King's Business - 1926-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1926

The Antichrist a Person (Continued from page 637)

N o w l m R e a d j / j t

(a n im â t âèâWÊê K A M I i l * w h o c o i t E o m $ 1 5 0 a W e e h

False Prophet seek in determined pur­ pose and cursed compact to defeat the Holy Trlplty and deceive souls (John 3:16, 17; 14:2, 6; Rev. 13 and 16). 12. Christ’s Church is Qod's mys­ tery and the Spotless Bride, while Satan will have his mystic harlot imi- tatingly ornamented riding a white horse as a counterfeit of the Con­ queror, the True and Faithful (Eph. 3 :6-1! 1; Rev. 17:1-6; 6:2; 19:11). 13. Antichrist's earth vine imitates the Living Vine and is identified with Babylon, seeking to resemble Him whose throne will be in Jerusalem (Rev. 14:19; 17:2; 21:2). 14. Christians are encouraged to look for the Lord to return from hea­ ven in power and glory, while Anti­ christ’s followers will lament as they see him fall from heaven (Matt. 24: 30; Isa. 14:16-17; Luke 10:18). 16. The True Christ shall have uni­ versal dominion, shall reign forever and ever, while the Antichrist will be brought down to eternal shame (Dan. 7:14; Rev'. 11:16; 17:8-11). 16. Christ will come in great power and glory and destroy utterly the Anti­ christ, and will destroy Satan and all his forces and set up His conquering and triumphant reign over the earth and bring heaven and earth together in the end as in the original creation (Rev. 19:11-20; 20:1-11; (Jen. 1:1; Isa. 45:18). How To Study Bible Prophecy Read this message with an open Bible, and read each Scripture refer­ ence as given and note the plain un­ folding revelation in clear simplicity of these startling truths. Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev. J9:10). He foretold through| the Old Testament Prophets both His suffering and the glory that should follow (1 Pet. 1:10, 11). Soul-winning is our business until Jesus comes again (James 6:20; Matt. 16:27). m M “ The Lord sees not as man sees; man can only see face deep and skin deep and looks deep, but the Lord looks in upon the heart .”— J ohn M c N eill . AIA ¿Mr. m Jte Send Several Subscriptions to Shut-ins! See page 695.

If you are looking for the big chance—your real opportunity to make money— this is it. If you have the ambition and the vision to go after $500 to $1,000 a month profit for yourself, then you will realize that this is the one opportunity you have been looking for. Stylish, Long-W earing Suit Now read this carefully. Get it! On the left is a picture of a suit of clothes. It’s a good suit o f clothes— stylish—good-looking. It fits. It holds its shape. The pattern is excellent. Thousands of men in your locality need this new, modem, sensible, low-priced suit. W ears Like Iron! Listen! The treatment this suit will stand is almost unbelievable. It is made entirely of a special cloth that is amazingly strong, durable, tough and long- wearing. It is unaffected by treatment that would ruin an ordinary suit. Tremendous Demand And now we’re making this wonder suit in tremendous quantities—not one at a time—but by the thousands. All that modern machinery and efficient methods can do to produce big value at small cost is applied in making the new Comer suit. And finally, we are using the same modern efficiency in selling it—direct from factory to wearer through our local representatives. The result is amazing. It brings this suit to the wearer at a price that is revolutionary—a price that everyone can afford to pay—a price that makes it the greatest clothing value in years. Think, $9.95 for a good suit of clothes. You can see Immediately that every man is a munity In America is swarming with oppprtunities for sales. And now If you are Interested in m a k in g money we want to show you how you can make It. we are appointing men in every locality to.represent u s -t o take orders. That’s all. We furnish all 1lnBtr.u®VSJif* We deliver and collect. But we must have sentatives everywhere through whom our customers can Experience is not necessary. We want men who are ambitious. Industrious and honest Men who can earn $80 or $40 a day without getting lazy—men who can make $1,000 a month and still stay on the job. If you are the right type—you may be a bookkeeper, a clerk, a factory worker, a mechanic, a earns- man, a farmer, a preacher, or a teacher: that makes no difference the oppor­ tunity is here and we offer it to you. A Few Hours’ Spare Time W ill Convince Y ou If you feel you want to devote only spare time to the work, that la satisfac­ tory to us. You can earn $10 to $20 a day In a few hours. You will find In a few days that it will pay you to give this work more time—for your earnings will depend entirely on how many men you see. « i f TT^wlmwr Territories will be filled rapidly. Order« are now W m e 1oaay coming j n a flood. Men are making money faster and easier than they even hoped. So don't delay. Write today for com- A n Amazing Suit for only $Q.95


C. E. Comer. President of the Comer Manufacturing Company, wearing a Comer suit Look at the style! Notice the fit! And the amazing low price I Think how easily you can sell hundreds of these suits. Mall the coupon AT ONCE for full details. This Suit Only $9.95

In Addition to the 'fclg earnings I have a plan whereby you can get a Chevrolet Coach to help you in developing t h I a great business. Mail the coupon for full details. plete descriptions, samples of cloth and full Information. Do it now. Don * send any money. Capital is not required. Just fill out the coupon and maU It for all the facts. C . E . Comer, Pres., The Comer M fg . Co. Dept. 196-E , Dayton, O . M A I L N O W F O R FUL L D E T A I L I C . E. COMER, Pre«., The Comer M fg. Co ., Dept. 196-E , Dayton, O . . . . ____ m _ j . . 1 J a t o ila v n n r n a w l& .fiS SU11 DTODOgi tiO Il t h ftt I p1pa, fi ..nd at once complete details of your new $9.95 suit proposition offers opportunity for a man without experience or capital to earn as much as $150 a week. I understand that this does not obligate me In any way. Name----- ------------- ------ ------------------—----- ---------------------------------------™



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