King's Business - 1926-11

November 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

is employed to teach in the school, once each year, and upon failure to do so his tenure in office automatically ceases. This doctrinal statement forms the heart of the Articles of Incorporation and is thoroughly fundamentalistic. In clear and unequivocal language these Articles embrace the fol­ lowing: The Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures and their Iner­ rancy in the original writings; the Triune God; the pre- existence and essential Deity of Jesus Christ, His Virgili birth, His sinless life, His substitutionary sacrifice on the Cross, His bodily resurrection, His present intercession at the right hand of the Father as the believer’s Advocate; His personal, pre-millennial coming, and the necessity of the new birth through faith in His shed blood. It is the purpose of the Board of Control not only to pro­ vide rest homes for missionaries, but to establish a center of Bible teaching and a clearing house of missionary Infor­ mation, and build up a community of Christians where the atmosphere will be in thorough sympathy with the testi­ mony we are seeking to present to the world. We are looking to God and to His children jyho have sensed this need of a rest home for missionaries, for the means to erect cottages, and are hoping that Christians of funda­ mentalist belief will settle in our midst, send their children to our school, and assist in every way possible In attaining our objectives. The Institution is to be incorporated under the laws of Florida as an eleemosynary institution, and no profit what­ ever accrues to any one on the Board of Control. The project originated with Dr. E. J. Pace, formerly Director of the Mis­ sionary course of the Moody Bible Institute and cartoonist for the Sunday School Times, The King’s Business and other Christian periodicals. He, with eleven other men of fundamentalist convictions, form the Board of Control. They represent various denominations and a wide geographical area. Following are their names: , Rev. E. J. Pace, D.D., Bible teacher, author, religious car­ toonist. Orlando, Florida. Rev. Louis Entzminger, evangelist, author, Sunday School organizer and expert. Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, St. Petersburg, Fla. W. N. Leche, merchant, broker. Summer address, Con- nellsville, PU j ; winter residence, Carmack Apts., St Peters­ burg, Fla. Geo. W. dlinger, real estate and investments. Summer address, Proctor Star Route, Williamsport, Pa.; winter resi­ dence, 9th Ave., N., and 45th St., St. Petersburg, Fla. H. E. Hayward, merchant. Summer address, Avalon, N. J.; winter residence, St. Petersburg, Fla. J. M. Quinn, real estate and investments. Summer ad­ dress, N. Washington, Pa.; winter residence, 1475 First St., N., St., Petersburg, Fla. Dr. Marion McH. Hull, physician and surgeon, Bible teacher, author. 502 Grant Building, Atlanta, Ga. H. D. Newton, real estate, 2133 12th Ave., N.', Birming­ ham, Ala. Eugene Vogler, funeral director, evangelistic singer. Main St., WinstonrSalem, N. C. Chas. W. Entzminger, banker. Longwood, Fla. Chas. A. Rowland, wholesale merchant. Athens, Ga. Vernon W. Patterson, Secretary-Manager. Longwood, Florida. In addition to the Board of Control, an Advisory Com­ mittee of prominent Bible teachers, preachers, and Chris­ tian workers in various parts of the country is being formed. For further information addresB Mr. Vernon W. Patter­ son, Longwood, Fla.

Bible Conference and Missionary Home at Longwood, Florida

i HE Editor of The King’s Business has kindly granted space for the announcement which fol­ lows, yhich will be of interest to all God’s chil­ dren who revere His Word and are loyal in their support of missionaries true to the Faith. It concerns a rest home in the State of Florida where missionaries, either denominational or interdenominational, who are true to the “ faith once for all delivered," may spend as much of their furlough as is needful to recuperate their spent physical and spiritual energies. Having spent nearly ten years in active service on the foreign mission field, the writer of these lines is in a posi­ tion to know how needful such a place of complete rest is. Many thousands of tourists from the northland have found a boon in the mild climate of Florida and each win­ ter journey southward with the birds. Many of them are Christians, at least nominally so, who have plenty of this world’s goods, but no vision of God’s purpose for them. Whatever interest they may have had in foreign missions frequently does not include that splendid body of men and women who labor under the direction of the so called “ faith" boards. There is great need for bringing the work of these boards more to the attention of the Christian public, and we believe that this can be done by providing alongside our homes for missionaries a winter Bible Conference to which outstanding Bible teachers may be invited to hold forth the Word of Life. Through their teaching many a Christian, in name only, will come to see the precious truth of union with the Lord and the privilege of fellowship in world-wide witnessing. The presence of missionaries representing all boards and all lands will afford an unusual opportunity for the establishing of life contacts and the turning of new funds into the channel of faithful testimony on the for­ eign field. A group of Christian men representing a wide geograph­ ical area have become interested in the establishing of such an interdenominational home and Bible Conference. They have selected a large tract of land near Longwood, Fla., advantageously situated half way between Orlando And San- ford, on the main line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway, and upon a new state road now in the process of construc­ tion. Here it is planned to erect cottages for the free use of furloughed missionaries, as the Lord will send us means. Here in the health restoring, mild climate of Florida’s win­ ter season, with fresh vegetables and luscious fruits avail­ able in abundant quantities, we hope to see many a mission­ ary thoroughly fitted physically and spiritually for another term of service. A Bible conference auditorium will he erected, as well as a fhotel providing accommodations at reasonable rates for tourists wishing to sojourn in our midst. It is also the purpose of the Board of Control, as soon as the need warrants it, to build a model school for the chil­ dren of missionaries, tourists and residents who may wish to settle in our midst, where in addition to the usual standard curriculum, every child from the first grade up through the High School will be taught by Christian teachers, every one of whom shall qualify as believers in the Word of God, and every child will be taught not only the Bible, but reverence for the Bible every day he is in school. Each member of the Board of Control will be required to sign a doctrinal statement, as well as every teacher who



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