King's Business - 1926-11


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t h e K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S ______________________November 1926 IV A IN VJ O U WAAWJWW JL XX Xu

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C o m m e n t s Rev. V . V . Morgan b y



C h r i s t i a n i Lnd e aVOr l o p i c s





Lord Jesus Christ may be magnified and glorified through us, by life, by prayer, by suffering or, if need be, by death. Such recognition will cause us to submerge our own ambitions and desires and draw closer together. 2. Association. a. In prayer. When we come into the presence of God, how quickly and completely we forget our differences. b. In service. In the activity and absorption of definite work for the Lord we are soon brought into close fellowship with one another. c. The conventions and rallies of Christian Endeavor, with their warmth and inspiration, promote and preserve

NOVEMBER 14, 1926 How May We Promote Interdenomina­ tional Fellowship? 1 John 1:3-7; Eph. 4:1-6 There are two essentials to a closer interdenominational fellowship: 1. Recognition. a. The Lord Jesus Christ in all His matchless glory and in the majesty of His deity must be recognized and ac­ knowledged as the one and only center of unity. Our fellowship is first with Jesus Christ and the Father, thus we have all things in common. Fellow­ ship means sharing or holding in com­ mon— partnership. The Lord Jesus used the figure of the vine and the

CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TOPICS NOVEMBER 7, 192« How Make War Against War? Matt. 7:12; Isa. 2:1-4 (World Peace Sunday. Consecration Meeting) This problem has confronted the world for centuries, and in spite of the fact that we know something of the sin, folly and terrible tragedy of war, and something of the prosperity and Joy of peace, yet we have no peace, for as long as sin Is rampant and Satan Is free wars will continue. Men and or­ ganizations from time immemorial have endeavored to bring about world­ wide peace, and their efforts have re­

a blessed fellowship a m o n g those who attend. 2 Cor. 6:14; Acts 2:42; Gal. 2:9; Phil. 1:5; 2 :1 ; Eph. 6:11; Psa. 94:20; 1 Cor. 10:20. NOVEMBER 2 1 , 1 2 2 « How “ P r a i s e God From Whom All Bles­ sings Flow?" Psalm 116:12-19; Luke 17:11-19. i(Thanksgiving Meeting). S o m e day there will be no need of pe­ tition, hope will be realized, faith will be replaced by a c t u a l sight, but prgise will e n d u r e forever. Praise is e t e r n a l (Rev. 6:8-14; 7:11- 17). It is said that the word praise primar- I lly meant “ the irra­

sulted in failure, be­ cause to conquer sin, to subdue Satan, is m o r e t h a n man’s work— the Lord God alone has that power. “ For the weapons of our warfare' are n o t c a r n a l , but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:4). In the Christian’s warfare against war we do not resort to man’s method. For many war-stricken y e a r s men have used carnal w e a p o n s— pre­ paredness, disarma­ ment, leagues, confer­ ences, treaties and alliances. If we would abolish war we must use the great spirit­ ual w e a p o n s of prayer, Godly-living, e v a n g e l i z a t i o n — working, watching,

By and By We’re Goin$ t o S ee the Kin$.

Arr. by Harry Dixon Ines.

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(This is one of s Book of Choruses compiled by Frof. Herhert O- jjg f fr Department. Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and published by Blola Book Room.)

diation of a luminous body.” The su­ preme ambition in life is to become a reflector from which the beauty, splen­ dor and glory of the Lord may be dif­ fused on a dark world. The life of continuous praise is the normal Christian life. Praise is a powerful testimony to the unsaved (Acts 16:25). Praise is the first part of worship (Luke 24:63; Acts 2:47 ). “ Praise— pure, emancipated, enraptured, ador­ ing praise— is the supremest and.most perfect of all kinds of prayer. Thanks­ giving is higher and purer than peti­ tion; while, again, it is lower and less blessed than holy, heavenly, God-ador­ ing praise.” (Whyte.) We should praise Him by song (Psalm 147:1-3).; by instrumental music (Psalm 150); by word of testi­ mony (Psalm 107:1, 2; 109 :30 ); by prayer (John 11:41, 42; 14 :13 ); by life (Eph. 1:6, 12-14); by thanksgiv- (Continued on page 665)

branches in describing the closeness of the relationship that exists between Him and His own children. Both the vine and the branches have all things in common. He shares our sorrows, trials, problems, burdens, and we share His wealth, power, peace, joy, honor and glory. If we have fellow­ ship with Him, we will have fellowship with those who belong to Him. b. We need to recognize the One Administrator of all affairs in the church— the Chief Executive of the church— the Holy Spirit. c. To recognize the one and only Constitution of the church— the whole Bible— and govern our lives by it. d. To recognize the fact that we who are saved are one— members of the same body (John 17:20-24; 1 Cor. 12:12-27). The same life flows through each child of God. Since we are one, let us live and act as one. e. To recognize the fact that we have one supreme objective— that the

waiting, and hastening the coming of the Prince of peace to this war-sick earth (2 Pet. 3:11-13). The blessed day. of peace is surely coming. The second Scripture refer­ ence tells us when. In verse 2, “ last days" gives the time, “ mountain of the world” means the kingdom of the Lord. All nations will be turned to Him. He will apeak— they will obey and war will cease. The occasion for war lies in the hearts of men, and only God can give new hearts, and this He does when they believe the record concerning His Son (1 John 1:10-13). Our business is to propagate the record (2 Cor. 5: 17; Mark 7:20-21). Jas. 4:1-3; Isa. 11:1-9; Micah 4: 3, 4; Psa. 4:8; Matt. 10:24, 25; Matt. 5:44; Heb. 13:6; 1 Cor. 4:12, 13; 2 Cor. 6:4-6; 1 Tim. 2:1-8; 1 Pet. 2: 21, 22.

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