King's Business - 1926-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1926

tracts in Japanese and English were distributed. Lack of space forbids telling of work being done among sail­ ors on the passenger boat while on the way to San Diego. Beloved reader, this is only one boat from one countTy. We have similar opportunities also on the vessels of other countries. At this writing there are 15,000 of our own United States Navy lads in the harbor and very little definite evangelistic work is being done among them. Pray for us and for every effort being made to reach men who sail the seas. Pray for the Merchant Christians who live on the deep. i m BIOLA HALL David Cant, Supt.— Our City Miaaion for Men in the canter or Loa Angeles. Meetinga con- tinuoua from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Noon-day Prayer Meeting. all the earth. Who among the faithful really know Just how much they may have been used in bringing souls to Christ, or how many different workers may have had a part in the conversion of even one poor sinner saved by grace? What part do the mother’s prayers, which have followed the erring lad all through life, have in his ultimate con­ version? And what shall we say of OUBTLESS there will be many great surprises in that day when rewards for faithful service are received from the hands of the great Judge of

miles is a short distance to travel when we think of witnessing to representa­ tives of a nation. Because of our acquaintance with the Captain and officers of the vessel through our former service, and in addition were now bearing the greet­ ings of their former teacher, we ex­ pected a good reception. We were, therefore, not the least surprised when the Captain and Chief Officer welcomed us cordially, and scheduled our meet­ ing for the same evening. We solicited help from the Japanese pastor in San Diego, who brought a number of his Christian workers with him. Judging from our audience the officers had given us good publicity. A large class­ room was filled with shining faces and expectant hearts. Our Japanese brother spoke first in their own tongue, and then we gave a message in English. All of these men have studied English and are happy to have conversation in English. We opened our part of the message by calling attention to two beautiful gold fish swimming in a bowl suspended from the deck (ceiling) overhead, a bouquet of flowers on the table, and a watch in our hand, illus­ trating cause, or design, Creation, then revelation or Word of Qod, the teach­ ing of the Bible regarding Ood, sin, salvation,"¡closing with the fact of in­ dividual responsibility, personal con­ tact being reached through decision. The Spirit of Ood encouraged ub as we spoke, and we believe that eternity will show fruit from the service. After the speaking, hundreds of Gospels and Standing fo r the Faith Ones delivered to all Saints of every Tribe and Nation

YOU CAN EASILY SOLVE Your Christmas PROGRAM P R O B LEM by selecting any one, or all of the fol­ lowing Christmas b o o k s . Here is a wealth of material, including recita­ tions. dialogues, songs, and playlets, written and presented in simple style— each containing more than enough for your program. Seven books in all: (1) The Paramount Christmas Book No. 3 64 pages and cover. (2) Two Paramount Christmas Plays 32 pages and cover. (3) The Paramount Christmas Book No. 2 64 pages and cover. (4) The Paramount Christmas Book 64 pages and cover. (5) Ourselves and Others (A Christmas Playlet) 16 pages and cover. (6) Two New Christmas Playlets 16 pages and cover. (7) Kriss Krinale (Recitations, Dia­ logues, and Songs) 96 pages and cover. The price of each of the above books Is 28 cents Write to your supply house or send direct to , MEYER & BROTHER 56 W . Washington St. Chicago, Illinois TltanksgivtngandChristmasM Cards Scripture texts. Samples on request. 20c per doz.; $1.50 per hundred. Prepaid. W . W . G EAR H AR T. 140 O H IO S T ., R O C H E S TtR , N . V.

The North East India General Mission 1213 Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Fundamentalist in Doctrine.


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■ante a few of our Souo converts. It Is an annual assembly of Chris- before they were all devil-worshippers In utter heathen darkness. Their such buildings scattered throughout our fields, which they have built without Mission aid.

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