King's Business - 1926-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1926

AGENTS: $60 a Week taking orders for Jlffykaka, a prepared cake Hour containing eggs, milk, sugar, shortening, baking powder and flavoring —add water andbake. Anyonecan easily and Quicklymake a deliciouscake. Every

D o Y ou Know These Books? JESUS THE MISSIONARY. Price $ .70 Mott China Missionaries know it. Frequent orders come from India, and some institutions in the U. 8. use It as text*book. One Mission made it the rule that every young missionary should have a copy. ..One lady bought six copies fer Christmas presents. A ir missionary work should be modeled on that of the Lord. DEMONISM VERIFIED AND ANALYZED. Price $1.35 Gordon discovered It through a scurrilou, review, and wrote In the S. S. Times that the ",tudy leave, no doubt as to the fact of Satanism.*' Griffith Thomas wrote that "The effect of the whole presentation is to bring overwhelming conviction that In many heathen lands demonism Is a fact.** Leander S. Keyser m ote of it as "an eye-opening and mind,compelling book.* The leading scientists of the world. Morton Prince. Lewellys P. Barker. Adolph Meyer, helped In the prepar­ ation of the book.and wrote strong testimonials as to the scientific value of these studies. . CHRIST OR BOLSHEVISM. Prscn $ ..2 0 Goes to the root of Modernism, showing it to be a deeply laid plot,' by undermining faith in the Bible, to overthrow all Christian governments, and destroy the Christian home-life. The above books may be ordered from Thu Proabytorian Committee of Publication Sixth St., Richmond, Virginia, or from the author. Rev. Hugh W . White, D.D., Yencheng, Kiangau, China Prices in gold, with postage included.

home a prospect. House­ wives eager to buy—Just the article they have been looking for. Repeat orders every week bring you prom and a big. permanent business. This IsJust oneof the 360famous Z a n o l P r o d u c t s _ J are making men and women inde- nendent and prosperous. No apenepee

Courage and cowardice are both contagious. It will mean much to you if you live within your means. — o— I f you are on the Lord’s side, let it be known on all sides. •If you want a restless position seek to rest on your laurels. When your standard is the Lord’s, no man can withstand you. Silence is golden, especially when you haven’t anything good to say. Man was not evolved from a monkey, but many a man has made a monkey of himself. o — If you are definite in your aim, and determined in your purpose, you will surely win. You must face the fact that it takes more than a looking glass to make you look good. The promised everlasting peace for the world has evidently been post­ poned for a season. Experience is a wonderful teacher, but most men are not willing to pay the price of tuition. — o— God labelled the atheists long ago, when He said, “ The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” There need be no fear of crowding if you are climbing to the top, for there is plenty of room there. There are all kinds of people in the world, but not enough of the right kind to make the right kind of a world. They used to say that matches were made in heaven, but the divorce court reveals signs of fire from another source. A significant sign of the times: A man 101 years old seeking a divorce. No doubt the “ other woman” is watch- fuiry^iwaiting. A “ fool is known by the company he keeps,” but oftentimes it is difficult to know which is the company and which the fool. Kipling says that there are but a dozen immortal writers, but he has evidently overlooked Moses and a few others in the Bible. A safe auto driver keeps his hand on the wheel and his eye on the road. A sane Christian keeps his hand on the Bible and his eye on God. — T. C. H.

neosmary, no capital needed. Wesupply everything. We want good, enemetlo men and women to roproaent us. Write for money-making proposition. __ _ AMERICAN PRODUCTS COL, HU Aswtas Bldg. OsH—W.

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