King's Business - 1926-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1926

bad been considerably startled by the suddenness, the uncanniness of his visitor’s appearance. There was a curious quizzical, mocking look in the eyes of Apleon while Ralph was speaking. The latter noted it and had an uncomfortable consciousness that the mocking­

LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS H im « books will msko splendid presents

Attractive Bible Stories — The kind that you will enjoy reading to your children. Each one entirely different.

eyed visitor was reading him like a book. “ I only landed today,” replied Apleon. "Steamer?” asked Ralph.

"No, by a new aerial type of my own invention,” replied Apleon. "It brought me from Babylon to London in about as many minutes as it would have occupied the best aero­ naut, days, by the best machines of a year ago.” He laughed. There was a curious sound in the laugh. It was mocking yet musical, ¡it was eerie yet merry. Invol­ untarily Ralph thought of Grieg’s “ Dance of the Imps,” and Auber’s overture "Le Domino Noir.” "But I have not yet explained my object in calling upon you,” the visitor went on. "I have, of course, seen this

The Story of the Bible By Chari«» Foster Present» theLBible in a form suitable for young as well as older readers. It Is not so much stories about the-Bible, as the Bible Itself in an easy- reading version, with but little comment, and illustrated with 300 excellent pictures —some in colors— all drawn for the book. Few books are of such absorbing interest aa this one. Young and old delight in it. Cloth $2.00 By Jesse Lyman Hurlbut •The author's aim has been to include no word or sen­ tence that a child of ten would need to ask the meaning of, yet to make the book not childish, but simple, so that older folks may also read with interest and profit.** Cloth $2.00 Adapted by Margaret Howard This book, taxing its title from the words of a child who objected to "made-over" stor­ ies, but wanted something from the real Bible, presents fifty-two of the finest and grandest stories from the Old Testament, taken directly from the Bible with no change save the omission of such incidental expressions and general mat­ ter as are unnecessary for use in familiarizing a child with the noblest of all literaturs, or are unadapted to the pur­ pose. Cloth $130 Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, the well known London preacher, says of the "Go-to-Bed Stor­ ies": The title of this book is a delusion and a snare. Hav­ ing completed a heavy day's work, 1 took It up and It said, 'Go-to-Bed Stories.* 1 com­ menced to look at It with the result that I did not go to bed until I had read tha whole of Itl God has given the author­ ess a most remarkable aptitude for teaching children. Tha great charm about this book is the fact that tha stories al­ ternate between the Bible and tha happenings of today.** Cloth $130 Hurlbut’s “ Story of Jesus” “ Truly Stories from the Surely Bible” Go-to-Bed Stories By Lottie. Boll

First Steps for Little Feet in Gospel Paths

By Charles Foster This book has bean most carefully prepared to give little children their first lessons In the Bible. It is printed in such a way, with short, easy words, and tells with such clearness and simplicity the precepts of the Christian faith, that the very smallest children can un­ derstand and. learn from it. Cloth $135 Hurlbut’s “Story of the Bible’* By Jesse Lyman Hurlbut This is a complete B i b l e story, from Genesis to Revela­ tion, told in language that in­ terests both old and young. It enjoys the distinction of hav­ ing the largest yearly sale of any book on the subject. The new edition is self-pronounc­ ing and contains 762 pages. Cloth $2.00 Pell’s Bible Stories for the Young By Edward Leigh Poll The .tory of Paul aa Told by Himself. The story of Joseph as Told by Himself. The Story of Abraham aa Told by Isaac. The Story of David, as Told by Himself. . The Story of Jesus for Lit­ tle People. Each 50 cants This splendid book of o rlr Inal stories has won a high place not only in the heorts of children, for whom they are primarily intended, but alto among parents, ( kinder- gartnere and others who have experienced the thrill of retell­ ing Mies Stewart's inimitable stories to child listeners. It to a fascinating volume of "Bible Studio, for the Chil­ dren's Hour," which c a m e quickly into deserved popular­ ity. To have children of all ages sit spellbound through story after story only to plead for "just one more," to an ex­ perience not at all uncommon to users of "Tell me a true story," Cloth $1.75 Tell Me • True Story By Mary Stewart


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