is the best that I know of. Upon the whole, you stand for the fundamentals in a sane, convincing and truthful manner, and I only wish your magazine could go into every home in America, both Christian and non-Christian. Please send me a few copies of the September issue for distribution. Yours truly, (Signed) W. M. B oling .
Still others will offer as an excuse, "I am afraid I cannot hold out,” meaning by this that they have seen many pro fessing Christians who were not living the right kind of lives; or they have themselves attempted to live a Christian life without having been con verted, and are oftentimes perfectly honest in this excuse. Tell such an one that salvation does not depend on our holding ouf, but upon God’s holding on, and that the salvation of Jesus Christ is a salvation "for keeps.” There will be tempta tions, but God will be faithful to the tempted one. Use (1 Cor. 10 :13 ): “There hath no temptation taken yon bat Much aa la common to mant bat God la faithful, who will not aulfer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation alao make a way of eacape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (1 Pet. 1 :5 ): “Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto aalvatlon ready to be revealed In the laat time.” Paul testified that God is able to keep (2 Tim. 1 :12 ): “ • • • 1 know whom I have believed, and am perauaded that he la able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.” He can have perfect assurance (Isa. 41 :10 ): “Pear thou nott for I am with theet be not dlamayedt for I am thy God* I will
their Lord. You will often find that the person with whom you are dealing is himself a hypocrite, because he is not true to his convictions and is only using others as an excuse for not be coming a Christian. Use (Rom. 14:4-12): «Who art thou that Jadfeat another man'n servantt To hia own master he ntandeth or (allethi yea, he shall be hoiilen up| for God la able to make him stand,*’ etc. (And Matt. 7:1-5). Show that judging another is inex cusable from (Rom. 2 :1 ): «Therefore, thou art Inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou nrt that Judkestt for wherein thou Judnest another, thou eondemnest thyselfi for thou that Jud»- est doest the same thin»».” Then quote the words of the Lord Jesus in (John 21:21, 22): «Peter seeln» him salth to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man dot «Jesus salth unto him. If I will that he tarry till I come, what la that to theet follow thou me.” Use finally (Jer. 2 :5 ): ^ * «Thus salth the Lord, what Iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they are »one far from me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vainP*
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