King's Business - 1926-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1926

“ He Is! I have seen the Antichrist!" For nearly an hour he sat on his chair, his mind wrapped in deep thought, and occasionally referring to a book of prophecy which Tom Hammond had evidently deeply studied. At the end of the hour, he bowed his head upon his hands, and held silent communion with God, seeking wis­ dom to write and speak and live the Truth. CHAPTER III. “ TO THE WORLD, THE FLESH, AND THE DEVIL” |HE next day was Sunday. It was also the first Sunday of the month. As he bathed and dressed, Ralph found himself wondering whether the churches and chapels would be filled, whether the awe and fear that had fallen upon so many Christian pro­ fessors during the first hours after the “ Rapture,” would drive them to the churches. “ The first of the month," he mused. "The Lord’s Supper has been the order of the day in most places. I wonder if it will be celebrated today?" “ Until He come!” he mused on. “ He has come, so that the Lord’s Supper, as part of the worship of the churches is concerned, can have no further meaning. Will any attempt be made to celebrate it, today, I wonder?” Every available moment of the fateful week that had Just passed he had occupied in deep reading of the prophetic Scriptures referring to The Coming of the Lord, and the events which follow. He had also studied deeply every book on the subject which he could secure, that was likely to help him to understand the position of affairs. Again and «gain, he had said to himself: “ How could I have been such a fool? A journalist, a bookman, a lover of research, professing to have the open mind which should be the con­ dition of every man of my trade, and yet never to have studied my Bible, never to have sought to know what all the startling events of the past decade, pointed to. Surely, surely, Tom Carlyle was right about we British— ’mostly fools.* ” At breakfast he ate and drank only sufficient to satisfy the sense of need. Previous to “ The Rapture” he had been a bit of an epicure, now he scarcely noted what he ate or drank. Almost directly his meal was finished, he left the house. The Journalistic instinct was strong enough within him to make him desire to see what changes, if any, would be apparent in London on this first Sunday after the momen­ tous event that had so recently come upon the world. Turning out of the quiet square where his lodgings were. A Thankful Friend makes us all truly happy ............. A host of loyal missionaries on distant fields of service, and countless lonely shutins nearer home, would regard you as a true friend indeed for sending them a subscription to The King’s Business. You may secure the low club rate of $1.00 per year each in U. S., or $1.50 foreign, by sending five subscriptions at one time. And for those numer­ ous other friends who are not now regular readers o f The King’s Business, and whose interest you would like to secure for your “Bible Family Magasine,” you may send a 3-month-trial for only 25 CENTSI Send a number of these. For every four trial subscriptions sent in we will give you a copy of that timely and appealing book, "Scriptural Inspiration vs. Scientific Imagina­ tion.” Secure a number of these for your friends. REMEMBER: The International Lesson Helps will make their appearance m The King’s Business ( monthly ) commencing with the Christmas NumberI Send it to the officers of your Sunday Schooll

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