King's Business - 1926-11

November 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Pip«-Ton« Folding Organ« 4 Octavo Doubla Raad In ordar to introduca our Latest Modal Liberty Pipe-Tom Folding Organs ilthtr leatherette covered, >r 3-ply oak cete. We will eccapt for a limited time irdere at $40.00 each (list price (70.00.) a . t . w h it e aro. co. MS nwlawil« five.. Chicago. Hi.

EXCAVATIONS NEAR JACOB’S WELL Mrs. Ghosn-el-Howie Shweir, Mount Lebanon, Syria

Mrs. Howie is well known for her contributions to The Sunday School Times and other - Christian periodicals. A review of her splendid little volume “ Things to Come” appeared in the August King s Business. We j surely do appreciate being able to give our readers this exceedingly miff- 11 esting and illuminating account of excavations in the Holy Land which are so marvelously confirming the truth of God’s Word. We know that our readers will be delighted to know that Mrs. Howie has promised us further contributions from her pen.

ONEÏ>'YOU h i for four Church representing ut in selling Chrittitn Life Calendari, Chriat- ■at Greeting Carda, Scriptural Mottoes. Bibita. Books, etc. Christian men and «omen, ministers and Gospel Workers, full m spare time—big profits assured. GOSPEL TRUMPET CO .

Jerusalem. Other portions of the city wall have been laid bare and a large section of the city uncovered. This consists of many chambers or dwell­ ings in close contiguity, compactly built as was the custom in ancient times for safety and defense. On my way through Central Pales­ tine’, northward, I stopped at Balater on May third to see the excavations. Unfortunately I.was too late to receive information about them at first hand, as operations had ceased three days before and the professors in charge were away and not expected to resume work for six weeks. However I had the satisfaction of seeing the city walls and of walking through the Canaanite city of Shechem (the Hivite prince of the country, Gen. 34:2) and of observ­ ing its position at the base o f ETbal, facing the large fertile plain of Muk- neh and at the entrance of the impor­ tant pass between the mountains of Ebal and Gerizim. Very near to this place is the “ par­ cel of a field” where Jacob spread his tent, and which he bought (Gen. 33: 19), which also he gave to his son Joseph, whose tomb, converted now into a Mohammedan shrine, is only a few paces from Jacob’s Well. (Josh. 24:32; John 4 :6 ). This interesting spot, so near to Balater, which is a corruption of “ balut” (oak), doubtless marks the place where Abraham “ builded an altar” (Gen. 12:7) and, as was the custom from very early days, he prob­ ably planted an oak or acorn (balnt) by this first Hebrew sanctuary in the land that the Lord had promised to give .unto his seed. This oak grew and became famous in the neighborhood and was probably the same under which Jacob, 189 years later, buried the strange gods that his household had brought with them from Mesopo­ tamia. The excavations at Balater recall all these memories and carry us back to the midst of patriarchal history. They

IHE excavations at Balater, two kilometers from Nablus, promise to be of surpassing interest and of prime impor­ tance. They were interrupted by the war, but were resumed .in the spring of 1926 by Professor Dr. Ernst Sellin of Berlin, assisted by Dr. Preshnier, Professor at the German University at Prague; Prof. Dr. Bahl of Groning- ham, Holland, and Architect Johannes of Berlin.

Dopt. K. B, Anderson, Indiana THE HARVEST TRULY IS PLENTEOUS In various parts of the world a Native Trained Christian may be supported in the work of Cod for an entire year for from $1$. to $600. Literature free. NATIVE PREACHER CO. INC, Box K, 251 Fall-mount Rd, Ridgew ood, N. J. Scripture Text Greeting Card« Express the true Christmas sentiment. A fine assortment of ,16 engraved Scripture text Greeting Cards beautifully designed, packed in a Christmas box, value $1.50 sent prepaid for $1.00. Money back if not satisfied. Cnris- tfan Workers and organizations make big money selling our Scripture Mottoes, Cards and Calendars. W I N R O D P U B L I S H E R S Box 8M, WICHITA, KANS.

In 1913 and 1914 we found the city wall and gate of ancient Sichem; the more recent excavations have brought to light another gate, the huge founda­ tion stones of which resemble those of the much discussed “ Third Wall“ of! HOME STUDY COURSES II ; m cannot go to tbo classroom— You can bring tbo classroom to jma homo Make your home a Bible School Three things are necessary as a foundation for Bible knowledge—The Beginning, The End, and The Connection. These are found in the first three courses. For the teacher or preacher we add another course—Homiletics. An average of a course a day has been sold since offering it to the public. It includes 16 practical outline methods of sermon Construction. H 0 W 1 S£#IBIBLE Twenty Lessons In G E N E S I S Twenty Lessons in PR O PH EC Y Twenty Lessons ip REVELATION Twenty Lessons in HOMILETICS Any Course $1.00. Sent one lesson a week for 20 weeks, or all 20 lessons at once. Sfa|e y°lyou * desire a binder to fit to'¿id you in reference work add 76o unless you take allfbur

courses in which case we will furnish the binder FREE. ALL FOUR courses in a substantial binder for $4.00 j

(One sample sheet of each course fòr 26c)


Dept. K , Westfield, Ind.




Fundamentally True to the Word o f God Expositions o f the International Lessons Used by A ll Evangelical Denominations Write for Free Samples and Price Lists o f SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES T H E C H R I S T I A N A L L I A N C E P U B L I S H I N G C O M P A N Y 2 6 0 WEST 4 4 t h STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y.

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