King's Business - 1926-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E 3 S

November 1926

" T h e Old Oaken Bucket” in China

Spiritually speaking, the needy people of this great land have, to use the words of Jeremiah, ‘‘h e w e d t h em out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.“ What are you doing to give t h em t he Water of Lifef

excommunications? Methinks many, yea, thousands, are saying, “ To whom shall we go?” Would to God there were hundreds of messengers who would go and meet these poor deluded souls and show them to Him who said,, “ I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am the Door; by Me if any man enter he shall be saved. Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest.” In a recent letter one of our workers says: “ Hoyr I do praise God for what has taken”place in our country, and I hope the priests no longer will have control over our people and nation.” And further, he states that since the new law went into effect, the people are coming to him and are seeking the way o f Salvation. Many of these were very fanatical and would not hear him, but now since there is no Roman Cath­ olic service, they gladly come to hear the Gospel. This is but one of many who long for something. Shall we not do all that we can before the errors so prominent in our day get a foothold in that land? Oh, friends, pray that we may be able to do all that we desire, and that is, flood the land with Christian literature before Spiritism, Modernism, Bolshevism and Adventism do their evil work. May we, as children of light, buy up this opportunity. Also we desire our prayer helpers to pray for the President and Congress of Mexico, who are in session this month. No doubt they will take up the matter of the law regarding re­ ligious work. Let us pray that there shall be liberty given to freely preach the Word. Who knows but what we are come to tl)e kingdom for such a time as this? May we make earnest supplication to this end, and ii God has chosen us to be an instrument to further the Gospel in that land, we know He will answer prayer and sup­ ply the need. Pray God to send many young men into our Bible Study classes, and (Continued on page 662)

mother of two boys who* are now in our Bible Study class also has opened her home and has meetings and does visitation work. Thus God has mani­ fested His approval and set His seal on this work in giving us a company of six volunteers who are laboring in three different states of Mexico. Hence we are encouraged to carry on, and to this end we want prayer helpers. An­ other evidence of God’s approval is the offerings that have come in from readers of The King’s Business, who have read our articles about the work in Mexico. Things for Which We Praise God So, first of all, we want to praise the Lord for the offerings received, which have enabled us to help the men to give more time for the spread of the Gospel. Also we praise the Lord for providing the means for a brother to purchase horse and cart to carry the Gospel from town to town. We also praise the Lord for the many souls brought out of darkness into His marvelous light. We also praise God for the great opportunity that there is just now to present the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Will you not Join our prayer circles and thank God for what has been accom­ plished already? Prayer Requests Now, will you not pray that the door may be kept open in Mexico for the spreading of the Gospel? There never was an opportunity like this in the history of Mexico to sow the precious seed of the Word of God. We wonder if many realize that there are about sixteen million souls who • have no priest, no mass, no confessions and no religious service now, who for four centuries have been taught and reared in the Roman Catholic church? Will not many of them be glad to turn into our Evangelical Churches? And will they not be glad, yes, eager, to listen now to the message of God’s love with no priest to hinder and frighten them with their thundering

She had caught the echo of the com­ mand, “ Go, ye.” As the girls came to know Him it was a joy to store His Word away in their hearts as a Sword to meet the foe and to do little things to make others happy. One of the blessed features of the morning’s work was the hand work period. Everything made was for someone else; vases for a class of women at the County Farm, "Sunshine baskets” for the little shut- ins at the Orthopedic Hospital, and for the boys and girls of China, and little love gifts for mother. So as the summer passed folks could see that here was a group of girls whom He was teaching the secret of real joy, i.e.: Jesus first; Others sec­ ond; Yourself last. M SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bonder, Sunt.— Gospel Meetings and House-to-House Work among S0.000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity. (W e feel justified in giving rather more space than usual this month to Mr. Bender, as his message concerning giving the Cospel message in Mexico is of such vital impor­ tance.) we organized a young men’s Bible Study class with the converts or any young men from other Mexican churches who wished to join us, with only one purpose in view; and that was to prepare them to return to their native land and carry the Gospel. We are convinced that this desire was born of God, for within the past two years four members of our Bible class have returned who are now doing a splendid work, taking the Gospel where never a messenger had gone. Then another young man who had written for tracts is also working under our direction. And then the HE past two or three years it has been our ardent desire that our work among Mexi­ cans might extend itself even into Mexico; and to this end

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