King's Business - 1926-11

November 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Dan Crawford, Missionary! R O B E R T S H A R P Edinburgh, Scotland H HE late Dan Crawford, who labored for over thirty-five years In the wilds of Africa, was a living witness to the

Solves Y ou r Christinas AND Greeting Card Problems A REAL “ CHRISTMASSY” CHRISTMAS BOX Ai.l. y o u r need s su pp l ied T a n . Beall, Gift Cuds, Greeting Cuds, Formal. Friendly. Intimate. Religious messagM,, M »a than twenty pieces, making very Special value, at the very Special price of— * 1 : 2 « K Ä S ALSO MAKES IDEAL GIFT Assortments may be chosen as follows— 1— All Christmas subjects. 2— Christmas and staple auWeata. S— All staple subjects, such as Birthday. Con­ valescent, Sympathy, Cheer, Friendship, ets. Each Assortment. $1.00 per Box, Postpaid These are put up In a daintily decorated Box with no advertising and Is therefore well called an " I D E A L G I F T B O X ." Think what a convenience It will be to have a carefully selected assortment of Greetings, nice, fresh stock, with Just the message you will like to use. without having to spend weary hours shop­ ping" In the crowded stores. Ask for quantity rates for sale purposes. Send Coupon now. Money refunded II not aatiafied. Mr*. L. F. Pease 260 Laurel St., Dept. K, Buffalo, N. Y. For the $.....................................enclosed, send me Assortment No......................... No.................. $••• No. ......................... Money refunded If not satisfied. N am e.................................................................. ....................... Address.....................••••............................................ NEW TESTAMENT GREEK Prepare by Home Study to Interpret and teach the New Testament. and underatand the interpretationa of othera. A working knowledge of the Creek New Teatament la obtainable by our method of inetructlon. Courses in Theology, Rellgloua Educa­ tion, Art of Preaching Without Notes. Sociology. Child Welfare, Child Psychol­ ogy, Rhetoric. Short Story Writing. Ar­ gumentation, Bible, Philosophy, History, and in 50 other subjects are given by correspondence. Enroll any time. Degrees granted. Catalogue free. POTOMAC UNIVERSITY 22nd Ymr. Dept. II. Washington, D. C. ( 3 mn\iinionWare ofQuaHty lo w it fo r iiiu tttwfad Cmtmbf INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO Room 356 1701-1703 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.!^. 5000 CHRISTIAN WORKERS W A N T ED to sail Biblaa, Testaments, good books and handsome velvet Scripture mottoes. Good commission. Send for Free Catalog and Price List GEORGE W . NOBLE. PUBLISHER Dept. No. 7C, Monon Bldg. Chicago, UL I H i o n i I [ « 0 K L are used in thousands of schools and churches. This line of projection lanterns, —for glass slides, opaciuc objects and "strip" film is the largest and most complete in the world. Srml fur llljiulrnlrd l.iltruhin bausch a uHWflPnCAtCxLJliifcDMa JgMSgtgJL FIN EST W orkmanship ALUMINUM sr s g ÿ SILVER PLATE Individual / C la s s e s

the first consignment of these New Testaments to read from a b o ok printed In their own tongue. The mis­ sionaries supervise the school work, helped by the more advanced natives, w i t h one object In view, namely to teach the natives to read the Word of God for themselves. Just before Mr.' Crawford died, he also finished the translation of the Old Testament Into Luba-Sanga, but before It can be de­ livered In Africa and distributed, It will require some £1500 or £2000, o f which the natives themselves can con­ tribute only about 10 per cent. Surely It will be a great privilege to us In the homeland to make up the balance and have part In so great a work, which will form a living and a last­ ing monument to the memory of Dan Crawford. Contributions may be sent to the National Bible Society of Scotland. 5 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh, Scot­ land. “ THE CHAPLAIN” This Is the name of a new maga­ zine of which Rev. Hugh P. Andrews, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, South Bend, Washington, Is publisher and editor. Mr. Andrews is an old “ Fisherman” and a firm friend of B.I.O.L.A. and The King’s Business, and we congratulate him upon the excellence of the matter contained In “ The Chaplain,” and upon the real soul-saving work which his church Is doing In South Bend. Pray for him. m Every contributor to the work o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles to the amount of ten dollars or more will receive The King’s Business for one year.

power and claims of the Gospel. He counted all time, and every place, an opportunity to serve his MaBter. Many a one heard the life-giving Word, even in the middle o f the night, from his lips. He lived for Christ and the Gos­ pel’s sake, and has left many living monuments to the grace of God as standing witnesses to his faithful ministry. While spending some time In Africa with Mr. Crawford, he asked me to take the Gospel meeting one after­ noon. Eight hundred to 1000 natives were present In the hall (Mr. Crawford was the Interpreter). After the meet­ ing he said: “ Come and see' this.” It was a sight I will never*/orget. To all appearance only a heap of rubbish, and queer looking things. But what did It all mean? It was that these natives had given up their fetiches, having believed the Gospel which Mr. Crawford preached so faithfully, and accepted Christ as their p e rson a l Saviour. In their old state, they held tenac­ iously tb these things, counting them dearer than anything else. A mother would rather put her child In the river for the crocodiles to feed upon than neglect her heathen customs. The Gos­ pel, h ow ev e r , w o rk s m a rv e llou s changes,- for when these Africans re­ ceive It,they can stand by and see their fetiches being consumed by the flames. It Just proves the old Gospel (and that alone) is still the “ power of God unto salvation.” Mr. Crawford some years ago trans­ lated the New Testament into the Luba-Sahga language, and It is now read by thousands in the Katanga dis­ trict. There are over 300 schools in that part of the dark Continent, and many other schools in other parts, where the same language is used, in which the natives have been taught to read, by missionaries who have gone from England', Scotland, Ireland, Am­ erica, Australia, New Zea land and other countries. They have no news­ papers, story books or literature of any kind apart from the New Testament, it being the only book printed in their language. It was a memorable occasion when these Central Africans stood around

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