King's Business - 1926-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 1

November 1926

God. The true, the real Church was composed of true believers, men and women who had been born again by the Spirit of God, and who, numbered among every section of so-called Christians— and some who were wholly unattached __made up In their wide-world entirety the true Church of God, the Bride of Christ.” “ And what,” asked Apleon, “ of the rest, the vast bulk of the worshippers at the various churches? What is their fate to be?” "God only knows!” replied Bastin. "Some, at least, have already sought and found God, or believe they hgye, even as I have sought, and believe that I have found God. But the vast bulk of the people already seem to be rollicking in a curious sense of non-restraint. I-remember some years ago, hearing a lady say that visiting the houses of one of the worst streets in Winchester, and speaking to the people as to their eternal welfare, she found one woman particularly hardened. To this woman she said: 'But, my dear sister, think of what it will be to be eternally lost* to be separated from God, and from all that is pure and good, for ever, and in a state and place which the Bible calls Hell.' And the woman laughed, as she said: ‘Well, there’s one thing, I shall not be lonely there, for I shall have all my neighbors around me, for every one In this street is on the same track\|L8 me.' ” A sardonic smile curled the full lips of Apleon, as he said: “ Poor deluded soul! For if there is such a place as that Hell, that underworld of lost souls of which your Bible speaks, and declares that It was prepared for the Devil and his angels, and that woman and her neighbors find them­ selves there, they will realize that hell, for its lost, is the loneliest spot in the universe, since each soul will hate the other and will live alone, apart in Its own hideous realm of anguish and remorse.” Lifting his eyes to his visitor’s face, as the latter deliv­ ered himself of this strange speech, Bastin was startled to note the expression on the handsome face. The eyes, unut­ terably sad for one instant, turned suddenly to savage hate, the mouth was as cruel as death, the eyes grew baleful, like the eyes of a snake that is being whipped to death. He was startled even more by the tones of his voice when he said: "And what of the Antichrist of whom you have spoken and written? Do you believe what you have written?” “ I most certainly do,” replied Ralph. Again the sardonic smile filled all Apleon’s face as he returned: "Then If all that you say and write be true, as regards the coming Antichrist, and you continue to wear the late editor's mantle when you write ‘The Prophet’s chair articles, how long do you suppose that that powerful super­ man, the Antichrist of your belief, will lei you alone? Christmas Rush! L et us remind our friends that The K ing’s Business office is a very busy place during the Holiday Season. W e are happy indeed that it is. But we would SO much appreciate having renewals sent in early,— many thousands renew with the Christmas and N ew Year numbers; g ift sub­ scriptions, too,— and with our special short term offer you will be sending many o f these to your friends. W e know you will help u s! Remit Early!

------LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS These books will make splendid presents “Best” Religious Books for Young Readers We recommend the followin« list of books for young people to those who will be wanting low priced books for Christmas giv­ ing. Nothing better can be had for the price. j ___________________ - ■ i " ' Amy Steedman Series Too many so-called religious books for children are written in a language that is beyond the child's understanding. No such fault can be found with the books of that delightful writer for children, Amy Steedman. We strongly recommend her boons for home and Sunday School reading, as well as for gifts. Joseph the Dreamer The Child Jesus The Good Physician The Good Shepherd Each volume contains 3 full-page color plates, and numerous black and white illustrations. Beautiful cover designs, bize 10x8 inches. Price, each, 25 cents — The Babe in the Bulrushes David the Shepherd Boy

Other Titles by Different Authors A t 25 Cents Adventures of a Sixpence Bonnie Sweet Robin

Little Match Girl Two Little Helpers

Lonely Lily Mike's Angel Through Thick and Thin Violet and Dorothy

Claud's Victory Dody and Joss Lawrence's Lesson Little Bright Eyes

Beautiful Stories Series

A t 35 Cents Stories from the Bible told in a manner that will be readily understood and followed by young readers. Profusely illustrated.

The Favorite Son The Adopted Son The Boy General The Boy at School The Shepherd Boy

The First Christmas Once in Seven Years The Story of the Jubilee With Hammer and Nail The Story of Jael and Sisera Five Kings in a Cave The Story of a Great Battle The Wisest Man The Story of Solomon A Farmer’s Wife The Story of Ruth The Man Who Did Not Die The Story of Elijah When Iron Did Swim The Story of Elisha What Is Sweeter Than Honey? The Story of Samson The Boy Who Obeyed The Story of Isaac The Farmer Boy The Story of Jacob

The Story of Joseph The Story of Moses The Story of Joshua The Story of Samuel

The Story of David The Boy Who Would Be King The Story of Absalom The Captive Boy The Story of Daniel The Boy Jesus David the Shepherd Boy Joseph the Dreamer The Good Shepherd The Babe in tne Bulrushes The Good Physician The Child Jesus

Twelve Beautiful Books

Larga quarto« picture board* 40c aach

The Boyhood of Jesus A Book of Mirados The Saviour of tha World The Disciples of Jesus The Croat Apostle Paul’s Last Journeys

Father* of Mankind. Mo*o* and tha Promised Land Soldiers of the Bible Rulers of tha Bible Stories of th* Prophets Heroines of Bible Stories

Children of the Old Testament Children of the New Testament

The childhood of famous characters in the Old and New T«eta- ment*__David, Benjamin, Joseph, Ruth, Samuel, Jesus, and tha Aoo.tie. Told in a simple and Interesting style, for young clUl- dren. Each book is illustrate! with four colored plates. Cloth. Attractive jacket in colors. Sis* 6 * « 5 inches.^ ^ ^ If money does not accompany order, goodsjrUI be *«■«_C. O. D. If books a r e to come b y asail add lO% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cat_________

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