King's Business - 1926-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1926

Union, and are surely and swiftly pre­ paring the way for Anti-Christ. There are four powerful reasons why every loyal Christian throughout the land should take his fiftand against this great octopus which is coming: 1. World-Church Federation caters to the flesh, and meets with the approval of the world. 2. It will result in tyranny and persecution of the worst kind. 3. It will be at the expense of Faith and Truth. 4. It numbers among its most prominent advocates men who are pronounced higher critics and who bitterly oppose the Bible doctrine of the Second Cording of Christ.— Ex­ change.

are a very strong confirmation of the truth of God’s Word. . The “ Sichem” of Abraham’s day— coming to light under the spade of professional archaeologists close to the oak (balut) which has given its name to the small Moslem village that now occupies the site— is not far from the carriage road and will doubtless be visited in the future by those students of God’s Word whose object in visiting Bible lands is rather to strengthen their faith in the Truth of God’s Word — which is being so marvelously con­ firmed by the many' excavations now taking place in the Holy Land— than to rush through the country as mere Bight-seeing tourists. ENTHUSIASM Enthusiasm, in its best sense, is putting your whole self into whatso­ ever you undertake to do . . . It is seal in pursuit of a laudable end— mayhap dogged, tireless, unostenta­ tious persistence . . . Whatever its nature, it is requisite to the attainment of highest success . . . Meaningless, senseless frenzy is not enthusiasm. . . . Do not be fooled by the noisy antics of designing fakers. . . . Through such cunning devices well- meaning crowds are stampeded into mobs. . . . Emotional enthusiasm is contagious— so is rage, and riot, and excitement. . . . Counterfeit enthusi­ asm thus wins seemihg popular ac­ claim for an unworthy cause. . . . Honest enthusiasm will be known by its faith, tearlessness and fervor. Not by b|u*t. bluster and brag.— A. M. Row in L. A. Times. m THE COMING WORLD CHURCH UNION A Stepping Stone for Anti-Christ A great movement is setting in which has for its object a combination of religious forces— a unification around one common center of all relig­ ious bodies. Church Union is in the air. No human power can stem the tide, for according to the unerring word of prophecy such a condition of things must and will prevail in the last days. In Canada, the United States, India and Great Britain this movement is making rapid progress. If this were a project of the Holy Spir­ it to promote Christian Unity it would be a great and glorious blessing. But when we see that the Modernists the promoters of “ another gospel and a “ new Christianity” thé most Insistent for Union, we may well hold back and enquire if the movement is a cunning device of Satan, or whether it comes from God. Since the Church of the Antichrist is to be universal, the call for religious union is full of tremendous signi­ ficance. All these wide-sweeping forces are headed towards World-Church

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